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Trompe l'oeil

762762 views1818 comments1313 favs

After her grief had subsided, the wife felt immediate relief. / Suddenly she was free to abandon or pursue loneliness

Show Talk

762762 views22 comments11 fav

Do you mind if we cut the attack on the settlers, asked Sitting Bull. But that’s the center attraction, said Buffalo Bill. Everyone expects it. But it’s a lie, a gross misrepresentation, said Sitting Bull. I feel like I am endorsing a great fraud.

During My Daily Commute

762762 views44 comments44 favs

in moving cars i am small; in moving cars i am invisible.

New Story In PANK

761761 views55 comments11 fav

The gecko instinctively knew that if he moved, he was dead.

Eating Jane

761761 views00 comments00 favs

Psycho? You dare call me psychopath? I am not some crazy person with but the thinnest belt of sanity wrapped around them! The world will know my story… they shall see! My purgatory... this dripping cell… pen and paper to capture the overflow of words…

A glimpse of death

761761 views11 comment11 fav

It all had to begin somewhere; some moment of time and space which arose in perfection- and dissolved into the now. It was a beginning he couldn't quite remember, couldn't grasp onto- it simply sifted through his fingers, sand floating away with the wind. That's not to say…

Brain Camp

761761 views99 comments55 favs



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The piss monster looks for clues of its childhood in the stains it leaves behind on the furniture.


761761 views00 comments00 favs

I was reading The Transmission of Doubt by Adi Da, and since it was just shy of five hundred pages, I had become tired and needed air. It was funny because Eglington Square Mall had only one floor and was more like a mini mall than anything, with a beer store on…

Illumination,with grace

761761 views11 comment00 favs

Jerry peered out into the dark landscape with no fear left.

aren't we having fun?

761761 views22 comments11 fav

I had a dream and in it a small deer came to the side of the road and licked the salt from my wounds. I was lying beside you in a ditch, after crawling out of a smashed car (maybe your pal Jackson Pollock was driving.) We were just kids, really, not muc


761761 views33 comments44 favs

The oceans have no sides


761761 views11 comment11 fav

ocean and hungermy two companions at saillike Madness and Beauty separated at birth

I am the Ship

761761 views00 comments00 favs

I'm the vessel that'll sniff out the wharf's of old,they call me bold for bounding seas,they whispers rumors of my unstable ease,what's a life without vanishing into the falling pink fold,Ululating tides spray brisk bounties of water on board,squabs with new wings…

Goodbye, Me

760760 views55 comments55 favs

The racket of me left this morning


760760 views00 comments00 favs

Motivation always needs to come from somewhere. For some all it takes is a sunny day, a smile from a stranger or a simple pat on the back. Others demand a fire lit, a carrot dangled or a whip cracked. Yet here the sun had set, the fire extinguished and th

Already There

760760 views00 comments00 favs

Best not look. But the children would.

Zero Gravity

760760 views22 comments22 favs

Here is a blank space soft and white like paper extended indefinitely.

Fun With Death at the Funeral Directors Convention

760760 views00 comments00 favs

“How about licensed-character theme funerals for kids who die young?” I asked, broaching a sensitive subject. “Do you think they’re”–I hesitated–”a money maker?”


760760 views11 comment00 favs

It was the absence of small sounds he felt most. The clink of a spoon against china, a floorboard’s distant creak, the swish of that old, broken-toothed comb through her hair. A thousand tiny sounds that had proved he wasn’t alone.

Tragedy and Wreck

760760 views1010 comments77 favs

By the time the third car disappeared, Bud had noticed sudden lulls in the breeze, rain microbursts from otherwise blue skies, cold humid calms that trailed him around the junk.

A Friend To Outlive

760760 views00 comments00 favs

I didn't much care for the graveyard anymore now that so many people I knew where layin' in it.

The End of History

760760 views44 comments44 favs

Well, I walked in on you, then you walked out on me And that was when it happened – the end of history And that should have been sufficient But I think you know it wasn’t I remember it was you who told me Dreams are only efficient when illusio

gravelortian part 20

760760 views00 comments00 favs

Baby who battles with devils

A Man Dies

760760 views44 comments22 favs

The spirit smiled and held out his hand, the light in the room magnified and he brushed past the books and the thoughts still hanging in the small alcove, " You are ready now.

Navigating Iota

759759 views00 comments00 favs

I never thought that I would be here

Yes Virginia, There is a Trustee in Bankruptcy

759759 views00 comments00 favs

“I thought bankruptcy was for people who didn’t have any money.” Skipper said. “Not exactly. It takes a lot of money to go broke,” I said, hoping to teach him an important lesson about thrift.

We The Kings

759759 views22 comments00 favs

when the jewels weren't on his head; they were in his eyes.

The Thank You Parade

759759 views44 comments33 favs

Let's go now with those precisely marching shiny cloud band members, so eagerly clanging their golden sleeves togetherover there in the valley of new light, for instance. They can lift wholeoceans up, like baby children, for a seriesof smooches, all of…

blog - Feb - bad month - 42 cents

759759 views33 comments22 favs

Let’s see. February. Bad month. Made 42 cents on book sales. Sherry’s mom died. 98 years old. Holocaust survivor. Everybody’s dying all around us, it seems like. Somebody told us a portal has opened and people are making a dash for it. Hmmm. Portals. I wo