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Prime cut

14121412 views55 comments44 favs

1I don't like it when they leave the heads on.I mean it's not nice, is it.The idyllic order of the abattoir.Mary is on stunning and bleeding.She prefers evisceration.Still, the work's ok and it's her day off tomorrow.Deft hands perform their daily ballet.Mary had a…

Aquis Submersus

11331133 views1010 comments88 favs

In a dream, he’s covered in masticated bits of paint and canvas and metal shavings and it keeps raining down until he’s buried and he wakes up with a yell.

Things Get Fuzzy

10341034 views99 comments88 favs

We can’t just bomb Berlin or Dresden,/ Nagasaki or Hanoi, to make things safe


11911191 views99 comments55 favs

My life was growing on me like a soft Scottish moss

I'm Dying! And I Didn't Make The Bed!

14771477 views1111 comments99 favs

Five years ago, on January 15, 2009, Flight 1549 took off for Charlotte, North Carolina and, 3 minutes later, made an emergency landing in the Hudson River, with no serious harm to anyone but the geese who caused the problem. (They were liquefied into something…

What Day is it?

950950 views22 comments11 fav

My mind is on idle as it knows no other way to go. I look for good news, but if there is any, will I be able to process it?

On Work

15161516 views1515 comments1010 favs

From my resume'.

Rihtan, I

860860 views11 comment00 favs

Whether the girl was found fleeing and abducted into a short life of inexcusable torment or she escaped from the paths of Kulowul, the kingdom would fall in a matter of days.

Lovemaking For People Who Talk During Movies

12681268 views44 comments44 favs

“We don’t need to kiss.” I say coyly, morphing the angles of my body to look cute, irresistible. It would be easier if I’d brushed my hair. “Pretend I’m a prostitute.” I instruct, ”They don’t kiss their clients.” It’s a reference I’ve made before, but not

Eating Crow

765765 views33 comments22 favs

I stabbed a man at the Blue-Buick Bar and Grill. This may not be shocking news, all things considered. The man I stabbed didn't think it was all that shocking, even while it was happening. I'd had a lot of those energy drinks -- six or seven -- even before I'd puked…

Of Tongue and Cheek

10951095 views1616 comments1313 favs

Our beautiful currencies and stamps/ disappear into the digital vortex/ of accelerated appetites.

The Fake Humility of Stars is a Terrible Thing to Waste( in Three Recycled Parts)

10051005 views55 comments55 favs

F Bomb I am coming in like a blackbird. Like I'm going to tickle your mud. I am coming in carrying a half-sunk message backward. Is that your lonesome answer? I am coming in to sweep for all saints. 'Course I didn't just wake up…

Athena 2.0

16211621 views1010 comments99 favs

The story goes that the night before I was born my dad had a terrible headache.

In Paris, The Sweltering

12971297 views44 comments44 favs

Then dared each other to travel Much further

The Blonde Bombshell

13841384 views1010 comments99 favs

We lived across, the street, across North Govenor, from a pretty art student whose stripper name was Jan the Blonde Bombshell.

The Misanthrope Confesses

15341534 views1818 comments1515 favs

I murdered my inner child/ at 7 and neither denied/ nor confessed the act until now.


11191119 views99 comments1010 favs

life, bro/bra

Memoir 2.4

11301130 views88 comments77 favs

He invited her in for a Martini and she graciously accepted.

No Respect

11881188 views88 comments88 favs

I roll over on the gurney or bed or whatever they call it and pull down my pants and underpants. The nurse gives me a shot in each cheek.

My Resolutions for YOU In 2014

10141014 views33 comments22 favs

Every year I make New Year's resolutions and every year I break them. So this year, I'm trying something different -- resolutions for other people. Hey world -- here are the changes I'd like to see YOU make in 2014(1) Cell phone owners: No more blathering on your cell in…

Sunday, Brick Lane

962962 views33 comments22 favs

Held tight during the week, clouds now cast off their burden, flinging down a drag-net of sleet.

Hype and Melancholy

939939 views99 comments66 favs

Sonia banks on hidden things in the minds of other people, whereas I bank on what I know.

Salt Water

11261126 views99 comments66 favs

A horizon shrinks a burden until it’s a seagull getting fat off vinegar fries. I’m in love with the way your mouth moves when you aren’t talking. When it fills with salt.

The Days, the Weeks

967967 views11 comment11 fav

Next morning the thought crosses my mind of snapping Mom’s neck, making sure she’s dead, and then running down to the sea to drown myself.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 60

953953 views33 comments00 favs

Thérèse Defarge felt the first drop around ten.

After Holidays

706706 views00 comments00 favs

I am bound behind the bars of my own domesticity, / by this banana, and pea soup, and wilted cabbage


973973 views33 comments22 favs

My parrot Poe freezes when a crow soars outside the window the same way I do when you approach my door. You come knocking late at night. What do you want this time? I yell. To come in you say, please. Go the fuck away, I respond but you keep…

step martyr

757757 views33 comments33 favs

my heartis a brokenstandpipefanningcity water cayenneacross sidewalksgutters ripple redover fast food bagsand cigarette buttsover the feetof priests and pit bullsover the handsof drunksand babiesand into the mouthsof ratsand raconteurs you never oughtadrink…

Breaking Up, Chicago Style, On Hardwood Floors

740740 views44 comments33 favs

We shut the door of her new apartment while Andy went back down to the car for one last load. Terry went into the bathroom and pissed blue. Blue, for God’s sake! Some pills she was taking. But she came back into the living room completely naked and pulled

A Strange Girl Like Me (Leda 2.0)

18031803 views1313 comments1010 favs

I was a peasant girl, believe me, and nothing much to look at--- close set eyes, one blue and one green, wispy brown hair and a chin that dominated every other feature of my face.