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Getting Sideways On Douglas

13061306 views00 comments00 favs

Under the dirty orange glow of sodium streetlights, the glistening pavement looks slick, but it’s only just wet. The mid-November temperature is cool—quite mild, actually, for this late time of year—still hovering in the upper 30s—so far posing only the


13061306 views66 comments11 fav

ANTHONY I decide after Jill and I have dinner at her flat and smoke an enormous joint that I need to call Tyler, a conversation I'm not particularly looking forward to. I leave and she's not happy, but I tell her I have homework and we kiss a little bit…

Fear Us, Oh Yes.

13061306 views1919 comments1212 favs

Start now. Make lists. Call long-lost friends. Say what needs saying. Raise hell.

The Spider and the Corpse, Or, The Corpse and the Spider

13061306 views00 comments00 favs

The corpse lay silently in his open casket. Dressed in the finest silken suit. Italian. Rubber skin pulled over his bones. Arms folded in eternal prayer.

The True Price of Bed and a Bath

13061306 views22 comments22 favs

So it's me and two other girls...

Gyre and Gimble

13061306 views11 comment00 favs

I’ve done my part of the job in conservative clothing. Lonnie’s done her part looking like Dolly Parton.


13061306 views1010 comments77 favs

She can never say why, but guilt rides her bones like the spirit. She rubs worry raw.

Self Portrait with Google

13061306 views1919 comments1616 favs

Try it with and without/ middle name or middle initial.// Try different keywords.


13051305 views1010 comments66 favs

Rush had a black eye and a bucket of dirty water. Look, a baby turtle he said, like that explained everything. Yes, I did lack a turtle so thank you for disappearing for three months and returning with a goddamned turtle. His weird homecoming gift took my…

A Selection From Einstein's Letters

13051305 views22 comments11 fav

My dear Papa: I don't care to join you on holiday. Last summer when I came you and Frau Himmelfarb played "Wildlife Management" so late into the night that I got no rest.

Karma, Old Dogs, and Fine Men

13051305 views33 comments11 fav

“You people remember the thing you learned in science about every action creating its own equal and opposite reaction? The same is true in other realms. All of existence is continually recycled…again and again in infinite permutations. In other words,

The Fugitive Waits

13051305 views00 comments00 favs

The wind rushed by her and she heard the faint sound of barking. And then she knew why she was coming. And she ran.

Attila the Bun and the Lost Paradigm

13051305 views1010 comments66 favs

I had a meeting with the editor of a well-known magazine. She said, “I think your paradigm got stuck up your monomyth.” “Oh dear. Is that bad?” “Bad? You want to be a writer, don't you?” “Well, I did. I'm not so sure now.…


13051305 views77 comments55 favs

I am standing in the kitchen, kneading dough, because this is one way to say sorry. This is way to say, things will be different now, look.

Courage Under Fire

13051305 views55 comments33 favs

Once upon a time, my friend and I met a nanny pushing a baby carriage and reading an e-book. She wore a plaid dress, blue stockings and a white barrette. A set of wrinkles marred her tanned brow. Multitasking seemed too hard on her. Inside the carriage

Your Mystery

13051305 views33 comments11 fav

I took it in my hands and used it on my lips. The taste was just hers: her touch, her smell, her breath in the winter nights. She was in this. Everything we had was in this tube.

Two poems by Kitty Boots

13051305 views1010 comments88 favs

To dance along the wrack line...

Time Capsule

13051305 views66 comments66 favs

He pours another shot and says: Then I buried it in the yard. The time capsule I mean. You have to plug it in to see. I wonder if they’ll know.

Girls with Guns

13041304 views77 comments22 favs

"My dear man. We are not friends we are symbiotic."

When you were nine

13041304 views1111 comments1010 favs

When you were nine your head fell off in the playground. Dr Mort was called. He pasted it back on with PVA glue. You'd never know now.——When you were nine your arms turned into trees. Dr Mort worked his magic with the chainsaw. You still need light pruning once…


13041304 views1515 comments55 favs

I made myself tiny as I could, imagining I was Houdini shackled underwater, holding my nose and practicing my escape...

My Life As A Series Of Houses (1950-1968)

13041304 views44 comments22 favs

There were three other guys on the bus. The landlord (or buslord) let us use the kitchen and bathroom in the house he shared with his wife. I rode into San José City College with the other guys, who were also taking classes there. I remember frigid autum

Ghost Searches Downtown

13041304 views55 comments22 favs

No one told a story.

True Lu

13041304 views11 comment00 favs

Lu peeked at his cards again. They were still jacks, and they still looked mighty nice.

Parting Gifts

13041304 views99 comments44 favs

His hair was well groomed. The skin was radiant like apples tossed at the moon. The gym membership was well used, as the weight issue was easily cast into an abyss of loaded memories.

haiku apolitical

13041304 views77 comments77 favs

can they approve, our/gods in our wallets? only/when we tell them to.

Portrait of the poet as midwife

13041304 views44 comments44 favs

Some poems slip out easily Thick and solid Well-oiled and fully formed

Small Talk

13041304 views66 comments22 favs

Her fingers scampered over the table, practicing the deft stitching of the basilar artery.


13041304 views55 comments33 favs

She wants her mother back and all I can give her is this—over and over. She doesn't want my mouth, wants no kissing anywhere even. Just this. Like this—quiet and rough. Quiet because her stepfather is napping in the bedroom next to…

A Name

13041304 views22 comments11 fav

I can still feel the texture of those humid Delta mornings, hear the rhythm of the voices of black children echoing down the halls. I still remember the sense of purpose that I had each day, knowing that this, here, mattered: a child’s education, their