Most recent stories

Athena 2.0

16491649 views1010 comments99 favs

The story goes that the night before I was born my dad had a terrible headache.

In Paris, The Sweltering

13241324 views44 comments44 favs

Then dared each other to travel Much further

The Blonde Bombshell

14221422 views1010 comments99 favs

We lived across, the street, across North Govenor, from a pretty art student whose stripper name was Jan the Blonde Bombshell.

The Misanthrope Confesses

15621562 views1818 comments1515 favs

I murdered my inner child/ at 7 and neither denied/ nor confessed the act until now.


11461146 views99 comments1010 favs

life, bro/bra

Memoir 2.4

11561156 views88 comments77 favs

He invited her in for a Martini and she graciously accepted.

No Respect

12131213 views88 comments88 favs

I roll over on the gurney or bed or whatever they call it and pull down my pants and underpants. The nurse gives me a shot in each cheek.

My Resolutions for YOU In 2014

10381038 views33 comments22 favs

Every year I make New Year's resolutions and every year I break them. So this year, I'm trying something different -- resolutions for other people. Hey world -- here are the changes I'd like to see YOU make in 2014(1) Cell phone owners: No more blathering on your cell in…

Sunday, Brick Lane

988988 views33 comments22 favs

Held tight during the week, clouds now cast off their burden, flinging down a drag-net of sleet.

Hype and Melancholy

964964 views99 comments66 favs

Sonia banks on hidden things in the minds of other people, whereas I bank on what I know.

Salt Water

11671167 views99 comments66 favs

A horizon shrinks a burden until it’s a seagull getting fat off vinegar fries. I’m in love with the way your mouth moves when you aren’t talking. When it fills with salt.

The Days, the Weeks

998998 views11 comment11 fav

Next morning the thought crosses my mind of snapping Mom’s neck, making sure she’s dead, and then running down to the sea to drown myself.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 60

987987 views33 comments00 favs

Thérèse Defarge felt the first drop around ten.

After Holidays

724724 views00 comments00 favs

I am bound behind the bars of my own domesticity, / by this banana, and pea soup, and wilted cabbage


10031003 views33 comments22 favs

My parrot Poe freezes when a crow soars outside the window the same way I do when you approach my door. You come knocking late at night. What do you want this time? I yell. To come in you say, please. Go the fuck away, I respond but you keep…

step martyr

780780 views33 comments33 favs

my heartis a brokenstandpipefanningcity water cayenneacross sidewalksgutters ripple redover fast food bagsand cigarette buttsover the feetof priests and pit bullsover the handsof drunksand babiesand into the mouthsof ratsand raconteurs you never oughtadrink…

Breaking Up, Chicago Style, On Hardwood Floors

772772 views44 comments33 favs

We shut the door of her new apartment while Andy went back down to the car for one last load. Terry went into the bathroom and pissed blue. Blue, for God’s sake! Some pills she was taking. But she came back into the living room completely naked and pulled

A Strange Girl Like Me (Leda 2.0)

18391839 views1313 comments1010 favs

I was a peasant girl, believe me, and nothing much to look at--- close set eyes, one blue and one green, wispy brown hair and a chin that dominated every other feature of my face.

Another Version of My Life, in Which I am Played by Meryl Streep

27262726 views2424 comments2222 favs

Rerunning, now it's published.


10991099 views99 comments99 favs

It’s layer VII we adore/ and mourn

Dog Days

14131413 views1515 comments1515 favs

I dreamt I was spinning down the coast in a convertible. It was warm, and the top was down.

The Year in Blogging: More Than Just Sonny Tufts

780780 views22 comments11 fav

1,919 followers in 105 countries come to this site every day looking for breaking news on the number of white kittens promoters are required to provide Mariah Carey at each concert.


14931493 views00 comments11 fav

over taking the sky before near blindness, a clipping occurs

Small dreams of a late worker

17781778 views1313 comments1010 favs

She stuffed the stars down her stockings and left;


958958 views55 comments55 favs

Z. takes lewd/suggestions/with little blinks/of his everlasting/eyelashes.

If Pigs Could Fly

12891289 views1616 comments1414 favs

One day we turn a corner, and two fat little doggies spot us and come running up. Oh, they are so glad to see us!

In Dubai III

982982 views22 comments22 favs

The boy in the elevator with round glasses, / who carried a newly-purchased broom, / was tall and burdened with clothes


11751175 views55 comments66 favs

You say you want a resolution Well, I got one Let's start with nothing at all No logic, no war, no whiskey or bombs

Dear Feline

11191119 views77 comments77 favs

Rocky, Arne’s elderly cat, was perturbed by invisible phantoms that provoked him to leap up on his hind legs, batting his front paws at the air like Don Quixote attacking windmills.

We are the miserable

10151015 views66 comments77 favs

We are the miserable, annoyed, dismayed sick. We slouch on black naugahyde chairs too pathetic to reach for magazines. The computer is down the young receptionist has explained to each of us in young, florid style, complete with “I…