It's the final round of the third-grade spelling bee at Sacred Heart Elementary School in this small Midwestern town, and you could cut the tension in the school's gymnasium with a wooden ice cream spoon.
Other men looked up and, rather than feeling pleasantly surprised at the sudden sound of ethereal metal crickets in their presence, left the restroom after hastily finishing their silent shaking. Mitch joined them, feeling like a coward for being afraid o
While I didn’t like to see Courtney swat smokes out of his mouth and admonish him, saying “Cigarettes. Bad. Fire. Bad,” her home was such a beautiful place, with its real wood and two TV and all...
We were a perfect match of broken pieces of flesh and cobalt. We moved in waves of couch plastic crinkling and clicking.
Robin is sick of being a sidekick.
"I am just sick of it," he says.
He is standing in front of a head shop. The manager is high, aroma leaking from his tee-shirt. He isn't sure if Robin is part of his trip or not, but he isn't going to
"Alice," says I, just avoiding being hit by her outstretched arm as she falls into a faulty breaststroke, "Would you like to come join Jane and Michael at the park this Sunday with Mary and meself?""Bert," says she, taking a long breath between strokes, "you know I'm…
This luscious lady fairly reeked of exotic perfumes with names like the gods of French erotica. She was wrapped in Armani, and accessorized with trinkets and leathers you can only find in the upscale, trendy boutiques of the Galleria.
They slept in the same bed but that was all they had in common. He, an editor, had shelves filled with literary works and she, his wife of many years and never much of a reader, had strewn their penthouse apartment with Madeline children’s books.
“Now,” my friend said. “Tell us about earthquakes. Can we expect one anytime soon?”
“Monetising the mecosystem” Theobald blathered, “extend the value proposition, core competencies create cash rich commitment free conurbations…partnership models proliferate non essential services spawning new opportunity…” Peregrine tried to
“You own your own burial plot, but you don't own your home,” he'd said, and I couldn't help but agree.
I'm beginning to think vampire novelists aren't even trying anymore.
For starters, someone must be dead. That’s the golden rule to remember here. And if that someone is mom, you’ve got a hit on your hands.
This story is so stupid even I can't believe I'm writing it.
I get out of the pitstop at the reststop, wade through parking lot hiphop. Hummers with Jesus Luvs George W bumper stickers, and a subdued slow hurricane of dour obese women in powder blue and tepid brown walking about the place like zombies. And I see t