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Arcana Magi Zero Arc 2 - c.2

11351135 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia and Megumi made their magic circles, but they stopped short when they saw a young man at the end of the street. Their eyes trembled and their feet moved them back without thought.

Arcana Magi Zero + Pure - c.6

862862 views00 comments00 favs

The cubs from every Clan shivered at his snarl. The Elder’s presence was overwhelming, and level of pressure pressing down upon them.

The Chicken Crisis

912912 views00 comments00 favs

She's sure the chicken is having an identity crisis; it's staring into the full-length mirror, watching itself, a never-ending exchange of eyeball glances between chicken flesh and silver-blasted…

A Jungle Tale

10181018 views00 comments00 favs

He awoke with a start. This was not the first time he did so. He couldn't afford these occasional bouts of sleep. And certainly not in the land of the Tsantsa hunters.

Girl in 'Nam (Part 2)

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

A life in NYC was one I always dreamed of but I found myself turning into a bitter, sarcastic person who was losing the ability to see the silver lining in just about anything.

My Love For You Is Real

14041404 views00 comments00 favs

Caroline smiles before reaching out to touch a shapeless shadow dancing on the wall, closing her eyes as the bumps in the primer serve brail to oncoming dreams.

A Message from Your Local Superintendent Concerning Sex in Our Public Schools

14541454 views00 comments00 favs

Such behavior will result in no disciplinary action only: 1) if all blinds are drawn; 2) all doors are locked; and 3) loud groaning is masked by appropriate use of the volume control on the classroom’s closed-circuit TV set.


10531053 views00 comments00 favs

The music is too loud in here and it's hurting my ears. I know some of the words to the songs because my older sister listens to the same stuff when she's in her bedroom and is playing her iPod and my dad yells at her to turn that crap down. I like my dad. He calls me…

Craigslist 2014

933933 views00 comments00 favs

Craigslist 2014?

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.4 - c.3

11391139 views00 comments00 favs

Azure felt tired of all her problems remain unresolved, and she felt this was a good opportunity to get one out of the way.


715715 views00 comments00 favs

On weekdays the two walked,The man in front and the boy always behind,Away from the borrowed house and the kachina dolls inside.Neither of them said anything.The boy thought of things that just wouldn't come out,and the dirt road was always just wet enough thatThe man's…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.5

11191119 views00 comments00 favs

Outside Natsume’s room, in the kitchen, Mrs. Saito and Emi prepared lunch. They were silent, but there were no feelings of negativity in the air.

Kog Zadare, only living person...

767767 views00 comments00 favs

The poems and the Lies of Zog the Obscure It was said of old, shut the doors, close the windows; get into the spaceship and eschew mankind and every earth and like Neitszche put it "wipe away the horizon with a sponge".Negative 272°C (or Not Yet Absolute Order For These…


850850 views00 comments00 favs

Silent defenders of penumbra one

Stay By Me (And Make the Moment Last)

975975 views00 comments00 favs

I imagine Gene Simmons licking a twelve year old girl that looks like Erin dressed in a dog collar and leash.

Remotary Publics Bring Stamps, Seals to Those in Distress

819819 views00 comments00 favs

Remote notary publics, or "remotaries" for short, are finding themselves increasingly busy as hikers and climbers seek help by cell phone or personal digital assistants from mountain peaks and white-water rafting trips.

Population Of

11911191 views00 comments00 favs

Dominic would show them all. That stupid "Welcome to Bessemer" sign was his. It was the pride of the whole damn town. No other target would do.It was the dead of night, and Dominic rode his bike to the town line. He briefly considered spray painting something vulgar over…

Norm Bladdon, Private G.I.

10341034 views00 comments00 favs

I'd had a long, hard fall from the pinnacle of the profession. I made the mistake of accepting a mouse pad, coffee mug and a fleece pullover with the logo of Upchux, an anti-reflux drug, on the left breast where you'd get heartburn.

The Defective Detective : The Curious Case of the Kilchester Courier

23412341 views00 comments00 favs

In which Clint is sucked into a remarkably civilised but mildly deranged crime scene. There he encounters almost-blackmail, not-actually prostitution, probable-sex scandals, genuine-imposters & the very real theft of something incredibly important. Twice.


10991099 views00 comments00 favs

she flips you a smile and a white plastic menu, and all the blood in your head, and upper body rushes to your crouch, and god-all- mighty, space aliens from the planet Vanna White could be landing in their unnumbered hoards in the parking lot, and all

even dead body

883883 views00 comments00 favs

I'm a jogger of these parts, but I've yet to discover a dead body, or even dead body parts, or worse yet, discover that my parts will be discovered by some unfortunate jogger.

An Introduction...

830830 views00 comments00 favs

"I don't hear anything..." whispered Hannah. We had just reached the hatch at the top of the maintenance chute. "Open it quietly, take a look around and if it's clear we climb out as silently as possible, OK go." Responded Pedro. His caution betraying h

The Undercover Kingdom

634634 views00 comments00 favs

If you had on pajamas with pockets you could sneak a handful of animal crackers upstairs, but first you had to get them out of the kitchen.

The Burning of Deyrolle or Losing Hugh

12891289 views00 comments00 favs

Deyrolle, established by the granddaughter of Jean–Babtiste Deyrolle, to house his scientific debris became a Paris fixture. A museum masquerading as a store and when casually mentioned in HG or when it was discovered that David Sedaris was an aficionado

Here I Am

899899 views00 comments00 favs

The paper in his typewriter

Empire America

999999 views00 comments00 favs

Empire America The year is 1929, New York City. Two hundred years ago the American Revolution failed, its founding fathers put on trial and executed for crimes against the crown. Now, as the Great World War rages without end, the American colonies of G

Arcana Magi - c.15: Chisame Murakami, Sentinel of Genbu

15321532 views00 comments00 favs

The water burst into droplets of rain and fell on top of her. Chisame laughed out loud, a joy that overwhelmed her as she repeated this feat over and over.

Same As You

931931 views00 comments00 favs

What would people say about me? He was immoderately adrift. Maybe pathologically narcissistic. A shame he dumped Gina, the best he ever did. In essence, a man-child.

As Anti-Vegan Bias Spreads, SaladShooters Fight Back

10891089 views00 comments00 favs

The Vegan Defense League is a vigilante group formed to fill the gap left by local law enforcement, who jam the parking lot a mile down the road at a donut shop. “By the time the cops finish their coffee and chocolate frosted donuts, we could be dead.”

Cole Porter Song Parody

13671367 views00 comments00 favs

A brief novel excerpt featuring two characters breaking out in song, with lines like 'Arabian knights dance sheikh to sheikh.'