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899899 views00 comments00 favs

But in the dust bunny there was an equally relentless and sneaky foe. A brilliant General that silently marshaled its troops under tables and chairs, in obscure, shadowy corners, and along the unsuspecting flat surface of things.

The Devil's Bedpost

27522752 views00 comments00 favs

A cellphone vibrates ineffectually against unfeeling skin. One last rivulet of blood slowly oozes down the wall as it dries. The rest of the room is still.

I'm Writing

13721372 views00 comments00 favs

More and more, incoherent masses of letters scroll through my mind. Ideas struggle to form. Flashes of images flit rapidly in front of my mind’s eye. There are fish, mountains, presents, forests, mirrors - a menagerie of meaningless symbols march pas

The Clique

14541454 views00 comments00 favs

On the other side of the world the Moon spun on its way.

Coconut Milk

906906 views00 comments00 favs

"The baby's was so big. There were complications...I saw it all. They tried to get me out of the room but I saw it all. He split her apart like a coconut Norm! She was gone like that."

Summer At Lake Elsinore

42064206 views00 comments00 favs

Bess spent the summer that year at a lakeside court in Lake Elsinore. They told her she only had to spend three months there, before she was allowed to have a spot of her own at the nudist camp. Just three months. But Lake Elsinore seemed like something

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 9: In Which A Cause Is Proffered

944944 views00 comments00 favs

"I think you're a great candidate for a sentinel node biopsy," said Dr. Kartes. They sat in the small, dark office. On the sofa, not touching. She still wouldn't take his hand.

Ten Minutes, That's It

15431543 views00 comments00 favs

They tell me I’m crazy. I say I’m just keeping up.

Working Without a Net

17301730 views00 comments00 favs

The next day, John's kneecaps looked like Tennessee Pride Real Country Sausage. The bandage on his head kept coming loose, having to be tucked in, and he was suffering the Stone Mountain of hangovers.

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 10: In Which A Vital Fact Is Recalled

853853 views00 comments00 favs

Late spring, summer before cancer. Frank drove Max and his pal Jason to Cincinnati for their first rock show. Less Than Jake at Bogart's. A two-hour drive for ska-punk.

Vernon, Last Seen In Hawaii

14301430 views00 comments00 favs

Dear Bess — I go to the First Assembly of God's church. (a Praising Spirit-Filled Fellowship.) It is in Maui. Dr. James Morocco, Senior Pastor. He has been pastoring the church for over twenty years. My, what a big change I am finding in my new l

She’s Dead

914914 views00 comments00 favs

Hank: Yeah, the way her head was bashed in, it looks like someone really had it in for her. Did you call the coroner? Bill: Yeah. Boy, you couldn’t pay me enough to do the stuff those coroner and medical examiner guys do. It seems like

Wild Dreams of Reality, 7

13121312 views00 comments00 favs

7 We sat in Darrell's truck in the deserted silent world of the down-trodden industrial area of West Berkeley, where no one in his right mind went at five in the morning. "Put the gun away, Darrell," I said. "I mean it." "I can't help but keep

The Pilgrimage

13331333 views00 comments00 favs

Frey wanted to see heaven without having to die. He had returned from the sea after being gone for three weeks, ranting wildly about a giant ship he had seen in the distance one afternoon.

Miss Winter Solstice

12821282 views00 comments00 favs

The palm trees bent upon her passing stride From fishnet stockings running up her hide;

The Mojave Desert Remembers Ron Paul

11101110 views22 comments11 fav

The Mojave Desert remembers Ron Paul With tattered billboards Scraped and clawed by vehement dust

Joel, I'm Not A Concept

955955 views00 comments00 favs

Email flash: Kate Winslet is separated hope wells in dry souls

Dear Zombie William Carlos Williams,

12081208 views00 comments00 favs

If you wanted to retain the ownership of said works, then you should not have died.


11451145 views00 comments00 favs

I’m twenty eight years old, and I am dying.

Never Said

10551055 views00 comments00 favs

We're at the Park Diner. My dad Tommie is sitting across from me. He looks haggard, tired. His skin is pasty and washed-out. He's not talking, so I'm not talking either, but it doesn't matter because it's hanging there between us.Cancer.Motherfucker.“Don't look so…

Starfight (working title)

13261326 views00 comments00 favs

In the sky, like it was a big movie screen, two ... well, she didn't even know what they were, but it was clear they were fighting. The one on the left, which looked something like a man, was dressed in some kind of loose blue and red tunic with baggy pan


849849 views00 comments00 favs

My name is Op. That is what they call me, because everything anyone says, right away I think the opposite and head that way. So I am Op. I spent the War in Georgia, a section of southern Russia near the Black Sea, which is how I survived that whole mes

Snap, Crackle & Pop!

852852 views00 comments00 favs



772772 views00 comments00 favs

I would like to land youLike a paper airplane,Take you home to mom. I like your mom &, sheWants to sleep in the sameBed as me. Call it odd. I give you a head nodin the museum, we speakin code. Call it news.I have the blues. Nobodydoes it like you do, to me,for us, in…

Winter-Logged Love-Fest

818818 views00 comments00 favs

it is a wonder that we are speakingyou and iafter the fall season felt hopeful.Now the words mean nothingmy fairy has taken a vacationand women sleep with men in nice suits.

Lips that Touch Liquor: The French 75

15101510 views00 comments00 favs

The French 751 1/2 ounces of cognac1 ounce of lemon juice1 teaspoon of sugar6 ounces of champagne For the rest of that night, everything Mickey looked at appeared to have a halo of music, something nearly visible that he could almost …

Cigarette Molehill

12271227 views00 comments00 favs

He noticed a freckle on the forth toe of her left foot. Her wedding toe. A direct result of one frenzied crowd of melanocytes in the dermis, adjacent to the epidermodermal junction. The fruit of a very subtle orgy.


13431343 views00 comments00 favs

The man is middle-aged, although not rich, and the girl, aside from being very young, is not exceptionally pretty. But she has recently shed twenty pounds for the express purpose of looking fabulous on…

A Blow to the Possible

15021502 views00 comments00 favs

Tombstones are only granite symbols of a man’s life, Gus thought as he changed lanes. Children, they were the ultimate epitaph.

My Shasta Daisy

16361636 views00 comments00 favs

I lay on grass warmed by the sun Somehow the breeze finds Its way between my toes I gaze at your beauty Standing alone in between Blades of green grass Is Shasta My Daisy I watch you dance As the wind teases and blows I watch you stand tall …