Stories tagged love

The Signed Edition

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Now I see it! She broke up with him and he left a whole stack of the books she had given him out on the sidewalk where I found this signed edition of your novel because she had once given him a copy of your book signed by you for

Love, Story

31453145 views6464 comments4141 favs

I don’t read fiction he said dismissively and it was such a profoundly ridiculous denial of something so essential like saying I don't breathe air or I don’t make love or I don’t like music for fuck’s sake that all I could think to say in response

Almost There

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...children live in the moment like no one else. Which is a good lesson for us all, especially when crossing an ocean. Because out here you are alone with the rhythm of your thoughts and the ghosts of your past.

I Wish I'd Learned To Dance

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Pride, and fear of my own clumsiness were my enemy. I was paralyzed, and I misread the import it had for you. I believed everything we said, and took for granted that I could surprise you one day, and sweep you off your feet.

You'll Have To Come Out Because I Won't Let You In

14691469 views66 comments33 favs

the pollen of your kisses and the shouts of your love shaking the sky

Letter to Neruda

16361636 views99 comments44 favs

You have been my woman’s lover now for seven years, ever since your two souls met at La Isla Negra.

Just Like I Read the News

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two died that year / well, you know . . . . / baby you can drive my hearse / it couldn't get much worse


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Everything seems still, but it's not.


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My brother Herb married his high school sweetheart right after completing college. This was a girl named Beryl, whom he'd met originally in Mr. Reinert's marching band at York High School in Elmhurst. I remember one day in particular in the middle of the


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To be fair, I have to say I learned things from Lisa, certain things about sex and how to use my body effectively, to use what I had to the best effect, though it probably would have been true to say that about any girl who might have been the first girl

In the Air Tonight

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But that last night in Europe, getting ready to fly out of Amsterdam back to the States, I heard this Phil Collins song, “In the Air Tonight,” which expressed some of the turmoil and confusion and whole-life hysteria I was feeling inside. Waves of fru

The Same Things Keeping You Here

1818 views88 comments00 favs

All those things they said would make us sick, simple as living.

Angels Carry the Sun excerpt: Chapter One, In the Woods

13491349 views55 comments33 favs

Chapter One In the Woods Everett Finn liked white-bread sandwiches. In June, Flora forfeited all her free cafeteria lunches to sit with him during his quiet lunch breaks in the classroom. "Eleven more days until graduation," she told him. He sat…

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

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I lived for a time on Red Square in Berkeley. You may have heard of it. It was run by Von Rotten (that’s just plain Von), who was considered the Vladimir Lenin of the Foul Language Movement of Poetry (FLMP, pronounced “Flimp,” sometimes “Flump,”


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Terry worked in a factory out in Northlake where she added a little squirt of milk and another little squirt of cream to those tiny half-and-half coffee creamers you find at every motel in the country. The owner of that factory hired only women to work