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10341034 views22 comments22 favs

It is a hot August night — the same kind you remember from that summer after high school graduation. A cool breeze blows in off the ocean, sweeping across the boardwalk just hard enough to dry the …


814814 views22 comments00 favs

here’s the deal… sorrow follows tears… pain later for the happiness now… is the joy something we only borrow…?

Haiku for Jogging

10821082 views22 comments11 fav

Haiku for Jogging

Myself Today

11411141 views22 comments22 favs

Suddenly I'm not feeling it anymore. / Poetry has become insufficient. / I can't do it like I used to.


820820 views22 comments00 favs

A fabulous compression.

And You--And You--And You

891891 views22 comments11 fav

“Good to see you, old man,” Greg said. He was like that, an investment banker, a latter-day Tom Buchanan without the polo ponies, self-consciously fusty.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 6

11641164 views22 comments11 fav

Sure my man. Show me the token I’ll show you the slice.

Self-Mutilation on Rise Among Motivational Speakers

874874 views22 comments11 fav

Doreen takes Butchie’s hand, steadies it in the can opener, counts “One-two-three”–and slams the chrome handle down.

The Condescending Skies of June

974974 views22 comments22 favs

I have become a prisoner of my own fractured mind/ A paranoid weirdo behind the horizontal bars of window shades

chicken coup

11701170 views22 comments22 favs

" I have no idea what's goin on out here, and I'm gonna find out one way or another."

MoonEarth Collision: A Disaster Story

19481948 views22 comments11 fav

“My fellow Americans,” says his boss, leader of the free world. “The orbit of the moon has been disturbed. No longer revolving around the earth, the moon now hurtles toward the earth. Impact is expected within days.

The World Passing By On a Double-Decker Tourist Bus in NYC

797797 views22 comments22 favs

They’ve got the tourists On the top deck of the bus Wrapped up in large yellow Plastic garbage bags Riding through the City in the rain The yellow bags flapping in the wind Yelling in the numerous languages At the top of the world The to

(Younger Driest)

952952 views22 comments00 favs

He did not seek a place on a cabinet, nor to impress stockholders with placards of wealth and return; he did not enumerate the downtrodden and asocial with advertised miracle treatments, or write a best seller on the markings of success. All he did, all h


999999 views22 comments00 favs

Time stole you from underneath the goldendock. Writhing there, slick as a flapping tongue;lips gored, red, whose gaping could embolden weak hands behind the blazing buck blade, long ago pierced in your summer quietus, beneath the soft shade of a tackle box, as the…

Hunger: A Prayer

961961 views22 comments00 favs

Prayer: Cold prayers in her throat, so far all unanswered. This thing grows steadily, unmistakably, cobbling counterfeit cells and flesh together into an unspeakable mass.

Beard of Bees

13971397 views22 comments11 fav

Beard of Bees My father always used to say to me, he said "Son" (he called me son) "Son. Falling in love is easy. Getting into the Guinness Book of World Records is hard".

The One-Dollar Minister

801801 views22 comments11 fav

The man could be a total brute, though the truth was he had the softest of hearts too. A real gentle giant. But get him going on a drunk jag with too much ouzo in his system, and look out.

London, The Ungodly Hour

756756 views22 comments00 favs


In Real Life

961961 views22 comments00 favs

I’m starting to feel more interested in my savings account.


735735 views22 comments22 favs

His name was Gino. I’ll leave out the last name, not that I think it matters anymore. He came into my dad’s gas station on the near North side of Chicago to have work done on his fancy car. I was still a teenager. I accidentally opened the glove compartme

The Privileged, The Righteous, The Bored

211211 views22 comments00 favs

I saw you, old man, in the desertof iron and copper and cold.No sorrow there to subvert,your eyes repulsed by the gold,examine the joy of an apple,ponder the despair of a peach.The words you wish to unravelare words beyond limits of speech.I can tell you hide a strong…

Free Bird

975975 views22 comments33 favs

I stop for Coup de' Villes and blue eyed men who runmarathons of ghosts and what if I was in love with a boy named Roberto in our Spanish class in High Schoolwho was half Japanese and half German and preferred penises to my virginity and what if the boy next door…

Faith in the Rest

972972 views22 comments00 favs

She had the smile of a pixie on mushrooms in a disco ball universe, and I dug her style.

Hell and back...

10131013 views22 comments11 fav

Sarge had done this before. Not with this many rookies and not on a one-way trip. This was a suicide mission. The boys didn't know it, but he did. They weren't coming back. Hell, they couldn't come back

Prairie Schooner

543543 views22 comments00 favs

The town is a wheel-less prairie schooner aground in a vast field of static

Confessions of a Politician

12401240 views22 comments11 fav

Forgive me father for I have sinned.” “Tell me how you have sinned, my son?” Lies, father. I have told lie after lie in pursuit of my personal gain. I have lied to my family, my friends, to thousands of people who desired nothing from me but the tr

Chicken Sexers Set to Go For Gold in London

667667 views22 comments11 fav

Green Ridge, Missouri features a horseshoe pit on the town square and not one but two full-time village idiots.

~elephant ink~

16231623 views22 comments22 favs

one numberless character, an army of rants marching one by one, sand by sand, we move mountains this way…

Professor University

931931 views22 comments22 favs

Is this a tenure track position?

Reproductive Disneyland

12921292 views22 comments11 fav

Justin comes out of the bathroom, finally erect, his hands glistening with K-Y jelly as he chucks the girlie mag into a corner. “I'm ready.” Through the afternoon's soft-filtered light, Kelly watches him climb on top of her and thinks of…