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Momma's Elephant

977977 views44 comments33 favs

...she had marked the stars with a blue pen, connected the dots to make Andromeda, Cassiopeia, told us of the gods behind the stars...

The Passing of a Hero

910910 views44 comments11 fav

"...and time came hurtling behind him, gripped his shoulder/ jumped clean over him like a buck goat/ the world aged but he did not/ he spent his afternoons in an old car with fake leather seats/ drank cold beer under the olive trees/ or lay in a hammock/

Rain Song

10011001 views44 comments44 favs

Feelin’, feelin’ good, down-fallin’ down/rain, rain, rain came today,/wet alfresco alchemy

Remembering Ginsberg

11601160 views33 comments22 favs

Remembering Ginsberg who howled through just about everybody's idea of the real weirdo poet

match point

12051205 views33 comments33 favs

two roses her eyes aqua-blue no, blue-green

At the Juvenile Bubonic Plague Telethon

11131113 views33 comments22 favs

We’re not like a lot of your fly-by-night disease-based charities. Every pence we raise goes directly to St. Bartholomew’s, where 90% of it ends up in the pockets of doctors so they can buy expensive horses.

Please, tell me of the smell of the moon

13831383 views33 comments33 favs

Do you know first hiss of batter hitting groundnut oil in a shallow pan, I ask, on a morning after a long, dream-ridden sleep?

Excelsior - A Poem in 9 Parts (post 1 of 5)

12181218 views33 comments33 favs

Excelsior: A Poem in Nine Parts Preface: Musings on a Lighthouse by an Eastern Isle (Suggested by a painting by Mario Larrinaga) It is bright tonight; this plain, displaced from place In Time's broad flight, yields…


12161216 views33 comments00 favs

“He looks funny again,” the twins would say. “Cow looks funny, Mummy.”


957957 views33 comments22 favs

driving and standing in front of the same car

The Arrival

10651065 views33 comments22 favs

On a certain level, everyone was relieved when it finally did happen. They had been waiting a long time for it. Finally, they could relax. There was no reason for anxiety anymore.


944944 views33 comments11 fav

After ten days in Jeddah, I start to miss the rain back home in Tennessee....

Induce Me

970970 views33 comments33 favs

Life's a beach? A bitch? Same thing.


710710 views33 comments00 favs

A salesman, a born salesman like my brother, is always and only involved in the Moment, and it is the sale itself that is at the heart of the moment, and my brother Harris was really at the top of his form as a salesman. It can probably best be said, th


888888 views33 comments00 favs

We fall through two feet of clouds and dragons before we land softly on our feet in clover and crab grass.

Morning Promise

10491049 views33 comments00 favs

There are many times in my life when I look back and wonder how things would have been different if that one single day, one single moment, had never occurred. If I hadn’t gone there, if I hadn’t seen Tony, if I hadn’t sent him instead of going myse

Cross Country

10351035 views33 comments22 favs

The train seemed unusually empty this morning. Not that I minded, the night before the train had picked up three travelers which brought the car’s capacity to about half. Two men and a woman. Luckily, I wasn’t burdened with any as a seating companion. Mak

Luminous Nights, 1

709709 views33 comments11 fav

It happened almost overnight. There were long lines of cars at every filling station. There was anger, open hostility. Cars were backing into one another in line, trying to jockey for position. I don't think anyone could believe this was really happening

Swaying on This Articulation Until We Slow

874874 views33 comments33 favs

In Nebraska, I looked up from the flatness, to her face, then down to the page and saw this: Real people have joy.

Unintentional Hermits/ Animal Cities- The Helper

942942 views33 comments00 favs

So this was how it started. The next day Kia returned to sit with him a bit and the next day and the day after that until the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. Eventually she found out his name was Saul, that he had no 'proper' job, was o

The First Day on Snowshoes

718718 views33 comments22 favs

I can hear my heart in this empty field; I feel it burn against the wall of my chest.

A Hiaku for Her

11991199 views33 comments33 favs

the lonely, only

Velocities of Disputation, Fact, Measurement, Perception, Volition

710710 views33 comments33 favs

Contemporary cosmography tells us that both our extravagant valorizations of freedom and our dim regard for some conceptions and exercises of freedom are themselves . . . influenced by sheer physical velocity . . . .

the curtained claws of shade

605605 views33 comments22 favs

with so many thick curtains hung out to shroud/ so many unlit eyes, Night you’d think could spare/ a small few for our diversion . . .

Second Career

660660 views33 comments44 favs

“Just how many different bipeds try to hide their nakedness?” “Only one. And that'd be us, idiot.”, Twinkle responded. “Then, why don't we mind showing certain parts of our bodies?”, she then asked. Twinkle could see it was going to be…

Kiss Me Quick

10341034 views33 comments33 favs

You, who reaches in, touches me in that moment of decision, and knows I’ll be everything you’ve looked forward to tonight.

Together in Tuscany

902902 views33 comments33 favs

Here comes the bus. It’s going to Tuscany and is full of pronouns: he, she, me, you, it, them, us, we, and you again.

My Not Entirely Serious Predictions for Season Four of Sherlock

950950 views33 comments11 fav

The BBC's “Sherlock” is among the most popular shows on TV, and there has been much speculation among die-hard fans like myself about what the upcoming fourth season will hold. Having consulted my own crystal ball, here's what I see happening: Irene…

Personal Hell - I'm Not Scared, Just Disappointed

10971097 views33 comments33 favs

Satan is a wide-eyed Pollyanna mime who communicates with a ventriloquist dummy that corrects my grammar, speaks in internet acronyms, tells me that I’d be a lot prettier if I just smiled more and lost fifteen pounds, and nags me about how all my problems

Isn't It Funny How Some People Don't Think They're Contemptibly Stupid?

13231323 views33 comments22 favs