Their mother never teaches them to wipe front to back or to brush their teeth before bed. One of the daughters goes for weeks without washing her hair until the teacher complains she smells of their father’s cigarette smoke.
Their mother does teach them that if they wear their underpants two days in a row they will get sick.

The daughters take baths together and wash each other’s backs. One, one, one in a line and then turn when each back is done. Turn and turn until their backs are rubbed raw.

The daughters learn to clean the dishes with a dish rag, not a sponge. They learn that it is okay to keep butter out so that their toast tastes rancid, even when they cover it in cinnamon.
And they learn that it is fine to have multiple bottles of condiments open in the fridge. Once they count four bottles of ketchup in different stages of use with a skin of red oozing beneath each cap. There is always a scab on top of the plastic mustard container.

Their father cleans their ears with an unraveled paper clip. If one is not handy, then he uses the cap of a Bic pen. He squishes one of the daughters next to him on the couch, folds her head down over his lap. He digs at her ear wax while he watches the hockey game.
The daughters are not fond of this practice but do not complain. They lie across their father’s lap and listen to the aching scratchiness of the metal against cartilage. Every so often their father forgets what he’s doing and digs too deeply and the daughters flinch.
Stay still, he warns. I could slip and hurt you.
When he is done and the daughters are free to go the inside of their ears tingle red. The sounds of the world seem muted to them, seem dense.
This is great, Myf! I remember reading it before, and I keep finding more to love. These strange things that become in this family. You portray the "ugly" here, in all the best ways. Great to see it here!
Thank you, Kim! I believe I wrote this first for hotpants and got such great feedback from all of you great people.
Beautiful. I loved this when I'd first read it on Monkeybicycle, and I love it still. (The last section got me thinking about other ear-cleaning practices, like how Indonesians use grubs...)
Thank you very much, Wah-Ming. Ohh, I'd never heard about the grubs and now you've got me interested.
This is terrific. My mom did the hairpin in for ear cleaning. Barbaric. Great details here.
Thank you, Tiff! What is up with stuffing things in little kids ears?!?!? Can you imagine doing this to your baby?
Better and better w/ every read.
How the intensity is achieved is something fun for me to think about.
Oh Myf, one of my all time favorites of yours. I've seen that photo before. It's perfect here.
Thank you, Scott and Kathy. Kath, yes, you have seen that photo before. hee hee. The naked moi circa 1969.
I'm amazed at how you convey neglect and abuse so clearly in these little pieces of delicious detail, without ever telling the reader what to think. It's stunning and haunting. Wow.
Thank you for reading, Meg.
Such an intimate piece...there's an odd tenderness to the father's words near the end. One of my favorites of yours.
Thank you, Claudia.
Love the language, the movement from touch, smell, sight, sound, the enigmatic power of "I could slip" and "free to go." You're so good at writing this world. You could do a short novel of these sections and I'd be first in line to read it. (Well, people would be elbowing me, but I'd stand my ground.)
Awww, thanks, Pia! I really appreciate it.
This captures so much in so little time. This world of matter-of-fact life in all its beauty and ugliness and the last line is extraordinary.
Thank you, Katrina!
cool writing, myfanwy. - jessica
Thank you, Jessica.
eek, I grew physically uncomfortable when their Father used a paperclip to clean out their ears. Very effective. And what a great last sentence.
Thank you, Tim!
Thanks so much, Curtis.
I love love love the last line because it just seems to encapsulate the whole story somehow, and there is something so final and haunting about it.
Lovely and frightening! And a lesson in the possibilities of white space.
This story makes me smile every time I read it.
This is flavorful stuff.
I don't have exact words for it, but I'm hooked.
I'd buy the novel/collection, too.
hello. Great slide show of two girls and their family. I was hooked immediately.
Thank you so much, Kendra, Reese, Steven, Tracy, and Jared!
I too, grew physically uncomfortable with the ear thing. Especially the detail of metal against cartilage. Chilling and effective.
Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Tiffany.
Marvelous voice. This is strong work. I like this a lot.
You achieve so much with so few words--family, place, relationship--a wonderful read. Good to see your work again.
This is so powerful. Very visceral, very well written.
This is writing that becomes a tattoo on the person reading it. So remarkable.