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Three Short Pieces

983983 views44 comments33 favs

#spotify / Elevators / Sky Burial Monologue

Gone to Seed

983983 views77 comments77 favs

The careful paths of larger versions gave me enough time to think, to sense their fears from pauses between footsteps, and prepare those minutes, hours, weeks before they decomposed into my whole.

early spring

983983 views77 comments66 favs

the late snow, though not welcomed...

The Awakening

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Aura arrives with the incense and her mysteries. Her scent of wet earth, and crushed flowers, a touch of Jasmine and Frankincense. Her dark hands passing over my body, her warmth. A whisper. A prayer.

The Gift

983983 views22 comments11 fav

and oh how serratedly so

The Tourists at the Museum

983983 views33 comments22 favs

For the camera she smiles otherwise not and only when she is standing beside him But for the camera? for the crowd for posterity yes For their children for the future? yes, again yes a thousand times until her face be

Filtering Grace

983983 views22 comments22 favs

...She was my first, my only, she broke me in then brought me down. Alone now, I cycle through hundreds of variations of her image like a flip book narrating some abstract story. That’s all she is now to me, an incoherent melange of tints, saturations, an

Match Book Covers

983983 views44 comments00 favs

We all wish to partake in great events.


983983 views11 comment11 fav

Hands and fingers feeling down Cross the boundaries I laid

In an Irish pub with a lot of oiled wood

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“I love women. They’re like goddesses.”

All You Need Is Love

983983 views66 comments33 favs

Now I know All you need is coffee

(Yet Another) Mask

983983 views22 comments22 favs

In frustration, he picked up a hammer and slammed it straight into the center of the mask.

running, returning

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The broken car horn wailed for 40 days and 40 nights.

The Mission of Dimitri Kastratitov

982982 views66 comments55 favs

A nuclear-plant fuel rod engineer, Dimitri Kastrotov, had an axe to grind, so invented an atomic deterrent, to counterbalance mankind. He targeted the filthy rich, greedy sons of a bitch, breeding war, weapons and nukes at a reckless fever pitch After …


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All I ask is that the guy has teeth and an income. More important are the teeth because he can always get a job, but he can’t un-rot the teeth he’s lost to meth.

The Passenger

982982 views33 comments33 favs

I will not leave the boat. The sea has left you.


982982 views77 comments33 favs

His audio archive of Bay Area musicians extends along two walls, twenty-five by fifteen feet, in drawers of C.D.s hundreds deep. Where will it go, I asked, permanently.


982982 views88 comments55 favs

Perhaps my grandparents, Fred and Lela, when they were growing up....

Payton, Pelt & Hargrove: 3 (Sorta) Young Lions of the Jazz Trumpet

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It’s the middle-aged jazz musician who tends to get lost in the shuffle; no longer news, and not ready for the marble statue-treatment.


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The walls of our shanty were of the standard corrugated rusty metal typical of communities like ours.We did our cooking over a Bunsen burner purloined from the Catholic Boys' School - beans mostly. We did our drinking from bottles of Thunderbird or Old Crow (when…

4:09 and American Music

982982 views1010 comments33 favs

If you knew everything, you would not be able to sit on tropical balconies at 4:09 A.M., discovering a book and then the world for the first time If you were part of the spiritual set, and could astral travel far and wide, but neglected to open the door…

You Have No Idea

982982 views11 comment11 fav

“I want you to face the toys!”

In Which Mad Dog Kicks French Women's Bony Butts

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If Mad Dog were interrogated by female U.S. forces in a combat-riven no-woman’s-land to see if he was really an American, he couldn’t name the most recent WNBA champion.

Bread Sweaters

982982 views22 comments22 favs

We sat around the ocean table and ate eyes on ham


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Something reached into Avi and took his voice, turning his volume to zero.... A short story of one day. A man going to work, a little magic, a car crash, and a wedding.


982982 views44 comments22 favs

I wonder if it was my voice or the words I was almost but not quite saying, cautious words, the kind that wander deep inside one's mind ...

Condensation on the Glass

982982 views55 comments00 favs

Condensation on the Glass Riding down 22, I'm looking out the window. Time is a whirlwind. Your memory relinquishes itself, yellowed and fraying at the edges. It's raining and cold. I make a smiley face in the condensation …

How to Tell if Your Loved One Belongs in the Booby Hatch

982982 views11 comment11 fav

It is well known around town that Ray's dad went crazy. Today, when asked, everyone will tell you that they knew all along he had a screw loose, told their wife, “That Mick Borkowski's gone bat-shit.” But when it was happening, no one paid it any…

The Trapper Boy at Work, One Mile Underground

982982 views88 comments44 favs

The coal carts come and go like the seasons, never stopping.

Smiles Etched Into Stone

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A section of the baseball field that curved inward was filled with clear water. Birds were dipping their feet and the tips of their wings in. The sun set them apart enhancing the ice-sharp oblivion in their eyes. I swore I heard them say "Marry me.