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Christmas Presents

931931 views22 comments11 fav

There’s something Dad’s been telling us that I don’t think is true


949949 views22 comments22 favs

That afternoon, after I'd swallowed that weight. Felt like a sinker, one of those weights that fishermen attach to their line to make sure the line goes down far enough. Go down far enough there, and I'll find it. That's what I was on about, that I had…

September Morning

16031603 views22 comments33 favs

Helen’s mind is not on business. It’s on a pinpoint, a potential, a something so microscopic it’s more a nothing. In her center, it hums.


10811081 views22 comments11 fav

I am exceeded / by a leaf

The Rider

837837 views22 comments00 favs

"The rider rode his bike in Arizona just about every day and for all the usual reasons....."

My Cousin & I

10431043 views22 comments11 fav

My cousin and I walked around the village at night. It was beginning to rain, but we walked on. She had a jacket. I didn’t because of course. She said: “Sometimes I just want to know if he’s settling or he’s really in love with me.”

Really Beautiful Skank

917917 views22 comments22 favs

She really was a beautiful skankFeral coated and dusted with sugarAn inked up divining rodTelling us on earth what God thinks

Serving Up Apathy

10371037 views11 comment00 favs

"Did you want that with the shrimp or the chicken?" the waitress asked. "Uh, shrimp is fine" the old man replied. "I'll be right back with some more bread" the waitress plasters a fake smile on as she walks away. 'What the hell am I doing. I've got a BS i

Sacre Something

10331033 views11 comment00 favs

My first abroad journey completed. A picturesque way to end it all, really. I’m into that, I think to myself: making things play like movies or dramas or as beautifully as I can make them.

The Shredded Carcass of a Small, Helpless Animal

10171017 views11 comment00 favs

It gets eaten.

Anxieties of Absence

10801080 views11 comment00 favs

On beach trips with our families, there were bumper cars, jet skis; flash enjoyments, beach-themed distractions.

My Period Blood.

17341734 views11 comment11 fav



10241024 views11 comment11 fav

I used to love myselfin hidden burstsforbidden momentsof pleasure in my morning bedlater, I numbedmy senses and stumbled blindlyinto wild sensationsof releaseand called itecstasyintensity is a drugfear, grief, anger,as seductive as joy,makes the heart pump,the blood rush…

The Abstracted Man

800800 views11 comment00 favs

The abstracted man lacks an inside. He is a body. A shell. An exterior that encompasses nothing.The abstracted man yearns to fill himself with adjectives. He lumbers through streets. No adjectives fit. He finds adjectives where we discard them. He carries them in his…


12541254 views11 comment11 fav

Background foreground life in the middle

Five Million Yen: Chapter 5

11561156 views11 comment11 fav

Then he took the tune out to Ben Clarone land. The horn was beautiful, if leaky. His fingers flew over the keys.

5 Things I've Learned After 5 Years of Reviewing Small Press Books and Writing 2 of My Own

956956 views11 comment22 favs

In today’s print-on-demand and digital world, there are unlimited avenues for aspiring writers to circulate their work, but deregulation and limitlessness often leads to chaos. Writers are more inclined to release unpolished work that fails to rise to the

Frankly, I'm Not Doing Well

621621 views11 comment00 favs

TW: Self-harm. I wanted to write a mental health essay that wasn't all rah! rah! and with as little sentimentality as possible. Out of everything I've published, I've gotten the most feedback from this--people telling me it helped them understand a loved one better, etc.…

The Runaway Train

685685 views11 comment11 fav

Me? I was a runaway.


874874 views11 comment11 fav

Most days you couldn't win; the constant nag from the fact that it was all a game was your only comfort. I was at the unemployment office again. The gal at the counter'd seen me enough to know when the printer was out of ink so she could walk away.

Not Here and Therefore Everywhere

867867 views11 comment22 favs

Sometimes I try to hum / along with the air conditioning, / and pretend I do not exist, but am merely / the space that fills the room.

Key Cutting

811811 views11 comment11 fav

City cars packed with eyes

The Mate

808808 views11 comment11 fav

It sits there, watching, waiting, multiple cycles over.

running, returning

944944 views11 comment00 favs

The broken car horn wailed for 40 days and 40 nights.

6.0 in Eureka

892892 views11 comment11 fav

"Shit," said the Charge Nurse. "Not again."

The Scarab

11721172 views11 comment11 fav

He thought the scarab was bad luck. I knew too little about omens to argue.

Black Hole of Beauty

10681068 views11 comment11 fav

Surrounded by a stressfull sense of trying to understand the human condition. The flawed characters in the story speak of past violence and conflict. It is about a boy who is dealing with a recent suicide attempt on his own life & the regrets that come wi

War Story : Alternate Duty

868868 views11 comment00 favs

They say that air traffic control is stressful work and I guess it is for some people. It did require a lot of concentration but that never bothered me much. I could keep the position, bearing and altitude of a couple of dozen aircraft in my head without


15641564 views11 comment22 favs

My parents were married for forty five years. “A lifetime,” is how the rabbi at my mother's funeral describes it. The man says it with such a tone of familiarity, of genuine sadness, that one might think he has known and adored my parents all their lives. But…

For Irony

970970 views11 comment00 favs

They all knew he had cancer before the doctors gave the final verdict. His wife wept and his parents held him tightly. It was a dreadful time for all. Out in the hall his children looked on with fearful faces and shook their heads as he begged them inside with a…