Most discussed stories

The Clod and the Pebble

14371437 views1212 comments99 favs

“Lightning has more longevity than I,”

Fragment from an Untelevised Revolution

45554555 views1212 comments1515 favs

My wife has gone in Laos to translate foreign tongues, and I await the day when I too may leave.

Pit Stop

10841084 views1212 comments44 favs

I was more annoyed at the scream, the icy air around us and our eventual destination–his parents, the club, small talk, all that drunken insignia.

August and After Haiku

490490 views1212 comments66 favs

The brown grackle chirps/ as she chomps a plump cricket-/ melodious meal.

Henry Ground

11491149 views1212 comments11 fav

Henry Ground was a healthy and well adjusted English man who excelled at chess and folk dancing. One day, for no apparent reason, he decided to fill his guinea pig with helium. He carried the animal under the light of the stars into the shed at the bottom of his garden.…

Brief Studies of Doomed Females

17571757 views1212 comments77 favs

She is unsure if it will work, despite all her reading of physics and flying carpets and propeller planes. The practicalities of aerodynamics in application remain to be tested.

Luck Dragon.

249249 views1212 comments88 favs


1888: Mrs. Sherwood

10751075 views1212 comments1010 favs

It's gone too long since her Robby Sherwood's dreams rose through the tenement chimney into pear-sweet clouds. Once was he planned histories, carried herself over slopes of hesitations to the night meadow, soft-skinned and whispered. Her man shouldered…

In the Garden

10601060 views1212 comments44 favs

It will always be this way/ won’t it, she said. Me insecure, you unfaithful

How to Stop Doing and Be

994994 views1212 comments55 favs

Monday will come soon enough to get/ what needs to be done, done.

Spring Fever

138138 views1212 comments66 favs

It was spring. All the villagers had gone mad. Every single one had become an unreliable narrator and no one had any idea what the truth actually was. Leonard decided it was best to lock himself in the house and order clothes,…

Is That You, Bugs?

12001200 views1212 comments1010 favs

Poor kid. She didn't mean to leave my business card on her kitchen counter next to the telephone. It was a mistake.


982982 views1212 comments88 favs

We suffer// the one agony only- of having no longer/ any physical effect nor way to speak/ of what we watch to those we watch.

Moving Up

10301030 views1212 comments1010 favs

Sometimes I had the time right, and sometimes the place; that day, they came together.

Mean People Suck

10771077 views1212 comments88 favs

He said his wife levitated.

Manet Nightmare

922922 views1212 comments88 favs

the tall, thin ectomorph sat on the verdant, green grass as the unclothed naked woman on the Sunday-picnic blanket poured white cow’s milk into a vodka shot glass

Papadad: a portrait

12991299 views1212 comments1313 favs

Papadad has one good eye. The other fell out during a rant and has since been replaced by a rifle scope, which he uses to scrutinise enemies.——Papadad is an authority on everything, even topics he has not researched. He expatiates on these at the dinner table,…

The Year of the Horse

671671 views1212 comments77 favs

“She's the year of the horse,” Metri said as he peeled his dirty head from the bed, his hair was as matted as a racoon tale. It was as wild as a wild animal and smelled like body odor with a hint of blood. He slid his scabbed hands up to his chest as if to…

Visions On The Beach

11091109 views1212 comments55 favs

I walked along the beach today, and there I saw them all; including the latest lost: little Tiven, Tommy, Michaela & my Paul. Grandma painted at her easel, set upon the dune. Uncle Eddie bent in half, laughing like a loon, Oliver growled…

"Oh, what's this?" she

15621562 views1212 comments1111 favs

"So, like the Goldilocks thing…"

You Never Forget Your First

11631163 views1212 comments22 favs

There is nothing like your first time, and by that I am referring of course to the first time you purchased a 45.Going to a record store and buying a 45 is a uniquely Boomer experience. Because, alas, there are no more 45s. Or, for that matter, record stores. The…

To The Woman Who Sat With Her Back To The Door

24382438 views1212 comments88 favs

Such a curious smell in the air tonight: part skunk, part fire, part rubber of your tire, pulled liquid hot across that road.

Man on a porch with beer and shotgun

274274 views1212 comments55 favs

Lo and Behold, there you are beside me

Some Fairy Tale and Sleeping Beauty Poems

57375737 views1212 comments88 favs

The apple his slightly necrophiliac kiss saved her from soaks in the petrified sun, turned to leather, like a screaming skull of summer in its glass enactment case.

The Black Madonna

778778 views1212 comments77 favs

They say I am filthy. On this high pillar I perch like a stuffed avian relic, flightless, no prey. The horizon before me is broken by scuff and foreign tongue, by atomized evil. Pleas, and there are many, are answered by the only prayer I know, the one prayer, which…


14171417 views1212 comments88 favs

The blue Victorian at 1145 White Street shifts in its foundation, creaks, and settles in for the night. The girls are bundled into their beds. My wife, too, has gone to sleep. I’m alone in the kitchen, steeping chamomile tea, coughing phlegm into the wr

Beach Scene

11241124 views1212 comments88 favs

Larry works the concession stand / near the pier.

Water, Water Everywhere

11931193 views1212 comments1010 favs

Later I asked Mark if he wanted to watch, but his wife wouldn’t let him. She didn’t like kinky stuff, she said.

A Woman Who Watches

13971397 views1212 comments88 favs

She was a beautiful woman. I don't argue with that. I welcome it.

Chaos Unveiled

13671367 views1212 comments1313 favs

The moonlight news is brutal