Stories tagged poem

wolf shirts

366366 views11 comment11 fav

Guys who wear wolf shirts sign the backs rather than the fronts of cheques.

Dancing Beneath a Gazebo

12661266 views33 comments11 fav

We learned to dance beneath a gazebo / in Spring Lake Park / We were fourteen

Eddie Says

13401340 views2424 comments1616 favs

At night they floated through my dreams / like paper dolls, whole flocks of them, / in synchronous motion, hatless / even in winter, lest they muss their hair.

The Simplicity Being Enough

962962 views44 comments00 favs

You read my poems, Not because you like them, But just to find yourself, Mentioned in them.


8585 views66 comments11 fav

no need to scour the world for portents

Go Yonder and Worship, part 1

13591359 views22 comments11 fav

In the blue of the yard the twins boil and scrape, twisting about beneath the sycamore tree.

Getting Back to Zero

7171 views22 comments11 fav

If the train moves slow and your head is full of bloodyou can look downward andsee where you came from. If your eyes have swollen and seem ready to pop forth from your skull, you can alwaysstop seeing and feel…

Black Wheat

8686 views33 comments22 favs

Black Wheat They left their great need behind when they were taken out of the country. They seem to live without thought of that blood. They do not respond to anything that calls to it. They seem shallow. They feed on image alone. Blood does not

Blind Man With Brown-Eyed Girl

1717 views00 comments00 favs

Blind Man with Brown-Eyed Girl A blind man walking by with a good-looking girl, who sees. So she describes herself for him. “My eyes are brown, dark and wide.” He says: “I asked the sky what it meant. Naisiusiu. You know, the sound that

Blue Grass

507507 views1717 comments66 favs

To find Kentucky...

Some Girl

3030 views22 comments00 favs

No matter how many times I brought someone home, down into the basement, after awhile there came the knocking on the door at the head of the stair: “Jerry, what are you doing down there? It’s ten o’clock already, for heaven’s sake. Dad and I are

Good Use

883883 views66 comments22 favs

I found a field where all the unanswered prayers were once buried but someone someone someone had dug them up again and was putting them to good use

Kronos and Thorns

116116 views33 comments11 fav

In the rose garden Beneath a clump of weeds

To My Future Ghost

618618 views55 comments00 favs

Oh, by the way here’s my old phone number 548-7899 Remember? Call me It will ring somewhere in the past We can make amends

The Faceless Girl Tells Stories

18611861 views99 comments22 favs

spreading gilded pages with a tlickt