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The Day The Music Died

22012201 views1111 comments99 favs

I heard an old Stevie Ray Vaughn tune this morning. It triggered a flash back. It’s funny how just a few notes of a song can slam me right into a memory. A total and complete immersion. Sights. Sounds. Smells. The people. The place. The weather. Wha

Mother Tongue

22012201 views2323 comments66 favs

And when at night you stare at dark walls and one pair of lips comes closer, whispering in perfect German Ich bin deine Mutter -

How Dinner With John Updike Ruined My Teaching Career

22002200 views3131 comments1717 favs

Christmas Eve, 1989, I had dinner with John Updike.

My Totally Awesome Funeral

21982198 views77 comments33 favs

Construct my eulogy with dialogue snippets culled from old Brat Pack movies and deliver them with a straight face.

The Daughters

21982198 views3535 comments2525 favs

Their mother never teaches them to wipe front to back or to brush their teeth before bed.

The Sodomized Dictator

21962196 views2828 comments2929 favs


Broken Symmetry

21962196 views55 comments11 fav

It was not until my twelfth birthday that I realised the face I saw in the mirror was not mine.

On the Way to Your First AA Meeting

21962196 views4040 comments1212 favs

The memory of thinking in some other language

Anatomy of a Breakdown

21952195 views1414 comments99 favs

Can’t seem to put your clothes on today. You’re wandering in the little closet of your mind again, picking at socks that won’t stay up, shirts that are always too big -

Making Small Things

21942194 views2525 comments1919 favs

We were the same and different. I was wild, wild, and she was calm. A pair of dolls we were. Holding hands in thin white dresses. Running through fields. Spying on boys. Making small things from grass and weed and wildflower. One day (it was a Tuesday) al

Three Micros

21922192 views3939 comments2424 favs

He'll tell you if you listen long enough the words run together like the teeth of a zipper.

Thank ya, Jesus

21922192 views2222 comments2020 favs

We were always thrilled that the moon worked the night shift. In high school, often bored with the two drive-in movies, we'd sometimes go to tent revivals on our dates and get healed or get saved depending upon what that “tent-housed”…

All is Ready

21912191 views2323 comments2020 favs

I have bathed in patchouli oil and my heavy hair is lustrous from brushing. I am wearing my gold ankle bracelets with the ruby charms that my love gave me when we had been married one year. My robe is fuchsia silk and under it I wear black satin…

If Everything is Inevitable

21912191 views1616 comments99 favs

Christine comes back from the future looking tired, which is the opposite of what I expected. For some reason, I imagined the future as being invigorating. But she walks into the apartment and abandons her suitcase by the front door, collapses into a heap on the couch next…

His Name Was Do Re Mi

21902190 views55 comments22 favs

I unzip him out of skin. Find what is dark and black inside. Mistake jutting spine for zipper grooves.

A Well Dressed Woman of Recent Times

21902190 views11 comment11 fav

One Overcoat, grey striped; One Suit, fur trimmed, red velvet; One Evening gown and jacket, cretonne; One Negligee brocade; One Costume evening gown; Seven Straw hats; Four Shirts for riding habits; Four Collars for riding habits; One Negligee, green crep

Women Making Love to Monsters

21892189 views11 comment22 favs

I started dating the Minotaur because of Colleen; at the time she was going with a friend of his. The whole thing was a surprise to me because I'd never been attracted to Greek men. This is how it happened. Colleen's new guy, Ian, was known by many…

Wild Dreams of Reality, Chapter 1

21892189 views33 comments11 fav

I became a fool for Adrienne Parker the first moment I set eyes on her. Whenever Parker walked into Oliveira's Cafe my breath would stop. I'd try turning away, then find my gaze locked on her face. Maybe it was her bare arms that I found so appealing

Bear Costume

21862186 views66 comments55 favs

He ran over our elderly neighbor Lenard, but not on purpose, or at least not as far as we could tell; there wasn't any yelling, I mean, and he didn't look happy when he got out of the car, though who could really tell through a bear costume.

Red Fox Rampant

21852185 views3232 comments1919 favs

Shit, Marcie, I thought you were taking something. I mean you did say you were on the pill. I don’t want no screaming brat. Get rid of it.

Jesus, Borges, Jelly Roll

21832183 views1010 comments66 favs

It was Judge Fogarty who said “Thirty days in the market—take him away. Give him a good broom to sweep with—take him away.”

Diary of an Angry Psychologist: Wednesday’s Appointments

21822182 views1010 comments11 fav

--New Patient: Pearl, 48, 15:00 PM Pearl is not her real name. Her real name is Stella. Pearl used a fake name to get past the intake screeners. Pearl is my ex-wife.

Lang's Dragon

21792179 views1010 comments88 favs

Fritz Lang. Even before I ever met the miserable son of a bitch, with his monocle and superior airs, I hated him. In person, he was an insufferable asshole.

Peggy Guggenheim Visits her Favorite Question

21792179 views88 comments88 favs

Q: “How many husbands have you had, Mrs. Guggenheim?” A: “D’you mean my own, or other people’s?”

Dinner at the Harmony Restaurant

21782178 views1717 comments1111 favs

Balling my fists, I banged them on the retro-formica tabletop. The taste of pufferfish balls in an oleander-infused reduction with a seaweed and pomegranate side-salad tossed in a geranium-rottweiler vinaigrette rose in my throat.

middle of the night

21762176 views3131 comments1515 favs

Then the moon cried real white tears.


21762176 views5252 comments2727 favs

The gun is heavy. The tiny women hold it in both hands.

What Hands Can Do

21752175 views11 comment22 favs

I can't remember the last dog I spayed. It's possible that one of the techs gave her a dose of preansethetic in her cage before I came in, so that when I met her, she was already a little…

Baby Games

21742174 views00 comments11 fav

The sky is orange and red. It’s getting dark out by the time Sophie goes inside to tell Mom. The colors of everything fade together and turn gray, even the grass and my pink bicycle.

Quitting Smoking

21742174 views2525 comments1111 favs

After the affair was over, she told her husband she’d been smoking. Obviously he didn’t know, but he knew. One can never hide the fact that one has been smoking. He said he could smell it on her.