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What We Had To Do

16161616 views33 comments22 favs

The dismantled moon was not cold in our hands, but warm, smooth beneath its shell as baby flesh. The musk of its damp, stringy innards filled us with sorrow.

The Morning

915915 views33 comments00 favs

loudly mimics

Five Million Yen: Chapter 60

909909 views33 comments00 favs

Thérèse Defarge felt the first drop around ten.

In The Eye of the Dark there is Everything

225225 views33 comments22 favs



11261126 views33 comments22 favs

Being an uncredited bonus composition, written in the sublimest access of divine afflatus this poet believes his lyric verse has ever known. “In olden times, dark was not counted fair”: Those were the words, I think, of some old poet. …

News Sequence

751751 views33 comments11 fav

On-air personalities inflate a balloon Trump head to the point of bursting.

Animal Crush

784784 views33 comments33 favs

two pairs of arms and legs


10851085 views33 comments22 favs

Tell you what, if people only knew what the buggo does to your insides before it shellacs your outsides they'd think twice before dancing. And guys like us, we'd get parades. Guys like us, oof-oof! Im-mune to romance.

Caterpillar on a Chalkboard

11131113 views33 comments22 favs

What do you want me to tell you about this next full moon cycle that you don't already intuitively seem to have touched upon in your latest bout of almost there dreams? It too will pass? That it is a totally different unfair animal from the repellent one already…

Finger Lost Finger Found

10191019 views33 comments11 fav

Little Roy Farrell'd taken a bite of his fourth grade teacher's ear as she bent close to help him sound out the word “grace.” Doc Felter had sewn most of teacher's ear back on, but by seventh grade Roy still couldn't read and never understood that he'd in

Keep more opinions to yourself

878878 views33 comments33 favs

You read your fortune cookie:

Until We See Again

857857 views33 comments33 favs

I saw a big dog By the side of the road I saw a small deer By the side of the road A little maroon water in a glass As I was driving home Under darkness With the wind that was under a rose New blood will fill the earth And we must lo


14511451 views33 comments11 fav

Over fifty plastic flamingos stood silently at attention... as if eating sea urchins out of our lawn.

A Deal With Tomorrow

10581058 views33 comments11 fav

I suppose I'd rather Tomorrow be heroic. It would make the passing of time less villainous.


14071407 views33 comments11 fav

In every word there is both music and history. Music from the way sounds come into union with each other, and history in how they get there. There is form too, sure, but I am not a calligrapher. I'm a scribbler if anything. And so my sentences look mo


737737 views33 comments44 favs

The oceans have no sides

Here, You Are Alive

298298 views33 comments22 favs

He doesn't tell her that he is married, and that his five year old daughter who is living at your house has a mother back in that same city


11721172 views33 comments00 favs

Theresa Esposito woke to the smell of pignoli cookies baking. The sweet scent made her stomach rumble. She was ten-years-old today. And she felt ten. Her hair, her ears, her eyes, her toes — everything felt ten.

A Day in the Life of Mike

10461046 views33 comments11 fav

This is a very impromptu piece written at two in the morning based on a prompt from Meg Pokrass, who insisted the following words be used: fussyhairybloomingslipperyflutterdamppaleweedsyanking “Maxfuss” was his password, which was appropriate,…


945945 views33 comments11 fav

I know you through the rich dark brown soilcrumbling in my fingers like chocolate cake.I imagine you nurtured bell-shaped papayas,coaxing their smooth, leathery skinfrom green to yellow,while mangoes, the colors of the island sunset,hung with their tantalizing sweet…

Slaloming the Siphoners

17841784 views33 comments11 fav

Hipster-neutral dressed simulacra-person offers a glance and a wave, sudden as a ping-pong serve, designed to crowd your space and "pal" you but I dodge it — I'm practiced at this.

The Story

974974 views33 comments11 fav

He pronounced the Afrikaans word with the vowel sound like the vowel in dour. It meant box, but it also meant cunt.

Future Children As Rocks

682682 views33 comments33 favs

I feel like I should tell you things about strength.

With an Emphasis on the Shine

13521352 views33 comments33 favs

How her camisole strap falls, her bare shoulder, her tattooed arm like an old, Coney Island mural. That dream she had: I bought her a fake, diamond necklace in Manhattan. She wanted to kiss me in the alley but was afraid of the rats


13001300 views33 comments44 favs

My people rested naked sandwiches on the arms of chairs, and always had an open saucer with half melted butter, a block of Velveeta cheese in the freezer, an open rice cooker.

Fake Letter: From Your Gay Son

15791579 views33 comments11 fav

Dear Mom, You told me the connection between a mother and her son is like no other connection. You carried me for nine months. You scheduled visits with the doctor; you thought and discussed and re-thought and re-discussed with dad what my name would be; you…

Fugue No. 3

777777 views33 comments00 favs

The falcon cannot hear the falconer. The rain comes down in sheets.

Friday 13.10.1307

10221022 views33 comments33 favs

This is a warrant for your arrest.

Spring in November

970970 views33 comments33 favs

It is dead, for a time. Sometimes we are all dead for a time. Our lives leave off, sleep under the weight of snow.

The Offspring of the Hazardous

245245 views33 comments22 favs

Can you see the dark advice?The offspring of the hazardous.Plath's worst poemswere Daddy and Lady Lazarus.Would you explorethe narrowing tunnelsof such splendiferous narcissism?Would you call so passionatelyfor a much better resurrection?A myriad of livesthat rise like…