Stories tagged daughters

The Daughters

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Their mother never teaches them to wipe front to back or to brush their teeth before bed.

Conversation on Thanksgiving

12021202 views88 comments00 favs

“You always use that as a crutch. You, a sixteen year old girl. The way you were…” She looked at me, shaking her head, looking at my body as if remembering some wrong, some thing that should not have been.


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It could be a rock in a box but if it has that paper it's as good as gold. Her sister carefully counted to see who got the most.

Dancing Moon, Dancing Men

5454 views1010 comments33 favs

She only knew her daddy's soft smile and rough hands across her cheeks would help her sleep and dream of a world without such struggles.


66 views00 comments00 favs

A mother tweezes her eyebrows in front of her six-year-old daughter. The little girl flinches every time a black hair is plucked.


7070 views55 comments11 fav

“You know what your problem is?” the mother asks—but it is not a question.

Coming Through the Rye

14131413 views44 comments11 fav

As I stood in my mother’s closet with my niece Chloe, and read the letter aloud, I was shocked to discover I had shared with my mother details about my love life.

He Loved Her (In Honor of Father's Day)

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A man strolled by with perfect posture and a masterful comb-over. Bud gave me that 'get him' expression; sitting there with his own low side part. We razzed him about it all the time, but he still looked pretty-damn-good for seventy-five.

No Such Happenstance

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Tabitha approached her daughter, eyes not managing to veer away in time to miss the tutu rising up the chunky ham legs.

Hill in Autumn

6464 views22 comments00 favs

Fall wildfire follows with leaves burning like embers of red, yellow, auburn and brown. She loved the view. Lisa Hill requested main floor access for her doctor, medical staff, and finally hospice where it seemed an appropriate choice for comfort and ca

Windshield Diamonds

318318 views44 comments33 favs

“There are diamonds everywhere,” I said as you pulled me down the walking path at the zoo. “No, that’s just a shattered windshield,” you corrected me. This many years later, I’m still undecided.

Lost & Found

346346 views33 comments22 favs

“Oh, hi” you said, gathering yourself half-awake before dramatically wilting again in a puddle of mechanic crochet.

Happy Meal

9393 views1212 comments77 favs

The girl loved the car for all the reasons her mother didn’t.

When I Am Dead, Let Someone Tell Him Of My Suffering

13861386 views77 comments33 favs

Susie watched the record, her mouth agape just slightly, the spinning vinyl unveiling the powerful sound of a voice she'd wanted to hear her whole life.