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Spirit Voices Saying Yes

10041004 views00 comments00 favs

some are cameras, some are daggers, some are sauces pans, others are swords, and some will run off and others will burn a hole into the spot which they land.

How Josh Met Emily

10041004 views00 comments00 favs

“Well in opposite heaven every time you make scrambled eggs the shells break into a million pieces, then you spend eternity picking them out of the yolk.”

Why The Body Can't Fly A Morality Play

10041004 views33 comments22 favs

Everyman: I quit, remember? I’m in a twelve step program now. Alcohol: Oh sweetie, that’s too bad, we had some great times together.


10041004 views33 comments11 fav

okay fine, on the count of three

The Listener

10031003 views22 comments00 favs

They think because you are a writer you are not much of a listener and so you begin to recognize all of the great opportunities to be much more of a listener and then you shut your trap and get sucked into the whorls of her big wet brown eyes with Italianate…

A Man More Like Your Mother

10031003 views44 comments22 favs

Does he pack you a lunch when you're running late for work? Even when you're not running late? Does he insist on regular medical check-ups, for which he'll pay because you don't have insurance? Will he disapprove of your objectionable behavior, and not turn the…

cross-quarter days

10031003 views1515 comments1111 favs

sentinels in a frost-blackened field

Bigfoot Night

10031003 views11 comment00 favs

The giant stood up and scowled menacingly. "WHAT! You don't think bigfoot is real?!" Big John's face seemed about ready to scowl in on itself.

the PC birds have come home to roost

10031003 views22 comments11 fav

I want the luxury of hearing other people who disagree with me tell me why I’m an asshole!

Crack Pot Bear Chili

10031003 views1414 comments1313 favs

Hunters took 925 bears in the 2020 season in Vermont

It's autumn

10031003 views66 comments44 favs

Mum and Dad are dead, though I'm the only person who has noticed. They're sipping their tea in the kitchen. Dad keeps coughing up maggots. Mum's face looks like a cracked mirror: I see myself in it, broken, dark. My brothers carry on as normal. They huddle by the TV,…

The Frog

10031003 views44 comments55 favs

Publisehd in Linguistic Erosion When Jesus and Magdalene began to cross the sunflower field they met a group of boys, squatting before a rocky outcrop. Covered with…

Tabasco Revenge

10031003 views00 comments00 favs

Avant-garde morning sun floated through bay windows, the illumination cascaded and curled and descended the air ripples which emanated from the oscillating fan in the corner. Gathered on the rug the light hovered in anxious intensity. Suspended dust- jelly was…


10031003 views33 comments00 favs

Just because I’m suicidal doesn’t mean I don’t care about whacking my head on some service railing ten stories down. The fact that I’m going to jump doesn’t lessen my fear of propellers or a broken back.

The Cherry

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He then spent his walk home to his single apartment spitting up various textures of red, combinations of cherry and blood mostly.

Assiduity Twenty Five

10031003 views33 comments33 favs

" . . . it's overcast with scattered rain along the Wabash River as I approach the federal correctional complex . . . "

the fine hair on your belly

10031003 views55 comments44 favs

On the beaches in the summer the fine hair rose up from under the material of your bikini and swirled around your deep navel, almost invisible to the naked eye, but not to the mind, which imagines everything funneling down into the center of your being,

summer fields

10031003 views33 comments33 favs

we ran that afternoon/across Bayshore lanes/into green blooming fields, beyond all those

astral ages

10031003 views1818 comments1111 favs

Life in astral circles

The Eyes

10031003 views99 comments33 favs

I've never liked kind eyes;I prefer drive.Or fire.And when a woman's eyes are described as "doe,"I hear "dumb."Like an animal.

Elite Arts Group Names Steve Miller 1st Rock Member

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Miller exclaimed "Somebody give me a cheeseburger!"--a line from one of his hits--and members of the Academy broke out in knowing if subdued laughter.

Ya Ever Meet a Buckley? I Haven't.

10031003 views11 comment11 fav

Who's that? I don't know. …

The Opposite of Fear

10031003 views66 comments44 favs

The rocks were pillows around her shorn head, the crimson stream running from her ears the only sign she had not chosen to lay down on them. Behind us, the rockface stood stoic; below us, the water lapped our feet.She held my hand in hers, giving me succor as I…

Grandma Rose Watched the Fights

10031003 views22 comments11 fav

I think she later thought about that. Just as she loved her son, I loved my mother. Just as my dad loved her, so the same kind of protective honoring love existed. Right or wrong, it was there, the elephant in the room.


10031003 views00 comments00 favs

One said 'Yes, I remember.' He was dark and tall and slender A masterful pretender who laid roses on the floor Appearing on the eve of morrow, so slow and full of sorrow With a costume he did borrow, borrowed from the poet's lore From the rare and rad


10021002 views00 comments00 favs

“It’s time we moved our relationship back into an upright position,” I said.


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10021002 views22 comments22 favs

On the days I wasn’t there, my insides felt like paper-mâché.

Against Poetry

10021002 views88 comments11 fav

If you had a choice, be a poet or not, I’d suggest prose for the lines that you jot.

Old Joke

10021002 views99 comments99 favs

How many exceptional people/ does it take to change a light bulb?