Stories tagged poetry

Woof (in honor of Gary Percesepe)

7474 views88 comments00 favs

Professor Plum Delivers His Last Advice on Expectations in the Workplace (Some Notes): In twenty-four minutes the world could end up missing and yet begin again a million times. There's only one lesson to be learned on this globe. Power corrupts. It…


965965 views11 comment00 favs

I saw the little family that lives under the neighbor's backyard deck two weeks before while decapitating grasslets

Road Sign on Interstate 5

611611 views88 comments55 favs

A poem about one iconic aspect of my experience growing up on the U.S.-Mexico border. This poem first appeared in Rattle #30.

To the Bear in a Neighbor’s Tree

16601660 views33 comments11 fav

In the night, a several-hundred-pound Black Bear scaled our neighbor’s back fence, bounded down the gravel footpath between our houses and, confused by the people and lights, followed his instincts up a large pine tree across the street...

To Be Undone

10841084 views11 comment11 fav

. . . hands before your face, heart without blood . . .

No Direction Home

242242 views2020 comments33 favs

I trusted oceans, moon in the water, and praises lost in the wind’s throat, before the world made good its promise

The New World

898898 views00 comments00 favs

And so we conquered.

Days of Fate and Destiny

520520 views33 comments11 fav

“What is the essence of time in mind’s eye?” The old man turned to me and answered. ‘I lived my life filled with patience.

What is this Irritating Wonderful Feeling?

1616 views11 comment11 fav

You were just another stupid cute teenaged girl

Two Riders

9898 views55 comments11 fav

You are modern child, age 48. You wear a modern child's uniform—indoor soccer shoes, headphones and handheld video game. Your hair sprouts like cauliflower, a mass of gray. Your beard is salt and pepper, and hands are worn. Thumbs are broke skin and jaw is slack.…

Two Anniversary Sonnets

182182 views00 comments00 favs

First SeenI think I tried the crossword puzzle first,gave up, turned on the air, had Chex® and popthat didn't do enough to quench my thirst.My stomach turned as we began to dropand I rushed to belt in and sit straight, dryas twine, and just as taut. Man, I was tight!I was…

We Settle In

126126 views00 comments00 favs

For Mother's Day 2005I plop upon the bed. My foot is sore.You change into your jams and grab a book.We settle in. A scratching at the doorand I stand, let the cat in, and head backto bed. I settle in. We don't have waters.You rise and bring your glass around the bedand take…

Trimming the Tree with Isabella, Two

198198 views22 comments11 fav

First off, the tree is crooked. Down I goto struggle with four sappy, rusty screwsthat will not budge. Outside, the dusky snowcollects upon the porch. My daughter chewsa clear bulb, disembodied from its string.“Do you want glass inside your mouth?” I…

At the Down Home while Guy Clark Sings

278278 views1515 comments22 favs

the savage weather of his story

2 Poems

16111611 views00 comments11 fav

IN THE QUIET TIME Forgiveness and forgetfulness are words I sometimes think have worth to just the dead; Though envy creeps, I grudge no man's rewards: There lie no guilt-edged thoughts against my head. The funeral march bears off, away from mind, The petty…