"It is not the duty of our military to solve ancient conflicts in faraway lands, that no one has ever heard of."
I am president. I am everyone. When I have not heard of something everyone had not heard of it. When everyone has not heard of something no-one has heard of it.
When no-one has heard of something there is no reason for that to change. It could only change by accident. You wouldn't know what's missing. How could it be otherwise?
When no-one has heard of something no-one has ever heard of it. If no-one has ever heard of it then I have not heard of it.
If I have not heard of it it doesn't matter. My hearing is a life force. The only places that matter I have heard of. If I haven't heard of a place, it doesn't matter.
Places that don't matter are outside of my hearing. My hearing is a life force.
In places outside my hearing there is no history. If they had history they would matter. If they mattered I would have heard of them. My hearing breathes life.
My hearing breathes change Where my hearing is not, nothing changes.
My hearing breathes order. In the places outside my hearing there is no order. In places outside my hearing there is only conflict.
Places outside my hearing do not matter. In places that do not matter there are conflicts. These conflicts that are happening now have always happened. Same wars, same battles, same people, same deaths, day after day, year after year, century after century, on and on, over and over.
Every conflict is very ancient in every place that does not matter. Those conflicts never change. They do not change because they do not matter. If they mattered there would be history because I would hear of them.
A place within my hearing is close to me.
Places I have not heard of are nowhere.
Nowhere doesn't matter.
Near, far. No-one cares.
The names look like far-away names. Faraway names for faraway places, faraway lands.
Why should we go to a nowhere where conflicts are always ancient and nothing ever changes? How would they even make sense of us? It would be like we were from outer space in these faraway lands that no-one has ever heard of.
We have all seen those movies in which space aliens come and everyone shoots at them.
That is human nature.
That would happen to us in a nowhere.
It's human nature.
Then why should we go to these faraway lands that no-one has ever heard of?
There's no reason, folks.
There's no reason.
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Riffing on a quote pulled from Trump's West Point Speech of last Saturday (first line)...
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Pretty convincing summation of this troll and how his rotted-out intellect works. I swear if I ever am lucky enough to see this twat in public I am going to swing as hard as I can.
One thing to add: have you ever read about Stephen Miller and his Peyton Manning obsession when he was a teenager? How his parents convinced him that he could be the next Peyton Manning? Guess how that went. It is the Rosebud moment in his life, and the rest of us have had to pay for it ever since.
Thanks much for having a look!
Miller is a pig. Even so it was interesting to do permutations on his pigthought.
It's a over used word and I may be misusing it myself but the nihilistic nature of his thought comes through when you play it over and over. Maybe this should be moved out into the world. It's effective. *
Thanks much for having a look. Considering your advice: where might such a thing go in order to have a more independent life out in the world?