The shape of what we sought
took a strange turn: It was this,
the soft giving in, not the
metal and cut of it, not the wet brine
or the slow and long grasp I had
planned for. It was silence we came to,
watching our bodies become the years
away; the skin and marble-hard sea
of premonition.
Those arm-on-the-back farewells
set now like clocks inside us, as naked
and close I was hope, and
you were what I can only call
consolation, as day after day you
remained a grief in my throat.
Sated with waiting we drifted here, itinerant;
not lost but unable to land. And then we did.
We prayed for a bit. Not often.
Touch became the sea of us,
and boated in bed I held you and waited,
for the end of something still ahead.
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144 words
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Retrospect has its coffers.
...I was hope, and//
you were what I can only call/
It was silence we came to,
watching our bodies become the years
away; the skin and marble-hard sea
of desire and its premonition
*, Philip.
"Touch became the sea of us." ****
*Oooh. "touch became the sea of us" and lots more.
This is beautiful, soulful.
Beautiful poem, Philip. Bravo!
You really don't need this stanza:
Those rare visits and the vast
conversations, laughter, solace
and the common mundane.
The poem reads better without it.
You're right, Samuel.
Nicely done. "Those arm-on-the-back farewells/
set now like clocks inside us. . . ," says reams in the image & simile.
Many thanks, to you all!