by Darryl Price
There's a momentary cloud
pleading with some deaf stars to come all the way outside. We
could always share that small of an awareness I suppose. There's an
unmolested tree way over there in the angel field. Jesus,I think it sees
us. If there was a brand new kind of
naked moon casually washing itself down by the river couldn't
we just sneak up on it, real soft like all silently like and grab
it quick enough in your sweet silk shawl
like a new born baby owl,carry
it all the way home with us like a lost treasure? Oh just for
the night? We'd release it back
into the wild by morning.
But I don't need any of
that smoking watery lake
effect to hear the getting too close for comfort to
the insides of my eyeballs come
calling lullabies of fame and fortune
carving themselves into my
sand grain by grain. No, Sir! After all
this time I am, and I remain
only your last fool still hanging
around like a no hunting
sign once tacked up to a locked fence
and now turned upside down by
the town's old clocks and rusted to
the spot like a blood stain. Useless
from its original
purpose which was only to
warn you that you are hereby
protected from the swarming
folly of my being all
about the yearning if it so
pleases you. For as you can see for me at least
this is not to be. The old cloud
has cried itself partly visible now.
Our tree's gnarled hands have fallen
over the hills into a
brush without a head. No, my
sea, better to leave me ripping
myself to shreds like an
unbuttoned shirt in the icy
winds until I am nothing more
to remember but something
that shuts once in a lifetime,and is
never heard from again.
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424 words
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This was created for the 52250 challenge. Yes, it's meant to be funny. It's taking the piss out of a serious subject by making a scary thing less frightening--even if just for a moment. It's telling that special someone, yes,the undefined they are ten times as big as we are, but they have no sense of humor, so personally I think we'll triumph after all.I mean you gotta laugh. It's all so crazy anyhow.
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Wow, what great poems. I really enjoyed the language in these; I'm especially partial to the first.
Great stuff, as usual, Darryl!
Myra and Jules--thank you so very much.It's so hard to get anybody to read anything around here these days that when they do I find myself quite overwhelmed with gratitude.
Nice work as always, Darryl! The first one made me giggle. *
My favorite is "There's a momentary cloud"
"like a no hunting / sign once tacked to a locked fence / and now turned upsidedown by / the old clocks and rusted to / the spot like a blood stain"
You are nonpareil, Darryl.
'Man,/that is some white,/white sand!' :D *
Border Town Dawn is a riot, and I love the language and imagery in There’s a momentary cloud. It’s wonderful to see the differences and range between these two poems. Enjoyed!