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How the Other Half Lives

753753 views55 comments33 favs

Most of life, it turns out, is pathetic. Very little is funny. We have to generate our own laughter. Canned laughter may have to do. Even if we have to carry the can around our neck like a Saint Bernard or strapped to our hip

the custodial cats of the fulcrum of memory + three

752752 views33 comments33 favs

“the calendar of my future was in there!”/ yes: all tomorrows belong to the dead cats,/ their decisions relinquish one day per day.

Suspicious Activity

752752 views77 comments66 favs

I go down to pick up R and get a cartridge of black ink for the printer. It's an extremely pleasant summer day — early afternoon — and the air is exemplary: clear and sweet. So far so good. But as soon as I park and go to a nearby cash machine the fun begins.…

I'm Hoping, I'm Reaching

752752 views99 comments44 favs

I'm hoping, I'm reaching, I'm scratching the sky...

This Was Called War at One Time

752752 views1111 comments66 favs

The woman broke the law with that scream. I would say that there was pleasure in it, for her. I would also estimate that ten or fifteen men saw it, ten or fifteen men plus me.

Almost There

752752 views44 comments33 favs

On the phone I asked my mother how she was doing. “I’m getting old,” she said. “Going slow. But getting there. I’m ninety-four!” My mother was always 94, when she was really 93. I remember she was 93, right after she turned 92. And 92 when she was

The Hot Earth

752752 views22 comments11 fav

don’t let them take away our youth, even if we have to beat the paint out of birds the way we did when we were young. I knew we could do anything, so let’s go back into that world and describe the new dawn all over again, even if we have to use the frozen

Lalla, Chuckachucka

752752 views22 comments11 fav

He cut the heads off, and in doing this, their eyes came off. He placed the four discs on the windowsill next to the petrified avocado pit and Chia Pet clay shell. The eyes glittered like globs of jam.

He Dreams of a Small Boat at Sea

752752 views44 comments33 favs

He dreams again of ocean devoid of shore

Fried Architecture

752752 views11 comment11 fav

In the morning that same girl I’d seen gave me a tangerine...

Is That a Floating Postcard over There in your Shirt Pocket, or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

752752 views66 comments22 favs

We came wind-milling together ,up and over the blue and yellow stone bluffs, like a couple of empty yet racing nowhere fast plastic grocery bags, catching onto everything and anything in our way, and desperately trying to get free again,…

Monaco Memories

752752 views88 comments44 favs

Back then he raced, grinding gears and skimming the edges of death.

Wash That Man

751751 views1010 comments55 favs

The washing machine at home was broken. It was an old leaky Maytag. A discouraging mess—twisted panties, sky-blue jeans, and an old lover or two or three floating downstream (the reverse of spawning salmon). Each man was slightly drowned,…

A Coin, Two Coins

751751 views99 comments66 favs

It hangs unspoken in the sadness he pushes through his harmonica, while his hands work the old, beat-up guitar that tries to be a Gibson for his fingertips.

The Invaders

751751 views00 comments00 favs

“Elaine, what's that bee doing?”, asked Jonathan as he slid his reading glasses down and turned his attention from the morning paper to a bee that had landed on the his Nesbitt's Lime soda bottle. The bottle sat on the small, hand-made table in their back…

Friday Night

751751 views33 comments00 favs

Another hard week tired but make the effort

Friend of Man

751751 views1818 comments00 favs

I don’t read. I don’t do the dishes. What am I? If I were more domesticated, I’d poop in the street. I’d lift my leg and pee on the bushes. I would chase after every ass in the hood and sniff them too. I wouldn’t fetch much. What am I? Wha

Two poems by Mordechai Geldman translated from the Hebrew

751751 views44 comments22 favs


“Kait” the homo sapien

750750 views33 comments33 favs

I am an animal on display in an old fashioned zoo - trapped & violent, violent, violent


750750 views00 comments00 favs

The razor finds hair, and cuts, eats away at the layers of hair I've built up since 16. Built up these layers of hair. Built up layers of hair. Big ears. Big layers of big hair to cover up big ears. First thing I got was this haircut. Haircut the moment I got in here.…


750750 views11 comment00 favs

She left the bathroom and slammed the bedroom door. He heard the lock close.

Five Stories From a Funeral

750750 views44 comments22 favs

1. Premonition “He had a premonition,” Agnes, the widow, said. “He said he was going to die.” “Ma,” Gregg said, “he always said he was going to die. He was the Fred Sanford of Central Ave.” “But this time it came…

a good ending

750750 views1616 comments1010 favs

It's twilight

nothing special on a night in february

750750 views00 comments00 favs

as i stepped out to cross west 163rd, the grey, icy sludge in the road looked almost like ballpark mustard illuminated by the streetlights, and it felt like walking through a recently emptied movie theater.

far outside

750750 views99 comments55 favs

I'm staying in swinging all night Hell not just all night but every night I can possibly sink my teeth into

sing your swan song

750750 views44 comments11 fav

They had to dress normal, my other boyfriends, be beardless, hairless, everything torn away, plucked, shorn smooth, because it elicited moisture on the tongue (when I was with you.) But I grew bored as the day before I first saw you.


750750 views1212 comments77 favs

“Hrrumph!” was almost audible as she turned/ to sniff behind the chifferobe for fresh/ green trophies.

Framed Papers

750750 views1111 comments99 favs

He fished a tissue from a hidden pocket and dabbed his forehead, then called the cops.

cheap idol of possession

750750 views00 comments00 favs

And how the stars in your eyes exploited you. And the pollen-bearing moon shows its sex, and the years open their cards and splay them out on the table for all to see. And you come home from all the nipples of your Trojan Wars like Ulysses, and lie down

hot weather brings out the sexual

750750 views33 comments22 favs

The blond hair lifts slightly on the skin of my arms. In my mind I am nodding, listening to you in your bedroom as you read to me from your poems. The veins along my arms standing up interestingly. I probably have small breasts, yes. I look up, searchin