Stories tagged love

The cycle of being married to Somebody

115115 views66 comments33 favs

Here is confinement. Here ties his enthusiasm to his waist and chains his ankles to obscurity. He must be there, sharing his face, telling his news, receiving his praise.

The sound of your shoes

802802 views00 comments00 favs

The smell of your chest, and the taste of your lips as they touch mine

Wild Dreams of Reality, 6

15791579 views22 comments11 fav

The diner was half filled with the loose ends of humanity that stayed up until five in the morning. We picked a booth by the window. The light in the diner was a dingy yellow, and the seats were that lobster-red vinyl that could only have been installe

Love Will Suck You In

6868 views33 comments00 favs

Liquors gonna suck you in sweep you away Earthquake’s gonna suck you in sweep you away Tsunami sucks you in sweeps you away Nothing’s gonna stay or be permanent nothing’s gonna

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 10: In Which A Vital Fact Is Recalled

880880 views00 comments00 favs

Late spring, summer before cancer. Frank drove Max and his pal Jason to Cincinnati for their first rock show. Less Than Jake at Bogart's. A two-hour drive for ska-punk.

Wild Dreams of Reality, 7

13441344 views00 comments00 favs

7 We sat in Darrell's truck in the deserted silent world of the down-trodden industrial area of West Berkeley, where no one in his right mind went at five in the morning. "Put the gun away, Darrell," I said. "I mean it." "I can't help but keep

Pretend You Don't Exist

9898 views33 comments00 favs

A train came out of the dark to the platform they stood on, not billowing white-grey clouds of smoke, but flashing blue sparks from below. They boarded and sat on the straw seats offered, porcelained straps hanging from above, dark shadows flying past the

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 11: In Which An Accusation Is Debated

926926 views22 comments00 favs

He gave her cancer. He gave her cancer. Not what she said. She said her relationship gave her cancer. Her relationship with him. Gave her cancer.

March Madness

12081208 views1010 comments33 favs

“I’ll be damned,” he said. “I never knew where that was.”

When a Bowl Hits a Tree

15801580 views1919 comments88 favs

You would think when a bowl hits a tree the sound would be fierce, a loud clatter as stoneware explodes on birch bark dispersing shards in daffodils and grape muscari, but the noise is gentle, a thudding clink like empty bourbon bottles rattling hollow in…

Wild Dreams of Reality, 8

12081208 views11 comment00 favs

Darrell and I pulled into my driveway after being out all night long. A slash of sunlight fell across the purple Mexican sage beside my front walk. Except for the birds in the trees, there seemed to be an odd serenity to the air — until I spotted one

The Break-Up

8484 views22 comments11 fav

You could tell immediately what these great muffled sobs were. Clint was dumping one of his girlfriends. Exactly how many were there? Could have been a dozen, for all anyone knew around the apartment complex. There had to be at least five anyway, since

Who is the Emotional Orphan ?

5151 views00 comments00 favs

A wise man said, after being told of his impending death from a terminal illness, “I lived my life exactly the way I chose, and I intend on living my death the same way”. So I started some soul searching…how had I lived mine?

Famous Female Artist

11861186 views22 comments00 favs

I remember being sent a picture once from one of my old roommates, Louise, back in Chicago where I came from. The photo was taken when she’d come out for a visit to California. In the picture I am sitting on the front stairs of my house in the Rockridge

Their Next

14791479 views77 comments55 favs

The base of the monastery before him, he let her go into a warm updraft and she cascaded out and up, never falling as she rode the tiger into her next.