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Motorized Elderly Armageddon

936936 views33 comments22 favs

Oldies are not goodies.

Chipping Granite

11441144 views55 comments33 favs

I sat at the kitchen counter, aware of a heaviness, a numbness, in my flesh, my bones, my mind. My dancer's body -- short, trim and 108 pounds -- felt as huge and unmoving as the…

who really wants to be a virgin anyway?

916916 views22 comments22 favs

I remember thinking virginity was highly over-rated. Who really wants to be a virgin anyway? I got out of that state as fast as I could. Sixteen years (okay maybe 15 and a half) is long enough of not knowing what to do with your body. Screw that! But th

Unsuccessful Assault Upon a Prey Thought Unsuspecting

574574 views00 comments00 favs

The fox sees a duck he thinks he can catch. I stop to watch: I could intervene with a shout but I let him play his gambit out.

What I Love About History

11671167 views33 comments44 favs

What I Love About HistoryMy roommate, Cara, wears all black, which she thinks scares me. I've never bothered to tell her I wore all black for two years, eighth and ninth grade, and I'm just over it, not that I think she's lame or passé, but there's nothing remotely…


11601160 views77 comments11 fav

In a few brief moments the entire sky became full of this wetness and greyed to the point of almost blackening, and it was a Sunday morning, and the man thought that thoughts were strange things, because he had a piercing epiphany that there was no God..

happy hour

783783 views55 comments00 favs

I remember seeing five young losers standing outside this bar, smoking cigarettes in their baggy shorts and flip-flops, giving the occasional high-fives. They weren’t even eating their calzone, and I was getting upset about it. (I hadn’t eaten the whole

Weather Channel Music Writer

11211121 views55 comments33 favs

He can become anyone. If he wants. He'd rather not but it's not his choice.

Lucky Tuesday

852852 views33 comments11 fav

Ha. “Real damage.” The guy was in the ICU when I woke up in the jail cell. Turns out he was a cop. In a small town. The town where it happened. How I ended up in the state police holding cell, I have no idea. Just lucky, I guess.

The $64,000 Question

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One day over a hardscrabble dinner of gristly beef and lumpy mashed potatoes, his uncle looked up at him and said, “Kee-rist, boy, school’s gonna start any day now. And winter ain’t far behind. I can’t keep you here. We gotta figure out something for you.

Three Short Fictions

19281928 views1717 comments1313 favs

We were to eat just meat and to become discombobulated over vegetables and bread and not to indulge in sex with strange men—men were all strange once you got used to their distance—were Lincoln logs, poles, boulders and scrub trees.

Pre-Natal League a Hit With Hockey Moms-to-Be

508508 views22 comments11 fav

Peggy is expecting and in order to give her child a head start in the highly competitive world of youth hockey, she straps on her pads and takes to the ice with other pregnant women in the world’s first pre-natal hockey league.

Ricky's Condition

12081208 views22 comments00 favs

At first it was just holding hands and talking about Ricky's condition. Then it was leaning into each other on the sofa, Ben whispering my name into my hair, me wanting to put my hand on his thigh.

Death At McDonalds, or How I Learned To Love

14311431 views1010 comments44 favs

"I sighed heavily. 'Goddamn it...' I spat under my breath. 'Every motherfucking time..."

Men and Babies

993993 views44 comments22 favs

"Mama skipped the training bras and just gave me her old bras. I'll be 25 before I can wear her old bras..."

Up at Night

752752 views00 comments00 favs

made of meat and born to breed

the last day of the world

745745 views22 comments00 favs

I thought that was the last day of the world (when I floated up near your ceiling,) but it was the first. I thought I had seen the worst. But that was nothing. I know you had no idea what was coming when I first met you. But when we looked in each other

The Last Bailout

11481148 views00 comments00 favs

In desperation, the city council imported a shaman to exorcise whatever demons had possessed the house.

Where hearts have no conquerors

10801080 views1515 comments88 favs

Let's just rest and let the wind blow through our hair, while the mountains quake and the trees shake their leaves. Towards another destiny, a new world ... where greed is only a word without significance, hunger doesn't belong in a dictionary and money is only an…

The Comforts of a Robe

12011201 views33 comments22 favs

Woman With Water Bottles has taken up a little spot in the back of my brain, her hair tickling her eyes in the breeze.


11901190 views1212 comments1010 favs

She’d once read the Time-Life Encyclopedia on The Universe and became obsessed with the woman from Alabama who was singled out, by a rock from a far place, in her sleep.

Now I'm not a virgin anymore

787787 views33 comments00 favs

On my second trip home from the University of Illinois down state in Urbana, it was during our break between semesters, I remember it was a particularly freezing cold and miserable January (1963.) I had a date with Lynda.

Great Books of the Western Bedroom

10611061 views33 comments22 favs

Artie Shaw gave Ava Gardner a reading list in preparation for their honeymoon that included The Brothers Karamazov, The Origin of the Species, Das Kapital and The Magic Mountain.


17221722 views2727 comments1717 favs

He's Eric Roberts, the stalker and eventual killer in Star '80.

How To Give Dating Advice as a State Social Worker

909909 views22 comments11 fav

I tell him if he wants to impress a girl he should learn to cook. He shifts his body. I add, crab cakes work well.

Raw Salt

16051605 views2020 comments1616 favs

It was Gatlinburg in mid July

A Pleasant Fiction

929929 views00 comments00 favs

We pull up under the port cochère (which I am NOT allowed to call ‘the car tent’, even though I built it) just as the front door opens. Jackson, our eldest, saunters out with a dish rag over his bare shoulder like he owns the place.

The Chair

15881588 views1818 comments1717 favs

"It's time to move the chair..."


10041004 views1111 comments44 favs

I thought of you todayand what you put me throughthe time you saidwe couldn't rest.

Hoping For Bones

10251025 views33 comments22 favs

In the backyard with Joey, I make the mistake of answering him honestly when he asks what the gray brick in the dirt is for. “My parakeet is buried there,” I say. And he asks, “can we dig it up?”Joey's grandma lives down the street; he comes over…