Stories tagged politics

Robert Kennedy Remembered by Jean Baudrillard

31473147 views66 comments44 favs

K is eating a banana. He says to me, "There is no end in the sense that God is dead, or history is dead. I would prefer not to play the role of a thoroughly useless prophet. I leave that to others, like Gene McCarthy."

American Kids

19541954 views55 comments00 favs

Bristol likes Levi to fuck her with his hockey mask on, behind a tree in the church courtyard.

The Greatest Public Works Program

17071707 views11 comment00 favs

Hope wakes starving/ in the storm,/ to off and hunt.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

7373 views00 comments00 favs

The next day was my faculty trial, and things grew real intense around the campus of that little college. A large crowd of students began to gather around the base of the building that housed the administrative offices, where my hearing was being held. Th

I Don’t Understand ?

8585 views00 comments00 favs

SHE: I hate you, don't leave me. Let me drive you away so you will stay. You ask about the worst of me, what I've told nobody and hidden just out of sight. I'd say it's hidden below the surface, but I wear it on my sleeve or just under it -- so you wil

And nothing changes

102102 views00 comments00 favs

Democrat/Republicanlofty idealssway the conscience of peoplestaunch conservatismstifiles the publicstalematenothing changesbad ideaswrong ideasdifferences lost in the D.C. windthoughts left or rightinstability awaits usAmericans stuck in mediocrity

If I Was A Bum

10221022 views33 comments00 favs

If I was a bum I’d risk everything for a drink or a smoke I would beg and curse and steal if I was a bum If I was a bum I would cuss out the Pope I would not vote for anyone because I would know truly they’d be telling gross lies

Lenin's Paintings

14281428 views22 comments00 favs

I was going through Lenin's jewelry and his paintings with a team of experts. I got the idea that I was hired to verify his paintings, although I didn't know he painted.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

1616 views00 comments00 favs

I lived for a time on Red Square in Berkeley. You may have heard of it. It was run by Von Rotten (that’s just plain Von), who was considered the Vladimir Lenin of the Foul Language Movement of Poetry (FLMP, pronounced “Flimp,” sometimes “Flump,”

Low On the Hog

12321232 views66 comments22 favs

Living lower on the hog than anticipated lower on the hog than previously expected lower on the hog than desired Living on the underside of the hog belly pretty much bouncing on the ground beneath the aforementioned hog belly Living clos

The Forefinger of Lenin

14861486 views1010 comments44 favs

Who puts Vaseline on the forefinger of Lenin? I want to know

Driving Through Mississippi Wearing a Chin Beard in 1964

10001000 views22 comments00 favs

Ah, the nerve of hot-blooded youth! But the drinking age was only 18 in New Orleans, and we couldn’t resist the call of all that legalized drinking (even though I had fake I.D’s my roommate at Urbana had given me.) You and I had already consecrated

If I Was a Bum

1111 views00 comments00 favs

If I was a bum I’d risk everything for a drink or a smoke I would beg and curse and steal if I was a bum If I was a bum I would cuss out the Pope I would not vote for anyone because I would know truly they’d be telling gross lies

Eff the Vote

2626 views44 comments22 favs

While my rival was irresistible, I found her tax plan disgusting and her morality views puritanical. I couldn’t resist, though, her fascist primness.

The Road Trip Trilogy

11781178 views00 comments00 favs

...It's my advice that this Fourth of July the Office of Homeland Security post the following instructions on your web site — people should act like my dog Lucy and just stay inside under the bed and tremble...