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The Hound - Part 3

929929 views00 comments00 favs

The bullet split her head in half before she could finish her sentence. Her blood sprayed out onto my face and covered my lips. The taste of life as it suddenly ended.

The Majesty of the Infinite

10231023 views00 comments00 favs

The other night at work, some kid was in for swallowing a snail's shell. He was nine and, according to the computer, did not have cognitive insufficiency. That last bit was probably put there to make us all not feel guilty about laughing at him.

The United Church of Cigarettes

951951 views00 comments00 favs

Most keep their eyes closed. Some look up at the cloud covering the kneeling ecclesiastical trash perched high. Others look around, overly warm.

Perhaps It’d Be Better If This Were In a Sandbox

700700 views00 comments00 favs

I'd been sleeping on a couch. It was the couch of another artist, a friend, the kind of friend who makes you want to think in star patterns that dance across galaxies and warm distant life forms that are impossible to see. This friend made me feel more like…

Memoirs from a Book

685685 views00 comments00 favs

I know you want to hold me. I won't break. I love you. Your hands - when they caress me are soft and gentle. My words speak only to you. They speak of love and of how we spend…

Hermano Sandwich

11001100 views00 comments00 favs

His mouth smiled but his icy eyes did not. "You like it?," he asked with a thin deflated voice. "Old family recipe. Enjoy."

Not Another Day In The Machine.

944944 views00 comments00 favs

I A sparklerman zig-zagged across the skies, re-arranging stars in its path. How bright his stick-like and jaggy limbs twinkle, I noticed; even noticing my surprise. No longer 'simply sitting', I was. 'It is time' I mumbled. The room was melting, si

Sing Sorrow Sorrow

12591259 views00 comments00 favs

Lean closer, she smiles, smell my perfume let yourself be taken to a wild forest where owls grow and trees fly.

Biz One-Upmanship 101

11221122 views00 comments00 favs

"One-upmanship" is a strategy for defeating an opponent somewhat unfairly without actually cheating.


12901290 views00 comments00 favs

Vito stood before the mirror combing his dark, freshly-cut hair. He trimmed his thick mustache, then buttoned his black vest. He liked its tight fit against his muscular torso. He had difficulty fastening the top button of his white shirt, the collar tigh

Sex Tape

13571357 views00 comments00 favs

When he suggested to her that they make a sex tape, because that’s what everyone was doing, she wasn’t really surprised. And there was a truly repugnant part of it that fit in with her desire for moral self-flagellation.

What We Have Now

534534 views00 comments00 favs

Who was that human who first began to walk on two legs as he crossed golden African plains?

But You Said

895895 views00 comments00 favs

A decade, at minimum, was how long their notes had transpired.Still, they all knew how it would end.

'We're generically stamped. Aren't you generically stamped?'

10341034 views00 comments00 favs


The Open Window

763763 views00 comments00 favs

I drove around the city that evening, beyond lonely. What was I to do? My friends were gone! I hit the nearest bar and ordered myself a strong drink of concentrated Oros. The barman was a tad gobsmacked, but he saw the dismay in my eyes. After filling him

The Temptress

11061106 views00 comments00 favs

My mystery woman smiles a hidden smile through her mask, and attempts to seduce me with her eyes. She says not a word, but brings up her hand and beckons me with the classic one finger curl that says, “Come hither.” Her eyes make promises, and she turns:


833833 views00 comments00 favs

We’re on the phone dead battery & I want this to last forever. The last thing I want to do is make decisions.

At the Brooks Brothers Hip Hop Summit

10611061 views00 comments00 favs

I pat my pocket to make sure everything’s in order; a Starbucks blueberry scone to sustain me, a $50 Brooks Brothers gift card from my in-laws, and my “piece”–a fully-charged BlackBerry handheld device.

Madd About Tadd

11261126 views00 comments00 favs

Tadd Dameron once described himself as “the most misplaced musician in the business,” and one needn’t call the missing persons bureau to determine that he may have been right.

Not the Prelude in C# Minor?!

4949 views00 comments00 favs

Richard played the piece again, slowly, fingers stretching for the high notes while the left hand kept the bass line moving. Then the theme, both hands hard. The notes on the score blurred, every phrase reminding him of a different melody from a long-forgotten time and…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.5

14361436 views00 comments00 favs

As Mayumi ran toward the battle, she watched helicopters over the giant centipede explode and rain down on the street below. Lightning bolts, fireballs, and water balls that burst into rain, littered the skies.


875875 views00 comments00 favs

Lips to graceful curve, / Found a well from which / This dancing lifeblood comes / (Again and again)...

She Was Gelatin

771771 views00 comments00 favs

Rory, she had her top off in the water and I couldn't stop staring at her breasts, which were like my breasts in that they looked like teardrops but her collarbone was more pronounced.

Factory Worker

10341034 views00 comments00 favs

Hits start, enters numbers, runs the program / Does this again one hundred times / Then takes a break

Hybrid Man

11421142 views00 comments00 favs

The day I met Griffin Burns was the worst day of my adult life. However, it wasn't a series of unfortunate events, one mistake which followed an unlucky break which followed a bad situation; nothing …

Arcana Magi Pure - c.2

13951395 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and Emi stood quiet. Neither knew who would speak first, or if they even wanted to speak at all. They faced a strange aura now. A growing distance between them building up.

The Kid on the Floor

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The kid on the floor couldn’t handle it...


874874 views00 comments00 favs

When a woman dies too young, Say at 42, Her bones broken, Her body bruised Beyond recognition Much less repair; When she dies Thrashing In the street Amid rainbow-hued pools Of water and gasoline And blood, Anointed on a bed Of broken glass In a…

Late Night Phone Call

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When the phone rings that late at night, it’s not good.


753753 views00 comments00 favs

I got a call from Fiona last night. She asked that I come down this evening, to meet at Penny's place. "It's an Intervention, Al," she said, which told me everything I needed to know about what the meeting would be about.