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Myra's Mind

948948 views00 comments00 favs

She once told me that cleanliness is next to godliness, but I think everything is next to godliness, if you care enough to pay attention.

The Cobbler and the King

28482848 views00 comments00 favs

“Mortal,” it said, and its voice made the cobbler’s soul tremble. “Why do you disturb our peace? It is late, and you should be abed.”

Western 49

549549 views00 comments00 favs

Everyday I take the Western 49 bus

Things I Have Done Instead of Celebrating Chocolate-Egg Day

10121012 views00 comments00 favs

Read that bit in Alice about the mock turtle soup

Daniel in a Den of Liberalism

13601360 views00 comments00 favs

He had forgotten what the culture was like in certain parts of the city. At the lower end of Second Avenue, there lived an amalgam rare anywhere in the world, save other pockets of Manhattan. Punks, hippies, gays, the homeless, and artists of all strip

An Exquisite Fall From Grace

835835 views00 comments00 favs

He lay on a wooden pallet, which he had placed inside a cardboard box that might have once held a refrigerator. Except the box was labeled “Robotic Endoscopic Surgery System.” His head was propped on a gym bag that contained all his possessions. Outside, it…

So then she says

879879 views00 comments00 favs

She says that she’s a prisoner in her own life, and if she wants to get drunk at two in the afternoon with a bunch of union men, then she’ll do it. She says I am welcome to go fuck myself.

The Night Bird

12531253 views00 comments00 favs

A night bird lands on the windowsill with a struggling copper moth in its beak. The bird cocks its head at Rasmus, then swallows the clockwork insect in a gulp before flying away.

The Strongest Girl in the World

13321332 views00 comments00 favs

At the edge of the forest, his sister began to complain about how everybody—their mother and father and all of her friends included—hated her. It was exasperating, the light she sometimes put herself in. The fact of the matter was that she received more


12611261 views00 comments00 favs

At night, on these New England roads, there is no light, no pink sodium-vapor glow, no guideposts.

Presley of the FBI

11241124 views00 comments00 favs

"You look awfully familiar," said one of the corrupt oil company execs to the dark-haired man with the sunglasses and big sideburns.

Breasts and Pickups

1202312023 views00 comments00 favs

Two giant greasy hands were working those breasts hard, squeezing and tugging and pulling. She didn't holler.

Refer Madness

990990 views00 comments00 favs

There is an old Indian story which says that if a person inhales basil fumes, then scorpions will grow in the inhaler's brain. We have basil growing all over our garden, so this explains the absolutely stinging sensation I feel in my cerebellum after cutting the basil hedge…


975975 views00 comments00 favs

After dividing the sabliereand after the outliers roll away,disappear,or sit like a thrombus between two fingers,will there be enough in the dayfor you to watch the sun saginto its everyday tomb,to listen to the sagittal sighof a passing evening,to eat the last fruits of a…

Fur licking City Cats

966966 views00 comments00 favs

Howling, prowling, yowling Baby Dykes, stalkin' chicks, throwin' fits, takin' hits! A thousand thigh divin', rosebud nipped, fur licking dancin' cats, (Claws in, claws out! Yes!) sniffin' that cradle of love.


906906 views00 comments00 favs

Adam, now Eve-less, stood before his most exquisite Bonsai, wallowing in the miseries of youth.Seth Gall has had work published in China, Canada, and the U.S. His work has appeared in Word Riot, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Nanoism. He is S.H. Gall in decomP…

The Nielsens (part two)

15371537 views00 comments00 favs

[continued from part one...]After sweeps, my schoolwork started to slip. I had trouble paying attention in class, and my workbooks and tests came back from the teacher marked in ketchup red ink. I had always been a good student, and this academic…

'Danny's Navel Adventure'

890890 views00 comments00 favs

Danny is one of life's armchair philosophers, and in a moment of complete absurdity asks himself if he has ever been in love. From that moment on he embarks on a quest to find out. Follow Danny as he searches for the 'Pink Blancmange', gets propositioned

up to our hips

666666 views00 comments00 favs

This is what we will remember of each other. Right here. Another night where we prepare ourselves, as the full moon rises through the murky blue and smoke-filled sky, where the rose mist simmers above the land. And you are out there, somewhere. Only our

Chipmunk Song

986986 views00 comments00 favs

Chipmunk SongChipmunk workin' in the roadside weedsLookin' all around for nuts and seedsSmall bird callin' from a hickory treeAll's right with the world and all's right with meChipmunk searchin' for nuts and seedsLucky fellow finds all he needsAs for me all I desireIs a…

Tales About You

713713 views00 comments00 favs

You said you stopped writing because someone killed your muse. Assassinated, shot out of the sky with a high-powered rifle. When your muse hit the ground, there was a loud groaning thud, a rumbling shockwave that went through buildings and beyond into the network of roads…

the plural river

837837 views00 comments00 favs

Like large drops of rain on the active lap of earth, I heard myself falling all around the vacant spaces where you had once been. Emptying myself with dissolution, trying to alter the essence, to begin again where we had left off, as if to wind string b

Confessions of a Likeaholic

12301230 views00 comments00 favs

"Something happens in a magical, soulful part of the heart...and you see YOU. You see yourself." "I can't look at myself."

In the Dillard's Parking Lot

36013601 views00 comments00 favs

My niece Katie is wailing outside for all the world to see. We are standing in the Dillard's parking lot and she is drawing everyone's attention. Well, everyone in a 46-block radius. It has just been that kind of weekend--a wailing weekend. My sister-in-

The Devil's Pass

10871087 views00 comments00 favs

“Devil’s Pass.” It had the highest rate of vehicle fatalities per year in the entire State of Colorado. Everyone in my state drove like a bunch of stupid rejects, so I asked the guy just how many? He replied, “Four thousand for the entire state!...Nin

Corkscrewing, Pt. II.

16221622 views00 comments11 fav

Well, just put your hand on my knee, alone in my room, perv, unasked-and-unflirted for, go get a date, you coward, you limp-dicked male bitch . . .

The Perfect Plan

12111211 views00 comments00 favs

They screened the thousands of mosquitoes that hatched, and found a few carrying the botox transgene. In a few months time, several billion mosquitoes had been bred, ready for release. Now to wait for that diplomatic flashpoint, when war could be declared

Another Plastic Surgery

25042504 views00 comments00 favs

He told me to count backwards from 10. I was out by 8. He was now in complete control of my life – what a helpless situation.

inflamed flower of your youth

689689 views00 comments00 favs

What was it about you that so inflamed the flower of our youth? That you could touch lightly that which illuminates all splendor and simplicity? That you could reach beyond mere flesh directly into the gates of heaven, and put me there, floating within

some god

692692 views00 comments00 favs

I remember a painting of a young girl (this could have been me) who had just given birth. She was almost smiling while she slept. Her upper lip was violet with exhaustion. One hand left up behind her head where it was thrown during the exertion of birth