1. I think the “billions and billons” of stars out there are up to something.
I care too much about what you think.
I am a cancer survivor. I most clearly remember Angel, the Anesthesiologist.
I understand why older people look out the window.
2. I will become my parents though they never told me their dreams
Technology's pace stupefies me.
I raced motorcycles and then mountain bicycles in competition. When I decided to start racing mountain bicycles I didn't realize you had to pedal.
Details are important and I'm not good at them. Mostly, you aren't either.
I played my first single-shooter computer video game last month.
3. I did not grow up to be exactly who I had hoped.
I'm always impressed with your intelligence.
I'm mainly good if conditions don't force me to be otherwise.
I've written 2 novels, 20 short stories and 200 poems. The process is like giving blood.
Writing is hard. Getting published is like sales. You mostly get rejection. Writing and publishing are exactly like life.
4. Most people don't have very good interpersonal skills. I sure don't.
I was always taught not to impose upon or inconvenience others.
I love watches. I'm not interested in time.
I never throw things out. You never know…
I'm careful when I buy things. Except bicycles.
5. My children passed college courses with names I don't even understand. That's exciting.
I'll bore you with my children's accomplishments. If you don't have children you'll bore me with your pet's accomplishments.
No one speaks English any more and I'm talking about you. I could never speak it in the first place.
I'm not even close to knowing people.
Writing my memoir is interesting. First, I remember. Then I tell you my memories without inadvertently giving away my garage door code.
6. I prefer women.
I am not sure what love is.
I am addicted to speed but am on a twelve step program.
I am aware mankind is all talk and no action.
I believe religion or its tailings have caused all of the world's problems.
7. Next in line after religion is avarice. Avarice covers sex.
Nothing has been as valuable to me as a good teacher.
I know everything has its price.
Depending upon what It is, sometimes you can take It with you.
Everyone else thinks they are working harder than I am.
8. I believe there is always someone else worse off.
No one is sane. Certainly not I.
I am aware beauty is a fad.
I try to take note of who needs help and help them.
Until I saw it I could not imagine the world.
Art is inscrutable but I know it when I see it.
9. Nothing has ever actually been as it has first seemed to me.
I am well read so talking to myself can be fun.
There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.
I think I am not whoever you think I am.
I believe anything worth doing is worth overdoing.
10. I wish I had learned to play the electric violin.
Seductive as the thought is, I can't do everything I want to.
I deny every one of the horrible things I have done.
I believe my soul is in the minds of those who remember me.
I hope to get better some day.
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