The planet looks so peaceful from space doesn't it? Want a blue Gumball? Like a pancake batter with bluish dye mixed into Its big yellow bowl and carried out by a winking Victorian Butler. Like a bowling ball with just the right Weight for your…
Even in the brief flickers where your eyes and nose are visible you look gelatinous. Like a forgotten traveler suctioned to the side of an immersion tank. Am I sick because this bizarre spectacle is irresistible to me?
There by the opposite doorway opening onto the thinly carpeted kitchen lay—well, what seemed to be all that was left of Miriam Flagellporte . . .
I write poems as if language matters.
instead of gun metal deceit, sounds of malice;be a drop of rain.
I got one good hubcap
I lost the other 3
I just don’t know
What the heck is wrong with me
I got one good hubcap
As you can plainly see
The other 3 were seen
Just a-hanging from a tree
That’s what must’ve happened
When I ran my car ri
For Takama this created the second conundrum of the day. One even bigger than the first. When he’d first learnt that sensei and he would be boarding a flight together for a series of demonstrations in Geneva, little had he expected he would be locked up i
strobe lights wash me up and down
and here is the hottest mad dancer of
the early morning black and loaded
rushed into a freeze frame
...Also link to the song "Nope"
I wander toward the midnight dock
a neon sine curve stabs my eyes
She calls me by my name. She says I am her daughter.
you wear the warmth of death/
and your heat eternity/
blasts on mourn from your heart
skies electric blue,/limpid dewy air, the world/framed by a small farm.
I bleed my heart into my computer, peruse The fact they have proclaimed my root unfit for use But it is I! This manhood, this tower Extending up toward the heavens like a miraculous flower, Purple headed warrior of generation, See it standing…
Defy the impulse to grow beyond/
your means and the means of the/
place where you lie at night.
While searching for wildflowers along an old logging path bordering a ravine, I heard voices. “Damn, Clete. Where are we?” “I think you didn't make the goddamn turn, Mert, you idiot.” I looked over the edge of the ravine beside my path.…
I got 2 good hubcaps
I'm feeling kinda low
Instead of tooling down the highway
I been going really slow
Don't wanna lose another
I can't afford that now
Just passed my country store
And hit my cousin’s cow
How come I still keep drivi
. . . it's all we ever want -- the holding.
You make your art when you can and Perhaps vice versa. You really Don't know what that means? Consult your tarot. You make your Art and visualize your mind As a large pool of water. You Make your art and if you're lucky They may…
A friend's remark about androgyny, "it's overrated," she said.
Sophie is a cat. I tell you this upfront so as not to get you all wound up about moral angst, Nazi's or a mother's love.
—Was it true, what you wrote in that poem?
—Pretty true.
—What do you mean “pretty true”? Was it true or wasn’t it?
—It was as close as you get to truth in poems.
I wondered if Mr. Slane even knew/
how many dogs he owned
Where horses once were tethered grows their grass . . .
Burren-grey, the sky through sky lights
is cigarette ash smashed across July.
how alike, breakup & death
How they all beat the small drum/
of the word within the world