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The Beatle Suite:7 Beatle Inspired Poems

15061506 views88 comments88 favs

I took 7 Beatle Song Titles and Made 7 Darryl Poems Out of Them"Some musicians heal ethnic groups. Some musicians heal nations. The Beatles healed an entire planet."--Joe Queenan"There was adventure,knowingness,love,and abundant charm.From any angle,they are the…

Childproof Your Chewing Gum, Will You?

762762 views33 comments33 favs

Have you ever heard a bird sneeze? Okay, okay, I was sitting on this branch, and you know how everybody loves to hate poetry, right? So, I ran into some hippies, who had named their daughter Echinacea, and you could instantly read her future, and


10061006 views22 comments11 fav

Shut up.You shut up.That's disgusting.You should talk.Fuck off.Fuck me.whore.Yes.More.Shut up.

Wonder Boy Wonder

787787 views55 comments33 favs

He knew it was messed up and wrong, but sometimes she was the last thing he’d see before the dam burst. It made him feel both the best and the worst.


11421142 views88 comments77 favs

I supposed reluctantly that Princeton is soft as Macalester College is soft. A person could die just for having attended U.W.-Madison or Yale.

I Am Really Bad at Titles

12561256 views1313 comments1111 favs

The hair on my arms have greyed, or so that's how it looks to me. It's been 12 years since we last spoke. I think I haven't aged too well. I bought a rocking chair.

Take Two Llamas and Call Me in the Morning

931931 views11 comment11 fav

A nursing home that doesn’t believe in antipsychotic drugs uses alternative methods to calm patients, including a llama named Travis who walks through the halls.

Wind Calling

821821 views22 comments11 fav

Listening to old friends speak the same way, the same things tells me they have been dead a long time. They are in their form of living, their self, there is no new season of growth. I witness each of them continue on the same path because it is familiar


13531353 views99 comments55 favs

but with a light, a rainbow light which was scattered, maybe she herself was a scattering of light, an infinity of universes caught like the opening rays of sunlight

The Solipsist Suffers

883883 views88 comments88 favs

I can confirm nothing/ but impressions of the world// that appear beyond my/ body’s reach.

She Frog

10841084 views33 comments44 favs

She had a face like a frog: wide mouth, prominent eyes – and when she touched him, her fingers felt clammy on his skin.

Eurydice 2.0

15411541 views99 comments1010 favs

Step off, dude. I have no intention of coming back to you.

Lavender, A Liberal

12121212 views88 comments1111 favs

Betty, batty from hormones, in a fanciful fit, named her daughter Lavender. Husband Don winced. Brothers Donald, John, Billy, and Tom were puzzled and pleased by this sister, this girl, who was a little bit like them, yet not like them at all. …

"Poverty Line" from "Alligator Stew." Originally appears in The Writing Disorder

12491249 views00 comments00 favs

Jenny knew never to mistake sex for love. Jenny's mother, who couldn’t stand the way her latest lover looked at her daughter, gave Jenny to the Department of Human Services, where Jenny celebrated her twelfth birthday as a ward of the State of Arkansas. J

Out of Character

11651165 views88 comments77 favs

Co-workers have started calling him Jesus, Manson, Foghat, Doobie Brother, hippie, hipster, Grizzly Adams, Dude Lebowski... there’s really no end to it.

In the Midst of Tropical Depression Agaton

578578 views00 comments00 favs

I have come to refuse setting sail / to islands whose inhabitants are / sweet-talking cannibals...

Prime cut

13461346 views55 comments44 favs

1I don't like it when they leave the heads on.I mean it's not nice, is it.The idyllic order of the abattoir.Mary is on stunning and bleeding.She prefers evisceration.Still, the work's ok and it's her day off tomorrow.Deft hands perform their daily ballet.Mary had a…

Aquis Submersus

10211021 views1010 comments88 favs

In a dream, he’s covered in masticated bits of paint and canvas and metal shavings and it keeps raining down until he’s buried and he wakes up with a yell.

Things Get Fuzzy

932932 views99 comments88 favs

We can’t just bomb Berlin or Dresden,/ Nagasaki or Hanoi, to make things safe


11191119 views99 comments55 favs

My life was growing on me like a soft Scottish moss

I'm Dying! And I Didn't Make The Bed!

13911391 views1111 comments99 favs

Five years ago, on January 15, 2009, Flight 1549 took off for Charlotte, North Carolina and, 3 minutes later, made an emergency landing in the Hudson River, with no serious harm to anyone but the geese who caused the problem. (They were liquefied into something…

What Day is it?

884884 views22 comments11 fav

My mind is on idle as it knows no other way to go. I look for good news, but if there is any, will I be able to process it?

On Work

14511451 views1515 comments1010 favs

From my resume'.

Rihtan, I

795795 views11 comment00 favs

Whether the girl was found fleeing and abducted into a short life of inexcusable torment or she escaped from the paths of Kulowul, the kingdom would fall in a matter of days.

Lovemaking For People Who Talk During Movies

11951195 views44 comments44 favs

“We don’t need to kiss.” I say coyly, morphing the angles of my body to look cute, irresistible. It would be easier if I’d brushed my hair. “Pretend I’m a prostitute.” I instruct, ”They don’t kiss their clients.” It’s a reference I’ve made before, but not

Eating Crow

722722 views33 comments22 favs

I stabbed a man at the Blue-Buick Bar and Grill. This may not be shocking news, all things considered. The man I stabbed didn't think it was all that shocking, even while it was happening. I'd had a lot of those energy drinks -- six or seven -- even before I'd puked…

Of Tongue and Cheek

10351035 views1616 comments1313 favs

Our beautiful currencies and stamps/ disappear into the digital vortex/ of accelerated appetites.

The Fake Humility of Stars is a Terrible Thing to Waste( in Three Recycled Parts)

934934 views55 comments55 favs

F Bomb I am coming in like a blackbird. Like I'm going to tickle your mud. I am coming in carrying a half-sunk message backward. Is that your lonesome answer? I am coming in to sweep for all saints. 'Course I didn't just wake up…

Athena 2.0

15351535 views1010 comments99 favs

The story goes that the night before I was born my dad had a terrible headache.

In Paris, The Sweltering

12081208 views44 comments44 favs

Then dared each other to travel Much further