Alphabetical stories

black tulips

11371137 views1212 comments55 favs

the memories return like they do every year at this time

Black Wheat, 1

636636 views22 comments11 fav

They left their great need behind when they were taken out of the country They live without thought of that blood They do not respond to anything that calls to it They are shallow They feed on image (alone) Blood does not shake their heart

Black Wheat, 2

11161116 views55 comments22 favs

They are really living (they) say things they don't mean . . . Do not know what they say Take the path without heart, seeing the image . . . The moon rises above them It does not move their blood Nothing calls out to their blo

Black Wheat, 3

649649 views22 comments11 fav

(it) looks out at the world from behind a film (it) does not participate (it) is slow to love . . . There is the image And they say they are in the world . . . Blood does not shake their hearts They lie and take your s

Black Wheat, 4

572572 views33 comments00 favs

They like drugs They are concerned with the self (alone) and they say they are in the world . . . Maybe they don't have this blood that calls out to them or they do not hear it Ride in their convertibles unconcerned Nothing is calle

Black Wheat, 5

652652 views00 comments00 favs

Maybe love shouldn't exist . . . If we follow this notion there is no great need Where does it come from, this great need? . . . If (it) is in the blood how do they get it out? If not, where is it If they do not allow thought

Black Wheat, 6

766766 views88 comments00 favs

The soul was in the eyes but (it) isn't The animal is in the body and can't be hidden One senses the density of the blood there Occasionally the soul rises to the surface Occasionally the animal comes into the eyes They use people and throw them away

Black Wheat, 7

755755 views11 comment00 favs

They use people then throw them away They are after the image There is a desperation in (it) They behave as if they must have it It must be a drug to them Are they that able? . . . They bring it over here and then all they want is im

Black Widow

12061206 views99 comments55 favs

Hair as black as a Raven’s wing. Dark eyes. You wore a black dress, too, my favorite color.

Black Widow - Snack Whore

940940 views33 comments33 favs

“Psst."I paused in my tracks as I walked in front of the building where Two Doughboys used to be.I looked around. The streets were deserted. I saw the big “For Rent” sign in the empty window where the sweet smell of pizza used to emanate. “Over…


833833 views66 comments11 fav

When I was a small child, my father was just barely a man, and he was independently wealthy. So it didn't matter that he was an adolescent inside. There was never any mention of "working." No notion of career. Just the girl he knocked up and the amusing…


15481548 views88 comments44 favs

All the neighborhood kids waited for the school bus on a small cement slab at the bottom of the first big hill on Blackhorse Road. My mother made me scrambled egg sandwiches on wheat toast every morning for breakfast before I left for school. Then one mor

Blackish by Reason of the Ice

10861086 views99 comments88 favs

"Sara, do you taketh it with your eyes?"


850850 views22 comments00 favs

forsake glass; structure; light; the impermanence of here, or there, or you, or i.


11331133 views33 comments11 fav

The blackout lasted longer than anyone thought. From my fifth story window, the whole city seemed to shut down. I heard noises above me. How could it be?


10501050 views11 comment11 fav

The Bird King is trapped behind the mirrors. Sometimes you'll see a hand, a wing, fluttering in a dark space. You may even see his breath, a pulse of mist in a corner of the glass. But don't ever smash his silvered prison. Don't ever let him out and into the world.*****O…


11021102 views33 comments22 favs


Blades of Grass

781781 views1717 comments88 favs

What are the odds of August rain in Texas?


15531553 views99 comments1010 favs

I get out of the pitstop at the reststop, wade through parking lot hiphop. Hummers with Jesus Luvs George W bumper stickers, and a subdued slow hurricane of dour obese women in powder blue and tepid brown walking about the place like zombies. And I see t

Blame It on The Good Stuff

865865 views00 comments00 favs

That was nearly two years and a thousand smiles ago.

blanck (1?)

11541154 views22 comments33 favs

① / empty space / not black / not white / not noise / blanck

Bland, weak, spoiled, slaughtered

17881788 views33 comments77 favs

Their wedding gift to us was a night out with them and tonight was the night. But, you see, Rali and Kate had so much more to offer us than we could ever think to register for. They were giving us an exclusive guide on how to live as an up and coming coup

Blank Checks

835835 views88 comments88 favs

Then he said something that really made sense, said he kept a blank check in his back pocket...

Blank Future

14101410 views00 comments22 favs

I might as well just keep driving. Past my exit. Beyond my job. Just drive. Until the tank runs out of gas. A blank future is better than this bleak one.

Blank Inside

964964 views11 comment11 fav

She remembers the days when she could have purchased every card in the store and found the words to fill them all.

Blank Light, Wooded Light (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.7)

938938 views00 comments00 favs

Ships tumble, cars crash, horns gulp water, bombs burst up from the ground in a halo of screams.

Blanket of Ivory

977977 views44 comments00 favs

Diane couldn’t shake her compunction. Though eight and a half months had passed, nothing felt right anymore. Their conversation played out in her dreams, and stilled her during everyday errands.

Bleached Mutiny

717717 views11 comment00 favs

The geese are smart

Blemish in the Blood

11151115 views1414 comments1010 favs

Warning: some of this is true, some of this is not.


480480 views22 comments11 fav

The first thing Noah did, more or less, was plant a vineyard.