Stories tagged poetry

socks still soggy, turn, turn

107107 views00 comments00 favs

a man's gotta dohis laundry when it rains.there's a cactus on the windowsill.way over therea lady folds sheets.I read a chapbookby eddy elbow comma.really, most of ithas long underwear.

Act I: Cookout. Enter BIRD, SMOKE

127127 views00 comments00 favs

Yellow and brown mustard bottles on the tablecloth! Betty plays checkers with beef patties on the grill. Everyone wants to stick their blue plastic flatware in the potato salad. There's a cardinal on the fence. Bill bumps a croquet…

for this before me, these words only

118118 views00 comments00 favs

I see you dozingface-down nakedsave a black brassierewith a right footon a left thighlooking tarot-esqueas a verticallyhung fooland feel like the wizardwho came up withthe gas-powered combinejust now sipping brandy,about to stand up to receive a prestigious award.

on the deck

130130 views00 comments00 favs

A lean red ant meanders out from under a vinyl-covered mini-bikeacross a dome of lumber-frozen snow. It skirts narrow water-frozengaps between uneven cedar planks on the back patio. A brittle, nakedlattice of lilac twigs rubs its wood together and reaches up throughthin…

PALTRY POULTRY POETRY: A Collection of Unprose From the Mind of a Senile Teen

186186 views33 comments00 favs

Author's Introduction Teenagers go through a lot of hard stuff during their growing up years. I should know because, as of this writing, I am twenty years old and just out of the teen era of life. It's kind of a weird feeling to know that from here on out I have absolutely…

39 Miles to Tupelo

4242 views11 comment00 favs

The cows in the nearby pasture / look the same as anywhere else.


526526 views22 comments00 favs the mangrove killifish!

Plymouth Circle

535535 views11 comment11 fav

...the Unitarian minister who / inspires you to share your Easter eggs / with those who are not hunters.


567567 views00 comments00 favs

and now I'm buzzing / through the muggy air / behind fireflies and night /bugs, whipping my gauze / wings in a blur of minimal / intention..

Two Birds Falling From Lime Twigs

6363 views00 comments00 favs

...strange dogs swimming / in a school of fish

Ravine camp with crates arranged in a half moon

7373 views22 comments11 fav

I saw the satyr eyelashes and forearm chalk / and gold rings through his nostrils so I asked


11921192 views88 comments00 favs


sharing words

3030 views00 comments00 favs

it's all too simple to write these words and forget why we try so hard sifting through word play looking for meaning not there soon losing desire... but not losing track or focus of what drives us; it lies in plain sight. yet is far from reach

Human Spirit - a poem

12421242 views00 comments00 favs

It feels for an exit.

A Pleasing Land of Drowsy

299299 views3131 comments99 favs

Your body remembers the word for this, but you’ve no way of telling it...