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Revisionist History

717717 views99 comments66 favs

A break from bleak world history and events...

Florence, of Irvine

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she said, point blank, “Can you help me? I need a lover, and a friend.” “I can be both,” I said. I don’t know, I just opened my mouth and out it flew. You don’t even stop to think what you might be saying at a moment like that. I mean, she knew I was s

wanna ball?

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There was still another, in 1971. That would have been this girl who had been a student of mine at that little Midwest college (her name escapes me right now.) She came out to Laguna Beach one time when I was already living up in Santa Cruz, and we saw

Breaking Up, Chicago Style, On Hardwood Floors

717717 views44 comments33 favs

We shut the door of her new apartment while Andy went back down to the car for one last load. Terry went into the bathroom and pissed blue. Blue, for God’s sake! Some pills she was taking. But she came back into the living room completely naked and pulled

Executing the Trade

717717 views66 comments55 favs

Prospero's in his cell and I'm in mine. He drowns his books, I'm drowning in mine. He exercises his power–I'm powerless to exercise.

the rib is a fiction

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You made the space between time and vastness depart. Others may erect a little kingdom around themselves, but not you. You did not exult over the held-out heart. Your mind that seemed as if it was formed between two sweet, altered red lips. I always kne

From the Writer's Diary

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I must pause in his discourse to step outside and relieve myself...

Stroke One, Stroke Two, Stroke Three

717717 views1616 comments1111 favs

On Monday, May 7, 2018, at the age of 67, I had a stroke.

Do You Ever Really?

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The pavement was so hot, it burned the souls of my feet. I really thought they would blister, but they rarely did. I would try to walk on the grass, between driveways. Carrying that large bulky box. I would hear the the slap, slap, slap, of some of the other…

All The World's Cold

716716 views22 comments00 favs

An officer appeared and told us that we were already dead. We were already ghosts. As soon as you realize this, there is nothing to fear.

My First Winter in Massachusetts

716716 views1616 comments1010 favs

My first winter in Massachusetts feels medieval: cold, dark, and endless.

The Last Will And New Testament Of Henry J. Worthmore, Jr.

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I, Henry J. Worthmore, Jr., being of sound mind and failing health in my 73rd year do hereby set down in words this final and irrefutable disposal of all my worldly goods.

Arcana Magi Bolt

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Sofia looked around and found herself at a boulevard. She could see the town exit ahead of her. The bike still lied on the ground.

Celes' Most Important Question

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This was a word Celes had not ever heard before. "Ethics?" "Ethics is… Well, let me see how to put this." He put down his fork for a moment and thought before continuing. "Ethics is the study of the form of what is right and what is wrong."

Of Metastatic Analogues in the Brassicaceae Family

716716 views44 comments22 favs

Yellow glioblastoma in a vegetable brain-stem..Gentlemen, I give to you the cauliflower.

Brooklyn Bridge

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I’m walking funny but only comedians notice.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 5

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Vladimir walked down the little path next to the creek with us. I stopped along the way and picked off a sliver of some of the bedrock that was sticking out alongside the narrow path, to take home with me as a souvenir of my family castle, just to be ab

the break up

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Well I, for one, knew immediately what these great muffled sobs were coming from the parking lot behind our apartment complex. This stud named Clint was dumping one of his girlfriends, again. Exactly how many were there? Could have been a dozen, for all

Enemies Are Taken Care Of?

716716 views22 comments00 favs

A waiter at the café was saying “I’m opening the curtain here behind your back Is that okay?” “Go ahead,” I told him. “It’s all right” “Enemies are taken care of?” “They already got everything,” I said Suddenly both of us were laughi

Remembering a Life

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“Yes. You should probably bring her in.” This was what the receptionist from the Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital told me. My dog, Goldie, had a bloody nose and was breathing heavily.

So, Good

715715 views00 comments00 favs

It’s good to get fucked in the rain. It’s good to get fucked in the back seat of a power boat on a river in the hot summer air with the mosquitos sucking the life out of you. It’s good to get fucked with your bare back rubbing up against the rough bar

Alcoholic Reverie

715715 views33 comments22 favs

My grandfather’s soul And his infinite high-pitched laughter Intervene And the alcohol that Brought him closer to heaven But that wreaked havoc Among his family And my father Washes down the gullies of the Future

Late Eulogy

715715 views77 comments33 favs

We wished it had been murder./ It’s easier to hate for hurtfulness/ One you never knew.

Home Movie

715715 views22 comments22 favs

One hand holds the string-like railing; the other holds a bright silver toaster.

A Day at the Fair

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“Furman lost all his money at a clip joint. I'm going to the office to complain.”

Marilyn, of NYC

715715 views22 comments00 favs

I remember another one night stand in NYC with a girl named Marilyn. We’d met up at Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference in Vermont. It was the Summer of Love, and a number of us student writers were planning a trip out to San Francisco to participate in that f

Future Children As Rocks

715715 views33 comments33 favs

I feel like I should tell you things about strength.

You Are Now Leaving Czech Soil

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He leans forward across the cafe table, holding both of her hands, and tries to kiss her on the lips, but she pulls back, making him beg for it. Then she kisses the top of his downturned head. Beg for it he will, and she knows it. Now he

lest we bury us

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this disc barely spins the jangle of spurs/how long does one revolution take?

gravelortian part 8

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When I come to we are by the lake