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Five Million Yen: Chapter 31

810810 views00 comments00 favs

What do you Americans say, here is ze kicker?

Anger Management

810810 views99 comments33 favs

How many extinctions can we claim?/ Is someone keeping score?/ Somebody needs to keep the score

Stationcity Drums

809809 views11 comment11 fav

Deep in Stationcity they began to drum.

The Old Man (The End)

809809 views00 comments00 favs

The dark staircase creaked as he crept down to the basement. The even whoosh-whoosh of the washing machine was comforting to him. He reached for the light as he entered the room. A dim bulb blinked on above him. There was a small table across the room f

At the Bend in the Road

809809 views44 comments44 favs

I was at the bend in the road thinking of Robert Frost but there was no fork, there was no yellow wood, there wasn’t even a horse to ask me why or what if There was no decision to be made just a thousand tourists from Prague


809809 views88 comments44 favs

I now felt prepared to waltz under a K bullet that hits a stucco brick above the tropical hibiscus.

The Band That Didn't Memorize Christmas Songs

809809 views11 comment11 fav

A man stared out a window, only to see a passing train.

A Man, a Market and a Mayor

809809 views22 comments00 favs

He sat on the floor and said, "I found this letter W in the jungle. It's b-b-beautiful,"

roses, a dozen

809809 views66 comments00 favs

I know I shouldn’t brag, but you bought me roses, a dozen. I felt I could balance anywhere, when I was with you. I could achieve poise on the head of a pin. There was no need to hide anything, and I heard night music wherever we went. I sat with lovers,

Arcana Magi Zero + Pure - c.7

809809 views00 comments00 favs

Keiko covered her arm while holding the staff. She looked up and saw morning breaking through the sky, but something was unusual about it.

Change in Status

809809 views44 comments22 favs

First, he wrote it in a patch of new, wet cement one night at the intersection, for everyone to see, “Tad Loves Kimberley.” Maybe they were still in high school, or one of them worked at the café on the corner, and the other at the ice cream shop. Then


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The Tote Bag Song

809809 views33 comments22 favs

You can ask so many questions Of what’s it all about You can empty out the closets And roll the mothballs out But no one has the answers It’s all a mystery There’s a bigger picture But it’s really hard to see


808808 views22 comments00 favs

Almonds of childhood – fending off needless tears and chocolate impulses, almonds of my teens, slivered and toasted industrially baked settling in on egg washed croissant…mashed into the kitchen sink of the catch-all bear claw, then the taste and shiv

Pointing Fingers.

808808 views11 comment11 fav

She burns her wrists with menthols; she says it's too much effort to cut them. Besides, it's more fun.

The sound of your shoes

808808 views00 comments00 favs

The smell of your chest, and the taste of your lips as they touch mine

My Life As A Series Of Houses (1968-2012)

808808 views22 comments22 favs

One night just as I dozed off I was awakened by a circular saw going right next to my head. The coke dealer was working on his deck. His hair was biblically long and he wore a pair of goggles as he worked on his patio utterly oblivious to my presence just

Letter Home

808808 views99 comments55 favs

The pen point sits motionless on the paper...

I am very few of the things I used to be

808808 views11 comment00 favs

Focusing on reflections of clear lines on scummed glass, reflexes not quite as fast as they used to be, seeing things but not clearly, straining, these muscles worn out servos, grunting, can't quite bring things together, but why do this to yourself. More pointless than…

The Box

808808 views00 comments00 favs

It was just after lunch when they found the box.

Sarah With The Warm Gun

808808 views11 comment00 favs

The north street was always a mean part of Port Neches. Too far up for oil company patrols ...

Life Sentence

808808 views22 comments00 favs

“I believe it is some form of primitive recreation with a board and wheels,” the one and a half eyed orange blob said with an Australian accent.

from Tsalmaveth

808808 views11 comment11 fav

Anastomose my veins to / yours so we may / share // a dream pooled between us

The new year begins

808808 views22 comments11 fav

martyred young women lie in hospital beds

mythical son

808808 views33 comments22 favs

I would have given your son to you. I would have had him in a heartbeat. And I would have showed him your inner beauty, even though you were absent. I would have hidden nothing from his nature. I would have given him everything and anything he needed, s


807807 views55 comments44 favs

Those resting in clusters of bones, Cradled in ashes of what once were homes.

The Party and the Body

807807 views00 comments00 favs

The Party and the Body The party at my mother's ended Saturday night deep into Sunday's morning. I tried to remember the exact circumstances of the end but although they wouldn't come it didn't worry me. I knew I would remember at a certain point. It…

Where it is Warm, in memory of Jean Craighead George

807807 views11 comment11 fav

Michael remembered when he would lay awake at night as a child and in his mind escape to the woods.


807807 views22 comments11 fav

The body does what a body must

Saturn Fell

807807 views00 comments00 favs

It is far into the future when humanity has all but squandered the sustenance of its home, Earth. Because of this, myself and three other candidates are selected to participate in a top-secret mission to retrieve fresh sources of solidified hydrogen from