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675675 views00 comments00 favs

A tattered bird had a made a tomb in tepid water, it was a puddle near the framework of a half-built room— but the soul's a swerving tunnel and the dead are waiting at the end: all sorts of animals huddled at the fringe where littered pine needles stand and creep…

The Sinking Boat of Evolution

675675 views22 comments22 favs

Living dangerously, I left my house with no glasses, no umbrella. I also forgot my straw hat, no purple dye for my gray hair, my map of the world to come,

Tough Guy

675675 views99 comments77 favs

He remembers his father’s concrete slab hands. Balled into fists they resembled kettlebells.

Consecutive Transplants

675675 views11 comment00 favs

The heart has always been on the sleeve Tonya really needed a heartShe was too young to knowNever forgetting itMichele found it in paradiseBut didn't know what to do with itWatched it fade awayBobbi could have easily had it foreverBut left it on the…

Accurate Appreciations of Current Conditions

674674 views00 comments00 favs

I appreciated the abject abyss / of my blue bowl / this morning and made up my mind / to measure how many times / I stared down / the dismal, damp / drain for the day.

Black Wheat, 3

674674 views22 comments11 fav

(it) looks out at the world from behind a film (it) does not participate (it) is slow to love . . . There is the image And they say they are in the world . . . Blood does not shake their hearts They lie and take your s

Post-Mortem/Petites Morts

674674 views11 comment11 fav

I have things that I should do but I will lie abed with you in homage to our deaths last night.


674674 views11 comment00 favs

In the store, multi-color kites dance along the ceiling. And in the costume aisle, a young mother shows her daughter how to tie her shoe. “Bunny ears, around the corner…” Glass animals shine in rows on high shelves. A boy examines lengths…

Tragedy, Ecstasy, Doom

674674 views00 comments00 favs

John 1.46 "Berkeley! Can anything good come from there?" Bilbo asked. "Come and see," said the ring.

Long Walks On the Beach: Song

674674 views11 comment11 fav

I don’t like long walks on the beach Or sand between my toes Jellyfish stinging my butt Saltwater up my nose I don’t like long lingering glances But I sure like fancy pantses And yes, a bum without a bottle Is like a car without a throttl

Old Love Passes By Like a Landscape

674674 views55 comments44 favs

from a moving train. The lost ball inthe tall grass still wants for no one. AndI'm suposed to pretend? You got yoursmile from something, not someone. But it took all your long hair in the process. You've been looking for the one true grace, the ultimate…

A Cuppa

673673 views88 comments55 favs

David: Glad you made it. It’s been ages since we've had a cuppa.

Homeless Haiku

673673 views33 comments33 favs

All I want is a

My Yoko Ono

673673 views22 comments00 favs

When one hears the siren call of artsy high school love, there’s not much one can do except go ahead and crash on the rocks, sending incense sticks and candles flying.

Exercises in the A of B

673673 views77 comments55 favs


Twentieth Century Chats, in Six Acts

673673 views99 comments55 favs

M. CALLAGHAN: I’ve got a lot on my mind. You’re drunk, aren’t you? COL. MORD: Good idea! DEATH: Well, there is no shame in that. J. KIDDING: Everyone suffers. Can you lend me your cat? T. BURKULAR: I don’t know, sir. I don’t follow political issues .


672672 views33 comments33 favs

It's only been about three minutes. We're moving a bit faster now and many of those around me have already been taken out by the debris. One guy had his head smashed in by a rogue swing set that came out of nowhere. I envy his demise, at least a little…

ice on the bottom of the moon

672672 views00 comments00 favs

I saw ice on the bottom of the moon last night, and I always thought I knew what it meant to go without, but this is something else again. To be without you this long is exhausting, it could wither the soul to go on like this. There’s this head hanging,

Creating Raoul

672672 views00 comments00 favs

Randall had created Raoul to enjoy the freedom of being another person, but this became his second life crisis.

Every Morning There's the Breast

672672 views66 comments11 fav

Every morning there’s the breast and the nipples of ecstasy It is not the spider’s fault that it is mesmerized by the web Blame nature, blame God Doesn’t the alley cat automatically know how to howl? Don’t blame me if I am addicted t


671671 views11 comment11 fav

a poem that unwrapped itself so casually I tucked it under my tongue, just to make sure

MIG Arrangement

671671 views88 comments55 favs

I do not think it good that you, any of you, know what I mean when I say “MIG arrangement.”

Killing Bin Laden: The Television Series

671671 views55 comments00 favs

Certain basic realities have escaped us. This is a good time to remember.

A Visitor

671671 views11 comment00 favs

A man came to my door today. He said little and invited himself in. He only stood in the doorway, a bit menacingly, if you ask me. He was dressed very darkly in a long grey coat and hat, and seemed bent on not allowing the light of day to pass through (he

The Blood of Giants

670670 views33 comments11 fav

Everything sensed is a drop of experience in the cosmos. Writing brings on the rain.

Speculation on the Quantum Mechanism of Death

670670 views66 comments55 favs

With whatever else physicists may learn . . . perhaps they will begin to see that the connections between the physical world and non-physical domains of existence have an explanatory power which has only barely been considered.

Slydexia for the Unimpaired in Eight Acts

670670 views44 comments33 favs

You tell its approach soon as veal resists both knife and fork, quick neutrinos land in internet ruby climes.

There's Always A Tree Dying Somewhere

670670 views1414 comments66 favs

Bonus included.

TGIF With a Big-Balled, Yogurt-Eating Mouse

670670 views00 comments00 favs

“Why don’t you dump Mr. Fitness here and give one of us a chance?” a mouse says. “I wouldn’t fuck you for practice,” she says sharply.

Collect Enough Fragments, You've Got Yourself a Poem

670670 views1414 comments1111 favs

I. The sun's corona. Empty boxes near the firehouse. Red birth. A bird's lost wing. II. The bitterness of littleness. Apples in a pile.Early love.A spider, swinging. III. A father's harshness.Twelve bills unpaid. Leaves in a crevice. A dream…