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Collapsible Horizon

12701270 views44 comments22 favs

Mama sleeps in bed with us. The blue of her ghost sleeps underneath me. I love her more than anything. What does she think when we are naked, when we yell, or mimic, imbibe, curse, cry, shake, make love, roll over on her, want to die?

Father's Day

590590 views44 comments33 favs

I nudged my old man's boot from the coffee table and picked up beer cans. The boots were chewed-up and he still wore the shirt with his name, but he'd retired. There were little burn holes in it from welding and smoking. I emptied the mound of Lucky Strikes. He talked in…

Tiny Breaths

891891 views44 comments00 favs

Fire and ice undo me. I am born again, born again through the burning ice and biting flame. Listlessly floating cinder-like on lost cusps of wind that multiply with every with every single with every single breath. Spitfire grail and…


926926 views44 comments00 favs

like a hundred cracks of thunder / or my brain seizing up, going all floppy on me ...

The Creative Use of Meal Time

10451045 views44 comments00 favs

We’re more into the punishment that works its way in through the skin and coats the heart anonymously.

Were I Konstancja Gladkowska

11511151 views44 comments22 favs

My playing would falter languidly, and transcend itself like a wishful Nocturne

Thunder at Midnight

14181418 views44 comments44 favs

I’ve had it to here you see.

Hot Dog Hot Dog

11331133 views44 comments44 favs

A man on the sidewalk dressed as a hot dog hits a triangle dinner bell with a clang and yells for everyone to come and eat at Hot Dog Hot Dog. We were feeling more like fish and chips or spicy pulled pork, but there's something about how…

Drinking the Wild Virgin

843843 views44 comments33 favs

I really think we ought to be drinking The Wild Virgin again I remember having a beer once And feeling like a minor god, yes Just like you did So, now, listen to me: if she snores all night That’s one thing But if she screws the lights out


13991399 views44 comments55 favs

PORNOGRAPHY First He went across the floor to where she sat. One sleeve of her shirt dropped to show her shoulder, salted and brown. One hundred fish filled the wave. Now, he said. Now is now. Second The car wouldn't…

Noah's Ark, NYC

10581058 views44 comments22 favs

Two by two they come walking down 7th Ave girl with girl boy and girl boy and boy two pigeons strolling side by side two robins two crows walking stiffly like two pieces of anthracite coal two spiders two dogs sniffing each oth

Lottery Ticket

11991199 views44 comments33 favs

  Tony sat down in the hotel room with his back against the wall. He had a handsome face, with three-day stubble growing from it, his pupils very large as if frightened by something, or from deep thought. In his hand, was the winning lottery, Periodically he would get up…

The Distance of Advice

13671367 views44 comments44 favs

She has a mercenary way of doing business and she's pretty shrewd. I make her stand outside to smoke her cigarette. I stay inside watching her stance as she violently tugs at the barrel, tearing every ounce of smoke out of it, then stamping it out as I wo

Aged Beef on the Senior Meat Market

12981298 views44 comments44 favs

Burger King has rekindled Flame, its $4 broiled-meat-scented spray.

And so, like a kind of molting

10461046 views44 comments44 favs

So for now, let the snow fall, but let it fall gently, each flake as a soft piano note

Green Dots

543543 views44 comments44 favs

"It just makes sense to be nice to everything that lives."--Aurora AksnesLike Aurora, my favorite color is moss green. Anything else is a lie told to throw you off the scent. You will abandon her. Just like you will abandon me. Green. We were walking…

On Living in New York City in 2009, After Watching a Documentary on New York City in the Late 1800s

12761276 views44 comments22 favs

God's honest truth, I wake up every morning when my clock punches out its dulcet, insistent clangs, a setting called Ultra Zen Up & Out. I brush my teeth with a blue dollar store toothbrush and watch one of the five morning TV shows designed to let me know the weather…

From Below

11351135 views44 comments33 favs

I can hear the echoes clearly. They are distinct and crisp, almost as though they're all on exact trajectories to me from their final bounce, without any interference. Each sound, while unintelligible, seems to fit perfectly and expectantly into my ears


753753 views44 comments11 fav

Her heart is the color of fuck. Not the color she'd imagined; the soft pink of parting lips, the fading hand print on steamed—up windows, like Leo and Kate in that fancy car the night it sank. His car was a dented jeep…


203203 views44 comments33 favs

Fold in the edges. Careful. Creases marked and thumbnail pressed. Don’t look up. Fold in the edges. Concentrate.

Sparky's Gambit

11811181 views44 comments22 favs

Sparky took to me immediately. In some atavistic canine way he knew I was simpatico to a dog like him.

Who Set Off the Liberal Detectors?

968968 views44 comments22 favs

I sense that I may have won a few hearts and minds with my stirring peroration. "Can I get anybody a Republican Party beer koozie to take home?"

Out of Vegas

927927 views44 comments33 favs

Whatever it is, the night vibe feeds off that disadvantage, nibbles at the desperation of those who come here.

Edward Ogle the Ninth

961961 views44 comments33 favs

Vanilla bean trampoline

Lawnmower Season

12771277 views44 comments33 favs

"this is the year I'm going to plant a yucca tree in the garden."


12001200 views44 comments33 favs

Until the ivy hides me in

Save the Spinning World

820820 views44 comments44 favs

or do we tickle each other's private stocks of fancy instead? I know which one I would choose, but so do you, and that's how the question's always changing places with the wrongheaded answer's velcro-lined vest, bullet to blasting…

Mondo Ben

723723 views44 comments00 favs

Two girls in vests hogtied his ankles and wrists with a severed lamp cord and barbed wire, spun him dizzy around the room.

Thirteen Ways of Looking at Blackbeard

10111011 views44 comments22 favs

Across the placid sea/The only moving ship/ Was eyed by Blackbeard


954954 views44 comments11 fav

Sharon called me “Wolfie” (very sweet!) and I distinctly heard her gasp, “Jesus!” when I entered her the first time on my dad’s ski boat, while you and Rick DeMille came swimming up behind us, yelling out my name: “Pharaoh … Pharaoh.” We