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Losing (Valentine's Day Massacre Poem)

22412241 views2525 comments1212 favs

Paid and laid, they leave.

Lizard (Valentine's Day Massacre)

12941294 views1313 comments66 favs

I travel over your body with small feet, reach your heart.

Chemistry (Valentine's Day Massacre)

24662466 views88 comments44 favs

Whenever we’re carressin’, I find you quite engrossin’, I’m filled with vasopressin endorphins and oxytocin.

Early (Valentine's Day Challenge)

13801380 views1111 comments55 favs

Beside her door there was a black squirrel in the dogwood she saw scratched his armpit.

Peace-keeping (Valentine's Day Massacre Theme)

16311631 views2626 comments99 favs

So they told him he better get ready to join the army because that’s where it was at, for him. After all, not everybody could split coconuts with their hands.

The Open Perch (Valentine's Day Challenge)

13611361 views66 comments33 favs

… in truth I am not waiting, but also flying in my soul to meet her, a journey that has taken me across the span of my own lifetime and the gulf of that same mysteriously mapped universe.

lent (valentine's day challenge )

12951295 views66 comments55 favs

the names / she carried (within)

The Get-Up

13161316 views1212 comments44 favs

There was a children’s lit theme running through the party. Aside from Annemarie’s costume, there was a Harry Potter, a Pinocchio, and a Grinch.

Ah'd love to kiss ya

17111711 views1414 comments1111 favs

“What was the line in the movie Dad?...

Rose Petals

15511551 views2020 comments88 favs

A supermodel, carrying a large Valentine’s box, fell on the ice.

Pheasant Hunt

14661466 views22 comments22 favs

“I can’t remember if it goes in or out,” was the reply.

Resurrection - A Sonnet (for Valentine's Day Massacre challenge)

12511251 views1111 comments44 favs

Mounds of earth and grassless ground

Only Temporary

10241024 views11 comment00 favs

It was the middle of May when I found out my teacher was screwing my mother.

A Nerdy Valentine's Day Poem

81088108 views66 comments55 favs

So I wrote you a poem Sorry if it’s geeky and weird But I’m not your traditional guy I mean I can’t even grow a beard

A Documentary About Sharks

14831483 views77 comments11 fav

As I lean over the chrome rail and look at the floor on the street level of the mall, I ask myself a question. If I was to fall, I wonder if it would be better to land and lie there with my eyes open or closed. Closed, I decide, would make me look like I was at peace, open…

Impressionist Modern

11081108 views44 comments33 favs

I'd never seen a dead person before, let alone one that was living just seconds earlier.

That Loving Feeling

817817 views44 comments00 favs

That Loving Feeling How do I love thee? I love the bulge of your breast along the inside of my upper arm when you lie on top kissing me I love feeling the movement of your nipple along the tender skin there It

smitten in an inner place

11581158 views99 comments11 fav

for paul celan take it like an amulet a jewel like a tulip filling up the expanse of green the volatile view from within your thin wrist you write into manuscript for the hand is a map with but grasping still it is but a like two palms like a…

Uniquely Portland

10111011 views44 comments00 favs

He saw his mother standing over him, and he called out to her for help, but she only laughed and faded into the paper towel dispenser.

Stand Up

17301730 views1919 comments33 favs

"And you’ll forgive my sayin’, your Maggie’s in heat, and if ya want to keep her you’re gonna ‘ave to fight. To be sure after this they’ll leave ya alone.”


10651065 views00 comments00 favs

Leaving another seemingly pointless day at the office. 4:55pm. Winding through the office parking lot; turning right onto SE Convenience Blvd; inevitably pulling up to a red stoplight at the Orlabor intersection.My windshield is dirty. Speckled with thrown-up slush from…

Swimming Lessons

14511451 views88 comments00 favs

The trainers looked at her and smiled and they were still one creature with four legs and two heads. The old man’s left eye moved in sync with the younger one’s right eye.

All that Remains

12171217 views33 comments11 fav

The drapes are closed against the sunlight, but Ginny can feel someone in the room. She peers through barely open eyes so as not to let on she's awake. She adjusts her position in a way she hopes mimics sleep, turns her head to the side. A woman…


11161116 views33 comments22 favs



24132413 views1919 comments1313 favs

In China I remembered you only once:the restaurant's speciality, chosenfrom a braid of live varieties,spiraled to the floor while the waiterflayed it with a knife flickedfrom his wrist. The snake made your initialover and over the black tile.What pain? Love's all…


25012501 views3232 comments1515 favs

He wanted to walk in, take off his scrubs, and not have to look at pictures of peaches.


13261326 views22 comments22 favs

I feel like shit.

A Vicious Deer

984984 views22 comments00 favs

A Vicious Deer The man came across the hall to talk to us. He was buying some paintings. He had a white deer on a leash. Fosca (our Malamute) said: “That's a vicious deer.” She kept putting her paw on its shoulder. I said: “You bet


966966 views33 comments11 fav

NO IDEAS FROM HERE Tape The knife that tore the envelope tore the apricot. What was it? Water The boxes ranked against the open room. Watch So it was cut the water bright the tub. Say …

Lips that Touch Liquor: The Gin Buck

19621962 views22 comments11 fav

It was twilight, and the sky was getting darker even as the lights of civilization were becoming more noticeable in the gloom. The daytime city, with its grit and dust and texture, was disappearing. Soon there would only be electric light and neon and the