1547 18 14
1137 6 5
977 4 2
954 5 3
941 9 6
1047 8 6
1031 12 9
209 12 9
--What happened? Where are your shoes?
--They were slippers, she said. And they were too big. They were my mum's, besides.
--Well, what happened to them? It's frigid.
--They fell off. I lost them crossing the street. One of them. The other was taken aw
1474 12 10
I hate math. I hate everything about it.
1466 13 13
we share somewhat the same past
he was bureau chief of ABC overseas
1388 8 7
next time i come around i want to be a redwood.
1 0 0
She is an old soul. We talk of Barbie dolls and school. Her hands weaving stories. Maybe a hesitant smile. Eyes soft, earth-brown pansies, sadly martyred.An old man steers his car up a hill. Passes through hoops of sky before powerlessly plunging. On the news I hear…
816 4 4
790 6 6
A son packs his bag - bottled water, extra masks, and jerky. Mom paces behind him. “Don't go.”
754 8 6
“No,” he says. A simple lie. “I -” He pushes the sleeping bag off of his legs. Their getaway reset was a mistake.