by Jerry Ratch
You better read the papers
If you don't understand
Cause as of last night
I'm a one-man band
You'd better walk through water
With your boots on fire
Cause Baby I don't think
I can take this any higher
You'd better find out what I drink
Take me to the sink and run
Cause in the aftermath
I still can't do the numbers
After what you went and done
After what you done to do me
And after that kind of math
I can't do nothing but pay you back
You better hit the sack
You better hit the hay
And lay there on your back
Until payday, what did I say?
And what is worse?
Apparently I ain't the first
No I ain't the first
You done this to
Don't be a robot
Don't be a tool
You'd better start acting
Pretty damn cool
It just makes me want to cry
I just lay here on my back
And look up at the sky
And you ain't in it
Yeah, you are not in my future
Anymore, it was only you
I used to adore
And now you're such a, such a
Well you know what you're good for
I don't have to come right out and say it
You're such a sack of, such a big sack of
Shit, there I said it, now I'm feeling better
But stirrups, stirrups is all I got
After you did what you done
And I used to call you my sweet
Little sugar bun, and hon
My sweet little sugar bun, my hon
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country lyrics, song
Great fun.
This sounds like a song.
"such a, such a..." Oh my, what rhymes with "adore"?
Great power trio lyric.
"I just lay here on my back
And look up at the sky
And you ain't in it"
Great lyric!
*, Jerry. Fun lyrics. Good writin'. Still smilin '.