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Florence, of Irvine

701701 views22 comments00 favs

she said, point blank, “Can you help me? I need a lover, and a friend.” “I can be both,” I said. I don’t know, I just opened my mouth and out it flew. You don’t even stop to think what you might be saying at a moment like that. I mean, she knew I was s


960960 views22 comments11 fav

The artist with fork and trowel. The paint; soil, seed, seedling or plug.


793793 views22 comments11 fav

The body does what a body must

Channel Zero

11121112 views22 comments11 fav

A killer enters the room. No one notices, and the show goes on.

The I-Penis

681681 views22 comments11 fav

You’ll end bar-hopping once and for all You’ll never leave the house Steve took this one with him to the grave because he knew nerds everywhere would stop speaking to him Yes, that’s right, it’s the magnificent new I-Penis with built-in 10 m

How To Find A Galaxy In The Dark

10441044 views22 comments11 fav

I don't know what I'd expected from the week of mourning after my mother died but I sure hadn't pictured this marathon cocktail party. Our house is packed with people, food, booze and borrowed chairs. People I haven't seen in years keep turning up with casseroles.I'm…


824824 views22 comments00 favs

He cut a hole in the sack

Closest Living Relative

914914 views22 comments00 favs

Uncles. Cousins. Enos. No matter how loosely a net is woven, eventually the strands come together again.

My House In The Middle Of The Ocean

14581458 views22 comments11 fav

I built a house in the middle of the ocean. I used sunlight for nails. Wind for wood. Stars for chandeliers, the moon for a doorknob.

The Ice Scraper Symphony

10511051 views22 comments00 favs

Stay tuned for my next short - Candle Smoke Wishes - COMING SOON ON A MONITOR NEAR YOU!!

Five Million Yen: Chapter 40

10431043 views22 comments11 fav

Ben was dreaming of sex with Claudia. But, in his dream, he could hear Dan Arris calling his name and pounding on a door. The fear of Dan Arris was pushing out the delights of Claudia.


10121012 views22 comments11 fav

Shut up.You shut up.That's disgusting.You should talk.Fuck off.Fuck me.whore.Yes.More.Shut up.

Killing Joy

890890 views22 comments11 fav

In certain sense most fractured in each part, the whole Resolves itself more central, but I sense no calm In the cyclone's eye, the forest of the soul, Where plants this eidolon of poisoned charm. This is the secret of the hurricanes, reaping Out from…

Ode to my Mojo

559559 views22 comments22 favs

Hey Mojo!Where'd you go?I didn't realize you were goneuntil I noticed I had lost the springin my step.I was knocking myself against walls.I was tripping over the dog.I was petting myself.I was alone in a roomwith no music and only a Picassopainting staring back at me.What a…

Willy Takes the Night Train to Heaven

14051405 views22 comments00 favs

a store called ROCKING FROCKS. In its window was a black tee shirt that said in big white letters, I'M NOT A SLUT, I'M WITH THE BAND.

Milton wrote his best lines blind

13941394 views22 comments00 favs

the unhealthiness of obsession and control until the lines burn bright

Peggy Guggenheim Visits an Operation

11911191 views22 comments22 favs

To pay the bill.

Into the Mirror

971971 views22 comments00 favs

Her eyes still fixed on him as if to whisper her concerns of fidelity.

For My F-Fellow St-Stutterers

11261126 views22 comments11 fav

Funny, funny stuff. She'll be here all week--be sure and tip your speech therapist!


799799 views22 comments00 favs

“Pull out, pull out, you dimwit!” Cheryl B told Andy. “I told you to pull out before you came, if you ever expect to climb up on top of me again! God, Andy, what’s wrong with you?” Cheryl had flaming red hair and was what we now call “Plu

Wind Enough in your Sail?

562562 views22 comments11 fav

Don’t think you can play God with me There are enough songs To fill the heavens already I don’t need you Whispering in my ear Gone virile, are you? That’s what they used to say About me too

Thanking Harry

10311031 views22 comments22 favs

At a candlelit table near the back of the restaurant, Jack and Lois greeted the waiter as he delivered their drinks, a diet coke for him, and for her, a vodka and cranberry. He apologized for the slow bar service and promised to return in a moment to take their…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 63

902902 views22 comments11 fav

Gringovitch sat on the big leather chair in Olivia’s suite. Before him on a coffee table were the nude sketches he’d made of her earlier that day.


10781078 views22 comments11 fav

I was feeling a bit introspective. I was busy in my own mind assembling the history of the place and getting ready for the visit. I was naturally not someone who would cluster up with a bunch of people I had just met and had arrived to participate in this

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 56

794794 views22 comments11 fav

Airports are always a casino, said Oriana

What Memory Holds

927927 views22 comments00 favs

There's this sepia-toned photograph, which my mother gave me, of my brother and me when we were still both youngsters. In the picture my brother's dressed in a skimpy checked suit whose sleeves were already too short for him — on its way to becoming my


11331133 views22 comments11 fav

Phil doesn’t know anything. He thinks his truck is possessed by his dead mother.

Knott Travel

10061006 views22 comments00 favs

The next post card was of gondolas in Venice. “Have never not enjoyed ourselves less,” wrote Sylvia. “Sylvia can be hard to please,” said Angelynn. “Those boats could use a coat of paint,” I said.

you are the stem that rises

878878 views22 comments11 fav

In my dream I am the showy leaf, and you are the stem, and you are the strength. I am the leaf turning colors, my face flushed, the fine hair at my neck, and there is the deep carnal twisting around your stem that sends me floating to the ceiling over a

Librarians Love Me!

10381038 views22 comments11 fav

Librarians love me, you want to know why? I don’t dog-ear pages, I don’t even try.