After years of unsustainable binge spending and a global economic semi-meltdown, most people have had to cut back on their expenses. Many folks are struggling to make do in this new and bewildering economy and we are all learning to live on our means, rather than beyond…
The end was not enough.
Five hundred luxurious souls carving up what remained of the world for their own good use.
We lurched forward together the extra inch or so that brought our lips and noses together to play their own game of getting to know you...
“What? Someone broke into your apartment while you were there and did what?” “The dishes.” “The intruder did the dishes?” “Yes.” “The intruder did the dishes?” A second time, skeptically, “And left a sweet note.” You would clarify.
"Never! Use sugar! Except! As a prefix . . . for daddy."
"Never! Use sugar! Except! As a prefix . . . for daddy."
Please don't call me Spock. That was the plan, to call me Spock, as reported by bloggers when they first began posting rumors I was a guinea pig in a “top secret government project”...
A squirt of adrenalin alerted me to the slim figure wending through the maze of reading desks. Capt. de Maupassant. Damn. Headed my way. My quickening pulse and a surge of gut chemicals told me the sadistic bastard had me in his sights.
“Lady, you want me to take a drug that will give me a permanent hard-on while I'm here in prison? You are joking! You think I want some drooling troglodyte cutting my dick off and feeding it to me in a hotdog bun?”
“My god, Al, you're gray. Oh, no! You're going bald!” She laughed again, louder this time, and reached to grab what was left of my hair. I pulled back and grabbed her wrist. I let it go.
“You look pretty good for a zombie, Joan.” I tried to keep from smiling, and failed. She did look good. Chestnut hair, dyed, of course, and some age lines in her face, but...
“OK. You're the CEO of a multinational corporation that buys politicians, hires foreign labor at slave wages and, worst of all, sells addictive poison to children..."
I was a laid off teacher with a pocketful of dreams and a closet full of masters degrees. It all short circuited and I hit the bricks to pick up the pieces of my life and reinvent myself. I tried a couple of dead end rackets that were one way tickets to nowhere. I did a…
Now they tell me this was all part of the plan, the research project. Get me out of office, disgraced and behind bars...
When practical I much prefer soaking in a bath than dashing in and out of a shower, which had been my only option in prison the previous six months.