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914914 views88 comments55 favs

From words to meaning― how complicated it is.

By Derangement of All Our Senses

949949 views88 comments55 favs

We will collapse in a storm of images

There is No Logic in the Immediate Fact

967967 views66 comments66 favs

of a strangely found desire. I wanted to tell you something important, I'm sure, I mean it's pretty obvious, even in this funny breathing space, but everything has been said to death. More isn't always…

Born in 1991

10931093 views55 comments66 favs

Sometimes I think living in a house with so many rooms / you can get lost just making your way to the fridge / should be enough. I chastise myself for wanting more.

Hobby Lobby

11461146 views77 comments66 favs

In human rights, a man and a woman may marry and bring forth a family. It is a civil right in the U.S. but not a human right (as far as I know) to raise a child singly without the knowledge of the other parent.

Tran Siberian

31213121 views1212 comments33 favs

She was an easily lit, wide hipped, Stoli-drinking, schemer from Irkutsk that got her claws into an American riding the Iron Rooster from Khabarovsk to Moscow.

Christian Bell vs. Sleep

277277 views1111 comments44 favs

Christian Bell can’t sleep in/on the following: airplanes, car trips, couches, first nights in hotels, jury duty holding area, commuter train, work breakroom, tent, park bench, the ground.

Easter: A Non-Fiction.

11101110 views99 comments55 favs

Then I found myself in the water.

4. After the kiss

10701070 views1010 comments55 favs

I could still feel you like horseradish / in the hairs in the back / of my nose

Mercury Unbound - 5

10611061 views1616 comments55 favs

As the music concludes, I'm finally in control of my emotions . . .

A Clean Tent

620620 views88 comments66 favs

“No,” he says. A simple lie. “I -” He pushes the sleeping bag off of his legs. Their getaway reset was a mistake.

Rejection at the Gates of Heaven

11961196 views1010 comments55 favs

"Some Purgatory in order, innit?"


10571057 views88 comments55 favs

The problem with drinking gin in the desert is that eventually there is no more gin but the desert is still there.


878878 views55 comments55 favs

Z. takes lewd/suggestions/with little blinks/of his everlasting/eyelashes.

Song for Cathy to Sing

11491149 views77 comments55 favs

The snap of a broken heart is exactly One second longer than this poem is going To be when it finishes up being said . The snap Of a broken heart is unlike anything that Cartwheels out of sync with the rest of Us truly lucky ones. The broken snap of a …

Playing for Keeps

983983 views88 comments66 favs

I woke like an animal / breeding thoughts like flies

Haiku For My Old Neighbour

12411241 views55 comments55 favs

Old man lives next door

Sky Without a Song

12971297 views66 comments66 favs

He hung up and I sang some whiney lyric about wanting him back. You know the songs that say the same shit: I’m an idiot. Love me anyway. I’m Velcro with nothing to stick to and you’re a nappy surface that gives me a reason to exist.

Assiduity Thirteen

10321032 views99 comments55 favs

My relationship with Uzma exists on several levels, from basic to abstract, from animal magnetism to spiritual journey.


13271327 views1010 comments55 favs

there she was, this beautiful duck with her 4 beautiful babies, under my bush.


10281028 views1111 comments55 favs

The smell of garlic, soy, and onions/ exhausted from Skillman Wok/ perfumes December air.

Against Romanticism

13401340 views88 comments55 favs

And because the film is French, the camera pauses / long moments at the curve of her neck, it watches/ her finger vermilion tulips in a vase. Her new lover,/ a wisp of a man, looks good in leather./ The camera pans quickly across beige suede,/ rests long

The Damp Place

12731273 views88 comments55 favs

As long as he could still take the stairs, he would go down there to be with the memories that each piece held. He knew that their time was about up, because his was too. His wife had already gone, and even before that she had long stopped using the washe

Dead Kennedys

285285 views1313 comments55 favs

Death is both alien and intimate to us; neither wholly strange nor purely one's own.


14281428 views66 comments22 favs

In the morning, Alan woke with only a half hour before he had to be at work. He pulled his clothes out of the dryer and folded them on the top of the washing machine. On the side of table he noticed, in among people’s old, stray socks, a button like one

Time shall have revenge

233233 views66 comments55 favs


Strangers on a Train

10391039 views99 comments55 favs

I'm putting makeup on my face. The woman next to me is reviewing legal briefs.

War and Peace

11711171 views66 comments66 favs

War The once shining lake was busy draining itself. All the better cared for boats were looking like disjointed discarded single shoes in a messed up paint chipped closet. No one was thinking well okay a leaky sole is better than a wounded heel. You get the…

Sobriety Group

9595 views1212 comments55 favs

The Sobriety Group met at four every Wednesday night, just in time for the seven members to get a good table at Patrick's bar to drink beer by six. “Beer's not really even alcohol,” laughed one and then all. …

On Second Thought

12831283 views1111 comments55 favs

when thoughts of you waffle in through memories scent