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Vacuum City

991991 views11 comment00 favs

What chaos comes from / insufficiency? What else can calcify dreams?


991991 views44 comments00 favs

Bipolar. Schizophrenic. Alcoholic. Addicted. Abused. A reader?


991991 views11 comment11 fav

It matters little who thought of it first, what mattered was the schism. Or, to be more accurate, those on the opposite sides of the schism. And, of course, you are a part of this, dear reader. You are of one side or the other.


991991 views33 comments22 favs

one day the words will form an order, one day the words will make a rhyme, one day the words will make a meaning

People Watching and Missed Opportunities at the Bus Depot

991991 views00 comments00 favs

It's not actually about blow jobs, sex, or coitus of any kind. You probably won't like it.

Steven 33

991991 views11 comment00 favs

Steven 33 started small, made it big then opted out. All the great pillars of the world’s economic construction do that. Steven 33 saw an opening, then sold the idea just before yesterday dawned. His first fortune grew from fear.


990990 views11 comment11 fav

No chance for Hallo, we sank into an unlit station doorway and he fumbled through my shorts.

An Alphabet

990990 views44 comments22 favs

A daydreams about a woman whose name he’s forgotten next to B, who’s been drunk since afternoon.


990990 views66 comments44 favs

I am the boy with the olive skin who takes pictures of lewd sex acts performed by nobodies on stage at the Rock Creek Lodge Testicle Festival in Missoula, Montana.

My Single Mother

990990 views22 comments11 fav

Like the willow she stands alone, swaying.

How We Fight

990990 views66 comments11 fav

HORDES OF MEN desolated, struck down, destroyed, sunken form of skin and skeleton, bare cloth matted to torso, bodycage and hipbone, face and neck darkened, bloating to black, rain the endless dream stuck fast in the stone-dead skull and blood a fine sheen over all,…

Last Stop

990990 views44 comments22 favs

So we stayed on the train admiring the time.


990990 views4141 comments2828 favs

She pulled into the doorway. Uncertain where to spend the night. Certain there'd once been a place with food. Here. This place. She remembered. Curtains. Small tables. Coffee cups thick-handled and sturdy. Crockery. Some words came back.

Myra's Mind

990990 views00 comments00 favs

She once told me that cleanliness is next to godliness, but I think everything is next to godliness, if you care enough to pay attention.


990990 views00 comments00 favs

After dividing the sabliereand after the outliers roll away,disappear,or sit like a thrombus between two fingers,will there be enough in the dayfor you to watch the sun saginto its everyday tomb,to listen to the sagittal sighof a passing evening,to eat the last fruits of a…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.7 - c.2

990990 views00 comments00 favs

Mayumi and Rumiko stood at the top of a hill into stone forest, with the town in view from a distance. The mist made a single path, safe for everyone to travel through. In the town, there were lights flickering everywhere, some areas in total darkness.


990990 views22 comments00 favs

I drove all night, but there weren’t nothing Roy Orbison about it. I’d been driving and around lunchtime I just thought I might stop by Shona’s place.


990990 views33 comments00 favs

His mother named him Far because she had high hopes for him

The Cenataur (Part 1)

990990 views11 comment11 fav

Love needs loathing like cold weather needs warm clothing. And all truths, untruths and part truths need a place to live when a mind gets too sardine-packed with information and cynicism... Some say there was a time when the light was brighter, the ear


990990 views44 comments33 favs

The shirts hanging by the back veranda serve as our memorial to them.

Tough Love

990990 views00 comments00 favs

If they don’t cover consequences in your gifted and talented program, you may care to research it.

You Don't Need To

990990 views00 comments00 favs

You need only one who notices.

Working Animal

990990 views11 comment11 fav

There is an air of sulfur about you. I cannot tell if / it emanantes from you, or it is the stink of your clothes / from having been in hell for so long.

The Hitler Channel

990990 views77 comments11 fav

The sound of a siren approaches his home. His wife asks him why he's so nervous. It's nothing, he says, but he rises from the couch and peers into the night from behind the curtains. The siren approaches relentlessly. The road twists and turns and the sound fades but always…

Alone Before Surgery

990990 views55 comments11 fav

I spat in the toilet.

Yellow Cabaret

990990 views44 comments33 favs

Hail the yellow cab the yellow one will do just fine as second condiment to the sun

Fire In The Heart

990990 views22 comments11 fav

The woman leapt from the top of the burning building. The flames reddened the faces of the watching crowd. The heat pushed them back. The woman hit the ground. The crowd oooooed. If only I'd been a firewoman, I thought, with a ladder as tall as a building and a…


989989 views22 comments11 fav

She said it feels wrong. Too wet, she said. I snickered, she smacked.

Midwestern Charm

989989 views55 comments33 favs

He slathered the glue on my scalp and talked non-stop about Harlem. Electrodes or nodes, I never asked which, would measure something inside my head. I doubt they actually did though, measure anything. I've had the pleasure of having wires glued to my skull before and have…


989989 views1111 comments22 favs

They frequent the open oceanbut not on this daythis day is dark and dank after aheavy rainstormI wait for them to come back tothe waterthey don't comeI wonder where they hide duringthe stormthe gulls don't fit in tree holesso where, where are they?