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Crossing Over

950950 views00 comments00 favs

Joan's biospy showed the cancer had come back. Instead of preparing herself for chemo, she booked us plane tickets to the Galapagos. “Death can wait another ten days,” she said.

On Being Choked

10591059 views11 comment22 favs

I was sitting at my desk at work and couldn't figure out why it felt like a person with a very weak grip was trying to strangle me. Then, I realized I was wearing a scarf.

The Widow

913913 views00 comments00 favs

When the village slept, the men came knocking.

Louise at Christmas

11261126 views11 comment22 favs

My brother used to hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace before Christmas. He said all he wanted was for Santa to fill them ..

it was after a revolution, or a war, or some disaster

981981 views66 comments33 favs

I had this dream. We were living together, and we were in bed asleep when strange, enormous cats began crowding around our windows and meowing. They made awful scratching and scraping noises at the windows, trying to come in. But I couldn’t wake you up.

Love Lost

12591259 views55 comments33 favs

She came to my house late that last night and shucked off her things and we slow-danced to Cruisin' as beaded rainwater slid off her black hair to the floor. She smiled an almost quizzical smile as she drank me there with her eyes, as if I was some…

Bonne Fire

11861186 views55 comments22 favs

And the voodoo pins pinged as, folding and imploding, she was reduced to a petro-chemical puddle.

Will I Eventually Be Everybody?

827827 views00 comments00 favs

A jump, a fall, that's how it begins. I don't know much about living but dying I should have down to a science, if practice makes perfect. Death by burning as a withc (often) a warlock (not so much) a heretic (quite a bit, you'd be surprised--though, if you…

The Suicider (Long Version)

981981 views00 comments00 favs

He woke up four hours later with the second worst headache of his life. He leaned against the car door, his face against the window, and pulled the handle to open the door, but it smacked against the back wall vibrating the glass against his cheek. He tri

Rocking the Oldies: A Cautionary Tale

817817 views00 comments00 favs

We didn't know what what we were reading meant. We didn't even know if we were reading it right. In fact, we suspected that we probably were not.

The Open Window

763763 views00 comments00 favs

I drove around the city that evening, beyond lonely. What was I to do? My friends were gone! I hit the nearest bar and ordered myself a strong drink of concentrated Oros. The barman was a tad gobsmacked, but he saw the dismay in my eyes. After filling him

a mouth in motion tends to stay in motion

11221122 views55 comments33 favs

I remember a big Walgreen’s Drug store (maybe in Elmhurst, or Oakbrook Center?) and this shopping expedition we went on. That’s where you bought your first Dust Buster, I believe (or was this another man?) Anyway, you made me carry everything. We didn’t

That Old-Time Religion

833833 views00 comments00 favs

The road to heaven is littered for miles with dead sinners, or more precisely, the sides of the roads are lined with crosses on which the sinners are nailed. It has always been so, since time started ticking for Civilized…

Beckoning Silence

684684 views00 comments00 favs

Your silence is beckoningDrawing us nearThere's truth in a silenceCome over hereTell me your secretsTell me your liesTell me the reasonWhy happy clowns cry...And put on a show for the people to seeAnd why people watch them and want to believeThat the illusion is real and…

Event Particle 12

11931193 views44 comments33 favs

The snow buzzes in the Ritalin air beneath Dairy Queen clouds

Love Not the X

11861186 views1313 comments66 favs

for he shall inherit your dream.

The Suicider (Short Version)

877877 views00 comments00 favs

He woke up four hours later with the second worst headache of his life. He leaned against the car door, his face against the window, and pulled the handle to open the door, but it hit the wall. He pulled himself out of the car by the top of the door frame

The Water Tower

540540 views00 comments00 favs

Every other year or so, a high school senior would go and climb the thing, and paint something vapid, jejune, as the spinster English teacher would say.

Teller of Tales

11001100 views00 comments00 favs

He came to us with wandering tales of wild things Savage, biting, slashing, tearing A violent voice boomed becoming of beasts

Burger King Blues

10051005 views11 comment00 favs

Read signs sometimes and you just might get where you're trying to go. When Eddie suggested they stop for a Whopper, Dennis said no. "Fuck Burger King, man. Let's get that Wendy's up there." They got…

I've Seen Way Too Often

10541054 views66 comments55 favs

how the world is constantlyrevolving her mirroredorbs around the roomlooking for someone tohypnotize, a goddesshell-bent on catching agoon to mortal with; andas you lie from behindyourself so shall she lie withyou. Now, do you reallywant my answer to…

black crescent curved under

865865 views33 comments11 fav

I hope my blonde down still beats in your heart, and the black crescent curved under, you will remember, and I would move toward your window where my own heart lay in a dish, with the thick valley lifting. Remember, I crossed and uncrossed my legs f


11921192 views66 comments44 favs

When he smashed his plate in my lap, the dog hung around, licking my wrist and hoping that he would get some milk, too. With my luck, he'd jump in the pool, getting grass clippings all over the edge. My nails were sharp that day, I had to cut them, and I did while…

Gracious Have Been My Years of Late

11531153 views22 comments11 fav

Gracious have been my years of late; The windy drifts blown soft. Truth be told, such luck seemeth bait Eliciting doubts and wonderings.

I'm a Man of Few Words

17451745 views1515 comments1010 favs

Of only there were more like you, I wouldn't be changing careers. And my drawings would still be in magazines, instead of on strange people's rears.

Street plan for a story

10321032 views22 comments11 fav

But behind the shops (and the many pubs), at the back of the narrow cottage fronts which line the wynds are secret courtyards, surprising gardens and more light than ever imagined.

Dirty Laundry

10031003 views44 comments22 favs

There was a small slanted hole through the edge of the door, and another one in the door frame. She pushed the door closed to check. The holes matched up.

Anonymous Gamblers

927927 views44 comments11 fav

1. They Don't Know When To Fold 'Em Gambling junkies are lit on losing their ass and almost can't wait to unload their money, and then reel on home and bounce off the walls or whatever. For these guys, losing's the jackpot, and deep in the hole for…


19301930 views99 comments99 favs

One morning, she used a few prim phrases to break up with me. She had her suitcases packed by lunch. She was gone by dinner. Two weeks later, she emailed me a picture of herself sitting on a small brown couch.

Take the 40 Million Years Without Sex Challenge!

13271327 views33 comments22 favs

Scientists have determined that a tiny freshwater organism known as the "bdelloid rotifer" gave up sex 40 million years ago. And you thought the spark had gone out of your marriage.