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One Man's Post

801801 views22 comments11 fav

There was a bottleneck ahead. We slowed down single-file, me behind, to wait our turn to pass the doorway of a vacant storefront church. In it, a lone black man sat atop an empty plastic milk crate. Nobody looked at him; they were all slowing down and cro

The Small of Her Back

678678 views22 comments11 fav

The small of her back, where the downy hair stands upright like wheat in the summer light.

Nocturnal Bypass

10321032 views22 comments22 favs

As I fall to the ground I realize that in a few moments I will be experiencing a new kind of pain. The last pain. The last pain I will ever feel.

Wandering Kisses

705705 views22 comments11 fav

Your wandering kisses entered my soul Then my flesh, then my holes You filled them all Like a Norwegian hall Like a Swedish sailor Drunk with ale You fell inside me And you’re falling still It was a thrill I can’t sit still I got a chi

Everything Foreign

962962 views22 comments11 fav

In college, I made friends with my Jewish roommate. Her name was Leah and she was from Brooklyn. When she asked me home with her for Thanksgiving, she mentioned we could go to synagogue together. I asked if there would be other black people there. "No," Leah…

Professor Einstein's Living Proof (an excerpt)

10821082 views22 comments22 favs

Light “I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.” The professor arrives on time, sockless. The former a sign of his polite upbringing. The latter, his lack of pretense and high …

Naming the Scourge We Made

648648 views22 comments11 fav

To give proper credit where due, one name suffices for what humanity likely will be dealing with for decades or centuries to come, and that name is “Technogenic Climate Change”.

We The Kings

743743 views22 comments00 favs

when the jewels weren't on his head; they were in his eyes.

Your Pet & Vet Conciliator

702702 views22 comments11 fav

There is no love triangle more tangled than that which snares a pet, its owner and an amorous veterinarian.

Knocking off the edges

930930 views22 comments11 fav

The chipping sound started around the time Susannah reached puberty. Not all at once, it was just now and then at first.“What's that noise?” she'd say, and everyone would cock their heads to listen. Her mother eventually took her to the doctor. He said it…

our ragged wits, ragged minds

940940 views22 comments00 favs

Our ragged wits, ragged minds, after acting out all, imitating all honey-like tunes, air song, excellence of song, true flower of the world. So the sun has some of its honey wintered away, to bring it into contact with such a human voice as yours.

Novel Excerpt - Full Chapter of Jimmy!

16081608 views22 comments11 fav

Jimmy Gollihue awoke to the howling of a bloodhound ...

Cadillacs, Candy Bars and Boogers

739739 views22 comments00 favs

I won't ever forget the image of my father, behind the wheel of the Cadillac he so loved. Even as a ten year old, and more as an adult, I could never figure out why he loved that car as much as he did. I must explain that he was really my step father,…

Three Examples Of Male Arousal Without Desire For Intercourse

21802180 views22 comments33 favs

Suddenly it’s as though a wild creature has swung in from a tree through an open skylight. Everyone in the place recoils and looks around to see if there might be others like her. But it’s just her.

Matchbox Car

959959 views22 comments00 favs

Clatters and clatters ensued, and the splash destroyed all denial.

Sunday Morning in the ER

11051105 views22 comments22 favs

We do the work of fixing people like him?

Times Remembered

959959 views22 comments00 favs

Delightful days spent at the beach. Children building castles; as parents watched waves glistening under the afternoon sunlight. Sanderlings running with beaks down, hoping for a tasty morsel through the ebb and flow of tides. As time went by, briefcases,…

Art Takes Over

594594 views22 comments00 favs

She must fuck like a marmot That’s all I can say, if he already turned his back On the Statue of Puberty To get near to her What do you think it means? He joins the hierarchy Where they sit On the steps of life And she passes the healing

His Heart’s In the Right Place

716716 views22 comments00 favs

Andy was puzzled. “Why, then, does everyone say my heart is in the right place?” “I think that’s just an expression,” Doc said. “It should not be taken literally.”

Plantar Fasciitis

14301430 views22 comments22 favs

"Don't fuss, hon. I just lick it off like tequila."

The Mayor

11171117 views22 comments22 favs

The streets downtown belong to the people. The people wanted greater transparency. They wanted Mayor Abok to be straight and narrow with them. They wanted their streets to be level and safe to drive their vehicles on. They wanted their streets to be usefu

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 14

921921 views22 comments00 favs

I only knew that my heart was not in my life as I was presently living it. I needed the breasts of my Helen in my mouth forever, or I was going to die. Die! Ah, the life of a poet! I couldn’t go on living like this. Why should I go on living like this?

Neil Gaiman

10701070 views22 comments00 favs

“Tell me a story,” he said, toying with his top hat, running his fingers along its brim.

Bloody Toe

728728 views22 comments11 fav

Owen had never seen his boyfriend cry, but while he was in the bathroom having a cigarette through the open window, he heard Devin sniffling and coughing back tears. A bit shocked, he decided not to confront Devin or acknowledge that he had heard. Italian men could be…

Outside Saltillo

6969 views22 comments11 fav

A poem.


874874 views22 comments22 favs

A speech that could not have been anything but earnestly prepared, sweated out under a hot light bulb while june bugs thumped against screens, delivered to fellow graduates, relatives, a state senator, the high school principle, and faculty representatives, all seated …

The Business of Shadows

10171017 views22 comments00 favs

The flowerpots across the street from Frank’s room at the Place d’Armes Hotel never appeared parched by the late August sun.

What Happened To The Rain Dance?

855855 views22 comments11 fav

The water quality will give you a hint

Upwards, Into the White Eye Rising (Parts 1-3)

10481048 views22 comments22 favs

The Argument: A couple of young female lovers, one slightly older than the other one, decide to part ways. The elder has contracted a terminal illness, and they decide the best way to part ways would be by joining together through a suicide pact.…

Shaken But Not Stirred

12801280 views22 comments11 fav

It happened right after I had taken my Uzi to work, retrieved it from my Brooks Brothers briefcase, and fired it upon my desk and its assorted discontents, their paper lives bunched together by clips and notary stamps of approval, now set flying and free. I then walked into…