by Matt Potter
She looked at me, morning-hazy, brows skewed but hopeful.
“Frau Kanzlerin,” I said. “Be honest with them. Deutschland will love you for it and it could carry you beyond the 2013 election.”
“Ach so,” she said. She patted her hair — typically, a mid-morning mess — and sipped her seventh coffee for the day. “Dietmar, ich glaube, du hast recht. Dietmar, you are right, I think.”
I sat on the corner of her desk, and crossing my ankles and swinging my feet, looked past her hangdog wrinkles — caused by sleepless nights worrying about the Greece bail-out, immigration problems and Berlin's shitbag local economy — and smiled. Angela Merkel can be a sweetie when she wants to be.
I patted her on the hand. “Now, we can leak it through usual channels,” I said. “Or do it officially. Or you can make a personal appearance on the new shopping channel premiering tomorrow.”
“You choose, Dietmar,” she said. “Ich bin zu müde. I am too tired.”
Leider, the new shopping channel was scrambled — another victim of the Global Financial Crisis, just another wrinkle for the hardest working woman in German politics — so she said it off-the-cuff quasi-officially in a Bunte interview: “Ich bin wohl eher ein Morgenmuffel.”
She hates mornings, she said. Next day, it made headlines in all the important newspapers, including die Berliner Zeitung. Look at her face and hair, they all said. Let her get up later and everything will get better.
Good call, though. Honesty is changing the course of history.
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I thought the idea of German Chancellor Angela Merkel having an advisor telling her to be honest about something so trivial was funny - and she did earlier this year (2010) publicly admit to 'Bunte' magazine that she is 'ein Morgenmuffel', a person who is not good in or hates mornings. ('Morgenmuffel' is a great word and has no direct one-word English equivalent.) This story was submitted for '52 / 250 - A Year of Flash' Week #26 (theme: bad haircut).
lean and mean, matt, well done. you should submit this also to - even though may not be here this has a chance to be performed in the next show (2011)...
So clever Matt. Loved the concept as described in your author's note! It seems wacky yet completely believable!
Thank you both! I did like this - and smile - when I wrote it.
Marcus, I will look into it. Thanks for the tip. I am missing Berlin, especially the lead-up to Christmas, though not the weather!
Cherise - I love your comment 'wacky but completely believable!'
Fun fun fun, this one, Matt. I like the details in here, Dieter sitting on the corner of the desk with his swinging feet, her hangdog wrinkles. Those paint the scene really well!
Like this one alot, very funny! And a wonderful line. I wonder if the Germans have a term for "I'm not a night person." Nachtmuffell?