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Proper Grammar

13931393 views1212 comments77 favs

Another thing about Dysthymia is how I get locked into a thought, a needle in a record of a song I can’t get out of my head, a song that drives me crazy until I hear it again, until I play it just the amount of times to where my brain is satisfied.


11741174 views66 comments22 favs

You master their secrets. Mirror adjusters... Air conditioning knobs... Fuel door releases... Changing their satellites to Mojo Nixon. But you never really know them.

Baby of the Family

13021302 views1313 comments1010 favs

I see my siblings once a year when we all show up, as if required by law, to eat Thanksgiving dinner. It is apparent with every bite how much they hate each other.

Fixing Fence

940940 views22 comments00 favs

The sun is coming up and the work day has already begun.

For Better or Worse

12321232 views77 comments44 favs

I married a penguin. Her waddle made for a scenic view.

The Further Chronicles of Mars (tribute to Ray Bradbury)

871871 views44 comments22 favs

And in the dark caves a new secret, hidden from flyby probes and the imagination of men. In these new caves, names for the loved ones, Bradbury, Clarke, Rover

Picking the Bark Off Experience

14021402 views2121 comments1717 favs

After breakfast, he dresses and heads / for the blackjack tables.

A Lei for a Sailor

760760 views00 comments00 favs

Petroleum products leaked from her shattered hull, still stinking of a battle its leaders not only lost, but forfeited.

No One Else

890890 views44 comments22 favs


Truthful Possum

909909 views22 comments00 favs

The possum is sneering with truth. I can smell the blood under his fingernails. He has seen it all, the backwoods distilleries and the back porch propane grilles. He has slept under the beds of whores and kings alike.

Hobos: Paris vs. San Francisco

14601460 views77 comments22 favs

French pee runs stronger, less minty. In France the world' a pissoir.

Vivian Considers Vivian

774774 views22 comments00 favs

She's been considering her breasts more now.

The Old Man of the Mountain

603603 views00 comments00 favs

I care little for innocence. I prefer the breath of dragons to the silhouettes of apes.


829829 views00 comments00 favs

My toes curled together under the pathetic rag of a bedsheet, the frost creeping in through the two-inch deformity of the window on the left wall. I was tempted to sneak a glance at them to insure that they weren't black, but then decided that I'd…

Daddy's Girl

665665 views00 comments00 favs

"You have to be careful you don’t come off sounding like you’re not a good sport, cause good sportsmanship is the most important thing to remember when you’re a cheerleader."

Silent Minority

891891 views44 comments44 favs

She smoothed her hair with a hand that should have been the turning pages of a cheap dime-store novel. I watched her from under my eyebrows but kept my head fixed downward, pretending to pay attention to the 6 ½ narrow stiletto heeled black alligator pumps. Not easy to do,…

Israel's Pig

836836 views00 comments00 favs

“Isril, I won't lose dis child tuh hunger,” Mina said as she rocked her young son to sleep. Noah sat on her lap, head on her chest, and exhaled a plaintive moan that grew softer and softer with…

The Gunman and the Ape

34893489 views5555 comments5353 favs

You marched in step from 9 to 5, kept perfect pace, pledged allegiance to enforced mediocrity, until the day they let you go—the day you knew that you were never Buddy Holly on their plane; just another passenger, brilliant but doomed.

Bum on a Stoop in Paris with a Bald Head in the Rain

696696 views44 comments11 fav

Bum on a Parisian stoop begging with his big Jackson Pollack bare head in the rain The water running in streaks all over his brain Reminding him of a painting He once thought of Keep going, you’re coming back again. Get out of the car wrec

The Houseguest

846846 views33 comments22 favs

"Who's that?" Carl asked about the man standing near the fence. "Says his name is Marty Lopez," Jake replied. "For real?" Carl moved to one side for a better look. "I know. He doesn't look like a Lopez," Jake said.

No Ideas but in Things?

991991 views77 comments55 favs

Forgive the doctor/ his hypocrisy -

Ice Cream

743743 views00 comments00 favs

"Great jog today," he said, "But the entire length of the run I'm thinking about ice cream and how good that is going to feel."


12301230 views44 comments44 favs

Momma takes us to the candle store next door where everything smells sweet as she opens, closes glass lids, lets us lean our faces close, smell pumpkin, lavender, trees...

Scooping the Fat of Time

10181018 views55 comments11 fav

I lift up my sweatshirt and reach with a full fist into my belly button. This is where the fat comes out.

When I Asked You to Sing at My Funeral

12551255 views99 comments66 favs

It's because poetry would not do because the fireflies were alive that night, aflame


11231123 views99 comments33 favs

Remembering his body makes me think of Egyptian cotton sheets dried in the sun. He smelled crisp and clean even after sweating hard. His hair fell in golden spirals down his cheeks, his back, over his forehead, and captured light just like the gilded halos on…

Before Language

863863 views44 comments00 favs

Living in the dark ages without language, I think I’ve been dead long enough. You can come out of the vast fields of night. Come out of the vast galactic storm without light. The darkened dreams that speed past with their false and brightly lit

Work of a Reader

792792 views66 comments55 favs

Then it gets worse—this reading of books—I go to the café and can only read a minimalist there, one crouton at a time.

Rechargeable Batteries

13781378 views00 comments00 favs

Was he really a Secret Service guy? No time to think now! Quick as lightning, Rachel bounded over the sleeping matron and sprinted up the aisle.

My eHarmony Profile

10841084 views55 comments22 favs

I’m up to my ass in social media.