20 4 1
Just breathing is hard, harder than anything she has ever had to endure, but she wants the memory of the snow.
1416 3 1
"Special delivery for a friend?" he asked. "Postcards are a wonderful thing. All people want to do nowadays is send e-mails. But what's better than putting a postcard on the fridge?"
24 1 1
I dreamed of murder. Truck drivers, bikers, hitchhikers. More often the girl whose family was driving her to college.
16 2 1
I tell my wife that for just $36 you can buy a year’s supply of bananas to feed one rat. Or you can buy a “love nest” for a breeding pair of rats.
171 4 2
In Washington Square Park in the center of the fountain and cupped by delusion he whirls and turns shirtless
169 6 2
creating the man-machine ... standing outside the Men’s room waiting for the gates to be thrown open
1285 2 0
Someday they'll find me face-down in a puddle of ink.
156 2 0
“While you’re down on your knees, dog-boy, lick my shoes..."
99 1 0
a face all of gold: metallic, her features painted atop a golden skin-mask
91 0 0
Juliana was a beautiful graduate student to begin with, but when Alex made her a vampire, she became a knockout to die for.
117 0 0
Nanette got off the N train and climbed the stairs of the subway station, feeling oddly relaxed though still her hand held the stun-gun inside her purse.
109 0 0
Her pen was the same color blue as the flags that flew outside the NYU buildings
62 2 0
One day, Dirk the mechanic stood in the service bay underneath a Cadillac, sucking the knuckle he’d just bloodied
1030 0 0
"I want more grandchildren to spoil," the woman said. Will took a swig of beer at such moments. Maxine only answered with “someday” and looked over toward her husband. She knew it was his fault, didn’t really know why, but blamed him anyway.
132 2 0
Nanette no longer thought of home