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other fish

108108 views00 comments00 favs

and so you waits for years, and he decides that all he needs to learn, he can learn from this woman, the contents of her ether being syrupy and more lush in his mouth than all the words of bound philosophy.

The Eighth Wonder of the World

999999 views33 comments11 fav

She says, “He's like, the eighth wonder of the world.” She says this without irony, and this makes you feel embarrassed for her. The laughter in this small, smoky space is getting louder. You chew your chapped lips and put your…


11941194 views55 comments33 favs

For reasons he couldn't fathom, his motorcycle only moved in reverse. He engaged the engine and lurched backward hard. He called a friend, a gear-head with perpetually dirty nails, asked him to look it over.

Talking Down the Flames

12271227 views44 comments11 fav

She'd always been an odd girl, nearly raising herself. As she got breasts and hips the boys complained that she was easy to get in the backseat, but afterward the car wouldn't run, not ever, like the engine died the moment they used her willingness up. So

Turning Thirty

10951095 views1414 comments33 favs

Of all the authors in the library, it was a wife from Maryland who called out from her marriage dormer I was not to read her.

Let Us Pretend

18551855 views44 comments33 favs

"Perhaps a divorce?" she continues, thinking of his thin, long hands and how they almost, not quite, but almost, made their usual pattern on her body, remembering having queried many men on what their most erotic sexual encounter was and found that the an


11081108 views66 comments33 favs

Ellen decided to soft-pedal the one month to live thing. Really, there was barely time for the patient to read Ellen's brochure.

Trees Knees

15821582 views1717 comments66 favs

A young man pushes a stroller filled with a sleepy child. A young woman strides alongside them, her gait leisurely. They are the first to visit the park today. The trees loom, vigilant.


19461946 views22 comments11 fav

Chusma de la Calle had the most beautiful scarves. Gentle, warm sheaths of silk she kept in a special drawer lined with tissue and rosehip sachets tucked in the corners. She had scarves of every color, but most were shades of her favorite, blue. …

Turtles Don't Have Hair

16131613 views77 comments33 favs

“You’ll have to do better than that,” Skip says. My husband laughs. He has a high girlish chuckle when he’s truly delighted. He can sing really high like a girl, too. “All right,” I say. I leave my headband

Two Cinquains

14201420 views88 comments44 favs

SPOT ON OUR LUNG We sense A stillborn dawn. A furtive, lurking gray, A sleight of dusk, eclipse, that follows Us. TITANIC'S LANTERNS Upon My rain-glazed panes Wet lights from neighbors glow Like lantern beams from shipwrecks…

Coat and Shoes

17961796 views1616 comments1111 favs

Walking in to work from an unfamiliar direction, I saw her, on a street I had never been down before. I was coming from his place, for the first time, after the first time. The first time, but not the first date. That's not me. I'm not one to... not one who... He worked…

Solzhenitsyn Juke-Box

20762076 views1919 comments1111 favs

My handwriting, slow in coming over many years, is good for lists, but I don't want to read sentences or write in it. Amber is on a list I wrote of things I want to remember of Russia: Rasputin's death and Peter the Great (6'7”). One of my lists I read as a poem in…

Rescue 1973

14151415 views22 comments22 favs

I remember it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella and I was standing there on the corner, waiting for Rudy's school bus, thinking, Why don't I have an umbrella?

Read Me

13151315 views1010 comments22 favs

I won’t be eating much anyway if someone doesn’t start reading me. I’ve got to get a hook so people will be drawn to my work. I’ve got a few concepts I’d like to share with you. See what you think.

Adultery and Africa

12921292 views55 comments11 fav

“What would you think if I committed adultery?” She pauses very briefly before replying. “What, you got time on your hands?”

Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite!

15231523 views11 comment00 favs

Morpheus dreams… […fairground atmosphere burlesque hand-operated steam organs calliopes cut and spliced reversed harmonium kaleidoscopic grotesque waltzing carousel…] PABLO FANQUE'S CIRCUS ROYAL Grandest Night of the Season! and positively the LAST NIGHT BUT THREE! being…

Snuggie your Life Away

10801080 views77 comments00 favs

Who is the moron that invented the Snuggie?

Training Exercise

15361536 views1212 comments1111 favs

The other day I’m in the backyard with one of my kids, doing what he’s calling a training exercise, which is basically the two of us with flashlights, shinning the beams over the grass and up into the night to see what we can see.

The Guerilla Drive-In

13411341 views00 comments11 fav

“Don’t you wish it always ended that way? The right people fall in love? Romance leads to marriage? God, that was a great movie.”

Smiles Etched Into Stone

944944 views00 comments00 favs

A section of the baseball field that curved inward was filled with clear water. Birds were dipping their feet and the tips of their wings in. The sun set them apart enhancing the ice-sharp oblivion in their eyes. I swore I heard them say "Marry me.

Tournament Legend

770770 views11 comment00 favs

Man I can hit a shot from forty feet. Snap! No rim. You can’t.


13581358 views00 comments00 favs

Once upon a time, not so long ago in Los Angeles, Jack and Jill Woodman’s father remarried.

The Truthmobile

13561356 views33 comments22 favs

She's had a magnetic sign made for the side of her Honda, TRUTHMOBILE, simple and elegant. Maybe too simple; she's worried it suggests a religious affiliation.

The Boundary Line

19671967 views22 comments22 favs

These things were indeed the wealth of our respective nations.


11601160 views33 comments11 fav

"seventy five degrees longitude submerged in holy rivers out of my mind emerge anointed paramahamsas"


18261826 views66 comments66 favs

The Wind Chill Factor Kicked In

14041404 views1919 comments66 favs

People disappeared in the 70's—young girls, teenagers, they always said they ran away. Nobody really believed that the next-door neighbor was capable of that kind of horror. These two girls disappeared and the police had been digging up the farm of t


17571757 views1515 comments77 favs

“Black is up, red is down,” I said, knowing he turned to pleasant memories of lawbreaking when he felt discouraged. I asked him to meet me for coffee. He said he hadn’t bought a coffee in a year.

Bravo, Scrittore!

12181218 views44 comments00 favs

I hadn't yet assembled enough pieces of Italian to explain any of this, but it was hardly necessary. The fact that I was a scrittore in a language foreign to her seemed to make me especially fascinating...