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Bootsy Goes on a Bender

13161316 views66 comments33 favs

Bootsy awoke with a hangover that only brain surgery could cure, a hangover that caused a seam to open in the known universe, leaving Bootsy on one side while all other matter sped away, away.

this time it really may, quite possibly, be the end of all of this ambivilence

13161316 views66 comments22 favs

her heart just nodded knowingly ....yes, dear

Corporate Zombie Voodoo The rantings of a middle aged male against the corporate culture of America

13161316 views11 comment11 fav

This seems to be what happens to the Corporate Zombie Cowboys. They get eaten by their own Zombie Kings. The hardest part is I can see them coming, I am on the menu, and I cannot avoid them.

Your Move, Blattarian!

13151315 views77 comments66 favs

Scavenge at that address only if you feel possessed of great courage, a profound faith in resurrection or reincarnation, or an impatient desire for a premature date with certain death.

The Blue Whale

13151315 views22 comments22 favs

The blue whale in the bathtub weighed one hundred tons and wore a grin like the Cheshire cat on steroids. Her smile stretched from wall to wall. Her blowhole scraped the ceiling. Sam never learned how she crammed her tail down into the drainpipe,…

Dead Woman's Shoes

13151315 views1010 comments11 fav

Loving you, I always knew, was a job I’d only get via a dead woman’s shoes. There you were, the recipient of pot roasts, fresh bread, at a loss amongst neighbourhood widows and divorcees. A tide of them rolled over you in calico blouses, cut off jeans

Reproductive Disneyland

13151315 views22 comments11 fav

Justin comes out of the bathroom, finally erect, his hands glistening with K-Y jelly as he chucks the girlie mag into a corner. “I'm ready.” Through the afternoon's soft-filtered light, Kelly watches him climb on top of her and thinks of…

Aged Beef on the Senior Meat Market

13151315 views44 comments44 favs

Burger King has rekindled Flame, its $4 broiled-meat-scented spray.

Keep the Peace

13151315 views1515 comments55 favs

I thought, what are we talking about? Botox?

Babes in the Bush

13151315 views44 comments00 favs

Holy shit, man, look at that!” Mike's pimply face melts into drooling bliss. His dad had stopped in this whacko town on the way to our campsite, muttered something about angry lesbians, and disappeared. Rick and I follow Mike's dumbstruck gaze to a shop…


13151315 views77 comments77 favs

They stand together in the doorway looking at the crib.

Little Green Rednecks

13151315 views00 comments00 favs

“I was listenin' ta one o' them Terran religious broadcasts 'bout Mother Earth when they up an' says that global warmin' was all the fault o' mankind, an' they had ta make the non-believers see that all the drivin' they did, an' all the stuff they bought

Reiki Master

13151315 views2121 comments77 favs

55 words, slightly naughty

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another

13151315 views1313 comments1313 favs

My friend says there's some kind of bug that bites its mate's head off after they have sex.


13151315 views44 comments44 favs

sex trafficking

Garph and Sparky Barker

13141314 views44 comments00 favs

Children, afraid of dogs cried. There was uproar of melee. Children strained at their leashes to get away.

All there is

13141314 views1515 comments1414 favs

You need buttered broths and to copy old writings by hand by very poor light.


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They stride the earth of their own accord, knocking down bridges, buildings— obliterating whole towns with each pendulous swing...

Five Being Ten at the New Afterlife Dance Theatre

13141314 views22 comments44 favs

We got our holes in our hearts bundled onto soft wrapping cloth just like the gentleman on TV said; with smiles we set out towards our matching end of the same old stories. That's just the way…

Mr. Creeping Hands, Gum-Popping Granny and Crabby Newspaper Guy: Welcome To Your Local Library

13141314 views99 comments77 favs

Giving challenging patrons funny nicknames is a "library thing."

A Girl More Still

13141314 views88 comments22 favs

Lena jumps in Tungi’s ride, a busted Cutlass with chrome wheels and booming stereo. She hugs him, presses her chichis against his. He’s wearing too much cologne, but Lena’s glad he’s trying.

Stories of Love Under a Full Moon

13141314 views22 comments11 fav

What do you do when someone’s in love and you know it’s wrong?

Dr. Norm O. Pathy, M.D.

13141314 views22 comments00 favs

He slumped forward, drooling into his lap.


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Necessary Heat

13131313 views55 comments22 favs

What is writing, Rick B.? You appear in your photo to be more handsome than your first brother. Sudden memory appears: "Question mark? Curvy: cock. Exclamation! Stiff: prick."

Out of Stardust

13131313 views66 comments55 favs

Nor woke, as always, to a dark room smelling of the lavender she kept in little bottles to perfume the otherwise stank air. Outside, she could still see the edge of the moon hanging there like a lopsided smile. The early summer wind blew in and stirred the faded floral…


13131313 views77 comments00 favs

We both lost our appetites, her sense of taste destroyed by the tide of smoke sweeping across her tongue, wiping out her taste buds. Mine was limited to the four tastes the tongue alone could discern,

Last Bell

13131313 views1212 comments1111 favs

Coward, cuckold, she taunts: So be it. He's not a young man anymore, nor as clever as he once was, or thought.

Is This Is The End

13131313 views22 comments11 fav

Tell them words are math counting forever four letters of truth

just a girl on a couch

13131313 views33 comments11 fav

behind the curtainof a ballsy fragilitythere lives an easethat was not easythere exists a gracethat is not always gracefulbeauty can maskcheekbones that sometimes look sadwhen they are smilingeven grin determinationneeds downtimethe prize is still thereeven if the eyes…